I don't like how the game plays on the phone, it's very clumsy :/
You can zoom in.
I don't like how the game plays on the phone, it's very clumsy :/
Downloaded the trial, but for some reason the I can't log into (I guess) my XBL/Microsoft account through the game. Dunno why.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but no game on Windows 8 (from the store obviously) has any proper multiplayer. It's all "send a challenge" stuff. I don't know if the functionality is even there? Does Microsoft say not to include multiplayer in the traditional sense? The leaderboards are also restricted to your friends, no global in sight. It's my only real disappointment with the game. Async is nice as an option, however, as the only option? I started 10 games yesterday and after 24 hours only about 3 people have had their turn. It's going to take me weeks to finish a game.It's a shame that only the XBLA version of the game has both real-time and asynchronous multiplayer, while the W8 and WP7 versions only have asynchronous. Hopefully the real-time mode can be patched into those versions at a later date.
Other than that, the game has been well worth the wait.
Looks good on Win8, some lowres stuff, but overall pretty pleasing to the eye
Also it's hard...
I've been recording videos of each level on normal, they might help:yep, its way too hard on normal i think.
a) All that Windows 8 stuff sounds poor, what are MS thinking? No global leaderboards in the PC version too? Bizarre.Correct me if I'm wrong, but no game on Windows 8 (from the store obviously) has any proper multiplayer. It's all "send a challenge" stuff. I don't know if the functionality is even there? Does Microsoft say not to include multiplayer in the traditional sense? The leaderboards are also restricted to your friends, no global in sight. It's my only real disappointment with the game. Async is nice as an option, however, as the only option? I started 10 games yesterday and after 24 hours only about 3 people have had their turn. It's going to take me weeks to finish a game.
A couple of other things with regard to multiplayer. How is each turn handled in terms of sending the data back and forth? It honestly takes a couple of minutes for my turns to send... My internet isn't that bad! Is there no "invite friend" option on Windows 8? If there is, I can't see it.
So what happens if you try to attack a unit behind a spirit wall using your archer? Do spirit walls actually reduce damage for the units being attacked behind or in the wall?
Spirit walls are kind of wonky. They seem more useful than they actually are, but calvary can easily just go around it unless you have enough units at a small enough chokepoint.
Also touch controls really need some gestures instead of everything using taps I think. Especially annoying when the map has multiple interaction points such as rice fields/shrines/enemy units which makes it too easy to accidentally make accidental actions.
On the 5 action limit system, it is kind of interesting. But it also means there's less reason to actually overwhelm the enemy in terms of numbers. As long you can perform five meaningful actions per turn, you don't really need more. But maybe mass soldiers as walls/fodder would be useful? But generally there's a lot of wasted actions needed to collect resources/haunt locations and so far it might seem to be better to just attack/deny rather than do any sort of base building.
Also when exactly does moving an action constitute as a used action? You can move units around then cancel move to get back the action. But sometimes it doesn't seem to do that even after you cancel move. With the hidden items around the map, does it mean you can essentially do free scouting with your units and cancel move every time? Or does discovering an item constitute as an action?
It is. I wish they would have kept some components of GFWL. I had a couple more turns, they're all quite long to send, so something must be going on. Who knows.a) All that Windows 8 stuff sounds poor, what are MS thinking? No global leaderboards in the PC version too? Bizarre.
b) My turns upload quickly on my phone and Xbox. 2 or 3 seconds generally.
So what happens if you try to attack a unit behind a spirit wall using your archer? Do spirit walls actually reduce damage for the units being attacked behind or in the wall?
Spirit walls are kind of wonky. They seem more useful than they actually are, but calvary can easily just go around it unless you have enough units at a small enough chokepoint.
This. Use spirit walls to protect weaker units (weaker in terms of their defence), as well as to keep you from being knocked over ledges or knocked back into hazards. It is actually very useful, especially with regard to archers. To me, archers are one of the most dangerous enemies. They have long range, do lots of damage (thus weakening your units) and their counterattacks hurt quite a bit. This is where the spirit wall comes in. They can't counter melee units -- which is fine as long as you can get close -- but they will counter other archers unless they're protected by another unit in a spirit wall. The right positioning is required too. The second mission teaches this, but I've not seen anyone else take advantage of it in the multiplayer. Not that I've been able to play much! lol. I always go for the archers first and the best way to kill them is usually with my own archers.Archers, depending on angle, can't get a shot on someone behind a spirit wall. They can shoot from behind one you formed yourself though.
Yeah, I hadn't actually thought of putting archers behind spirit walls before their attack, cool.This. Use spirit walls to protect weaker units (weaker in terms of their defence), as well as to keep you from being knocked over ledges or knocked back into hazards. It is actually very useful, especially with regard to archers. To me, archers are one of the most dangerous enemies. They have long range, do lots of damage (thus weakening your units) and their counterattacks hurt quite a bit. This is where the spirit wall comes in. They can't counter melee units -- which is fine as long as you can get close -- but they will counter other archers unless they're protected by another unit in a spirit wall. The right positioning is required too. The second mission teaches this, but I've not seen anyone else take advantage of it in the multiplayer. Not that I've been able to play much! lol. I always go for the archers first and the best way to kill them is usually with my own archers.
It doesn't outright reduce damage. If you get hit, it's going to be the same damage regardless of whether you're in a spirit wall or not.
My guess is that the Live functionality for W8 won't be fully turned on until the next Xbox is released. Probably still working on stuff and no reason to release a half assed version until it's ready.
Except, you know, no synchronous online play in Windows 8 games. I would have bought this if Microsoft hadn't sent it out to die. It's too bad the developers didn't try to self/crowdfund.
I think he's trying to say that if that's the case then it's bad news for the game and it's success.I don't understand your post. What does except mean in relationship to my post?
That would be great.My guess is that it was the intent of the developer and Microsoft from the very beginning to make this available on other platforms fairly quickly. It's not like Microsoft has been shy about releasing games on Steam recently.
They wanted to priorities the Windows 8/RT versions first because of the new asynchronous multiplayer that they'd never done before cross-platform like this, and also because creating games for WinRT (and ARM) requires a bit of extra optimization, and now that they're done with that, they can start working on things like a Steam version and such.
I think he's trying to say that if that's the case then it's bad news for the game and it's success.
That would be great.
I need to find better people to play async with, I've 6 games going and people are slow to take their turn if at all.
The WP OS needs better notifications on that, is it always hidden away in the Games App?
How many levels total?reached the last level on normal, WOW. FUUUU this is unfair.
these last few levels were intense.
How many levels total?
I bet those levels can get pretty long huh?there are 5 worlds, 4 stages each. 20 levels total.
I don't know how, but I honestly went through the whole campaign without realising you could save. Good thing I figured it out when I was going for the gold skulls, as it made it a lot easier.yeah, it's pretty challenging in a good way. I didn't know you could save mid game until I reached the 3rd stage/world xD makes everything easier.
Got a few weird bugs last night, on Xbox. The "saving" message stayed on the screen for the entire session, so the matches were covered in black text just sitting there.
Windows 8 only?? Sorry, rot in hell MS. It's Vista all over again you douches.
Game deserved better.
Hello all!
So we're going to be playing some Skulls multiplayer Thursday 2/21 4-6pm PST! This is our first community gameplay session for multiplayer, so bear with us. This is a test! We hope to do more of these!
We're mainly going to be playing over Xbox Live since we're only doing a 2 hour window of gameplay. The focus will be 2v2 games and 4 player deathmatch. Prior to the gameplay sessions, make sure you add the following Gamertags to your friends list:
Right now slated to play from the team are Jake, Ben, Isaac, Colin, Brett and Billy. We're hoping to swap some others through the evening. Looking forward to seeing you all online!
Thanks for the commentary. I'm always hungry for new, good turn-based games, and I was going to bite on Skulls (33% off right now, BTW) but I think I'll hold off.I'm late to the party on this one, but I just finished it on XBLA and even though I enjoyed most of it and got addicted to completing all the achievements, I think it's deeply flawed and can't understand why anyone would give it 9/10. Basically, all the innovations and unique ideas are what bring it down!
The worst offender is the order limit. I recognize that it's supposed to make the game harder, and people trying to move their entire army before the overly aggressive enemy capture all the power points are probably the ones who complain that normal is too hard, but the point is that it isn't once you realize what you have to do. You bring your overpowered general, two archers and two infantry and leave the rest to rot in your spawn. You can't possibly bring all 10+ soldiers and still have a shot at grabbing monk shrines and rice paddies before the enemy does, and your general is powerful enough to kill every enemy on the map by himself anyway.
And speaking of rice, that part of the game falls apart due to the order limit too. The fact that summoning a new unit costs you an order in itself just means that I ignored that part of the game completely. Gold skull for beating the level with X amount of rice? No problem, I never spent any of it anyway. I was rushing for those power positions with my five man squad and didn't have time to waste orders on new recruits. The only time my entire army was involved in the fight was if the map was tiny, and even then I'd leave cavalry or crow monks in the dust and ignore them in favor of attacking with my general 80% of the time anyway.
Pretty much all of this could've been fixed by toning down the enemy aggression just a few notches. In fact, they're so relentlessly aggressive that the best strategy for every map in the game is to not move at all. Every single enemy in every map will come to you one by one to get killed. That just ain't right. The enemies should've had positions they wanted to get to and stay there, giving you an opportunity to play the same way and creating interesting strategical dilemmas. Instead, they just all rush straight at you, with the occasional excursion to grab a monk shrine, and you're forced to either bring a 5 man death squad or camp your ass off in order to stand a chance.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating and I had a lot of fun with the game, it's just severely lacking in finesse and depth due to the design choices made. I feel like it would've been a much better game without the innovations; no order limit, a classic movement grid and enemies focused on holding key areas instead of just mindlessly rushing at you one by one.
A couple of other things with regard to multiplayer. How is each turn handled in terms of sending the data back and forth? It honestly takes a couple of minutes for my turns to send... My internet isn't that bad!
My guess is that it was the intent of the developer and Microsoft from the very beginning to make this available on other platforms fairly quickly. It's not like Microsoft has been shy about releasing games on Steam recently.
They wanted to priorities the Windows 8/RT versions first because of the new asynchronous multiplayer that they'd never done before cross-platform like this, and also because creating games for WinRT (and ARM) requires a bit of extra optimization, and now that they're done with that, they can start working on things like a Steam version and such.
Yeah, just came to post this myself.Looks like I may have been right. Skulls achievements spotted on Steam: