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Sheesh, Media. You should have just said, "we don't comment on rumors or speculation," lol.
No comment.
I sold my extra Wham Shell to a local for $20. I would have offered it here, but I didn't think anyone would want to spend the ~$7-9 for shipping from Canada. I personally refuse to spend more than $10 for a figure. I wouldn't even order online unless it would be free shipping.
I still need Camo and Warnado, but I am holding out for the three-pack. I do have a single unopened Ignitor, but I am going to return it if I find the three-pack.
Sheesh, Media. You should have just said, "we don't comment on rumors or speculation," lol.![]()
I surely hope it is.
Toys for Bob will have to understand, that this game does have an adult audience. At the same time, kids will be getting older.
If they want this to be an annual franchise, they need to keep setting the bar higher.
I have so many ideas, that could make Skylanders rock, people would take notice and buy it due to the sheer amount of content alone.
I would give the players a reward for collecting all Skylanders for that particular game. It wouldn't be something like an XP boost. Let's say Skylanders 3 came out, and it had a further 24 Skylanders to collect (3 per element). I would give the incentive of getting all figures, not only because they unlock new Heroics, but there could be a super secret chapter at the end of each game, for registering all of that game's Skylanders.
I would make the Hub full of secrets itself, ala Super Mario games. That would be another idea.
I would add something called Elemental Challenges to the Hub. Scattered throughout the hub, is 8 elemental gates. They could also be paired together in some "Hallway of Elements." Each gate takes the player to a level tailored to a specific element. These would be super hard - harder than Dark Souls. Okay, I'm just kidding. It would be tough, however.
These Elemental Challenges could only be completed by having all Skylanders of that element. So, let's say they did this in the first game. Let's say the Air Challenge needed Whirlwind, Lightning Rod, Warnado, and Sonic Boom to finish. The level would make you think about neat ways to utilize each Air Elemental Skylanders moves. However, they wouldn't need to be upgraded past the 4 basic moves.
One part of the level, could be switches in a circle. No Skylander in the Air Element has the ability to hit all switches at once. BZZT! WRONG! One would need to use Lightning Rod's Zapper Field to hit all switches at once.
Whirlwind could need to have 3 clouds shot into some holes, all within the span of a few seconds, before the clouds disipate, to open a door. Those are just some ideas.
Another thing I would build up to, is a seamless (or semi-seamless) world. The game would still feature levels to go through, but they would be gotten to via traveling. Certain parts of the world would be empty until you bought an adventure pack. Buying those fills out an area with a new level, some challenges from nearby NPC's. Perhaps one of the challenges in the game, could be based on magical items.
I have so many ideas that would make Skylanders rock awesome.
It is still a mighty fine game, that invokes the feeling of Gauntlet, only more fun. However, there does need to be increased difficulty game after game. The games need to be longer, as well.
Bottom line, Giants needs to be tougher, because we have characters that are already level 10. I hope our Skylanders can go up higher in level, as well as learn some new moves.
I suppose. I just think this technology needs to be approached cautiously.
I have a love-hate relationship with these toys. On one hand, I'd rather buy a figure that unlocks a character than to just buy a digital unlock. On the other hand, I've seen how ridiculous some companies have gotten with DLC and microtransactions, and with Skylanders being such a runaway success I can already envision execs at gaming companies twisting their mustaches as they set forth plans that will drive NFC toys into the ground at lightspeed, or at the very least make any game that uses it have a significantly higher average cost to end users.
I'll probably be drawing the line at Skylanders, only going for one of each new character in Giants and not new variants, and moving forward I'll try to restrain myself from being tempted by other NFC games unless they're from Nintendo themselves.
Our Fry's just got a small stock of Pirate Seas. o-o
Looks like the final wave has *finally* hit the UK; I have my Dragon's Peak now, with Camo/Warnado/Ignitor on the way, and Wham Shell up on Amazon.
Well, that didn't take long for you to turn 180 degrees from your previous stance.That podcast confirmed I will be buying 3 of every repose, plus 3 of every new Skylander/Giant. I've already begun saving.
Well, that didn't take long for you to turn 180 degrees from your previous stance.
Think I'm going to jump in on the 3DS version of this. The whole thing sounds amazing and I hear positive things generally about the 3DS game.
How future proof do we think this whole concept is? I mean, if I'm going to be buying characters and investing in this rather expensive universe, I don't want to be doing it for just one game. Will existing characters and hardware work with future games in the Skylanders series? My ideal scenario right now is that I play the 3DS game now, enjoy the figures, then go and do the same again with the Wii U version/sequel this Christmas? I should be OK for that, right?
Current figures are also confirmed to work in the upcoming sequel, including being able to level them up further. Presumably the sequel will again be two games, console and 3DS, but that's just speculation as we haven't heard anything about the 3DS version of Skylanders Giants yet.
They also work in the webgame on PC if you like that sort of thing.
Excellent. So at this point, if im going to invest in the franchise, there are a minimum of at least 2 3DS games and 2 console games to be playing, plus future installments down the line. Sounds fair enough to me.
Prices seem pretty static for us in the UK. The standard price seems to be £9.99 for single packs and £19.99 for triple/adventure. That said, I notice Amazon have reduced some figures, while others are slightly higher than on the high street.
I'm in the UK too. Tesco are selling singles for £7.99 and triples for £19.99, but are beating those prices with some singles as low as £5.99 and triples at £17.99. I expect those prices to fall further in coming months, but that's just me guessing. Toys R Us did 3 for 2 last weekend too, which indicates an abundance of stock now.
Skylanders Sidekicks are coming:
These better not stay US exclusive. My son will not be pleased!
Really hope we get a Wii U version of Skylanders Giants. Has that been confirmed, or are we expecting more Giants stuff at E3?
Whoa. They are just sticking them in bags of chips?
You should remove those, scans are a bannable offense here.Here are some snaps from the magazine
EDIT: The earth giant is named Crusher. You can see it in the posters hanging in the background in this video:
So you can use your existing portal, or do you need a new one?
So you can use your existing portal, or do you need a new one?
You can use your existing portal, which is why you can buy the game as a booster pack with just the new game and Tree Rex if you don't want to get the starter pack version (game, portal, Tree Rex, Jet-Vac(Pop-Fizz for 3DS version), and Cynder repose.)
Toys R Us has the booster packs listed at $60 and the Starter Packs at $75.