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Is there a single-pack Dark Spyro now???
I thought he was supposed to remain a permanent exclusive.
Is there a single-pack Dark Spyro now???
Is there a single-pack Dark Spyro now???
They actually sent you one, eh? If so, grats.
Oh hell no, that's a screen grab from the gamespot feed. If they sent me one, I'd send it straight over to you.
Man, everyone is giving GameMaster78 a LOT of shit for venting and being upset about the nature of variants...Has everyone seen his collection???
I understand how some people can take it is "melodramatic", yes...But you are the most die-hard collector I've ever seen, so I've got to say its justifiable in this case.
Hopefully lady luck gives you a break and you nab some of these variants without TOO much trouble man.
I would love to be thankful, but allow me to allow everyone to laugh at me, and you will see why I am not so lucky.
So, I mentioned thousands, right?
All of my variants, minus 1, was bought on Ebay.
Silver Dino Rang - 54
Silver Boomer - 50
Silver Eruptor - 50
Gold Chop Chop - 176
Gold Drill Sergeant - 200
Gold Flameslinger - 227
Toy Fair Cynder - 350
Glow in the Dark Wrecking Ball, Zap, Warnado, Toy Fair Hex - 1290 dollars.
Crystal Cynder - 225
Crystal Stealth Elf - 10 (found at a store)
Crystal Wham Shell - 285
That totals 2,917.00 I've spent on variants
I knew you were batsh*t insane for Skylanders but wow man, I didn't realise you'd spent that much money! Somebody give this guy a Silver Spyro gratis!
Activision/Toys For Bob, come on, hook GameMaster78 up!
GameMaster, you could easily afford those variants on eBay if you didn't buy three of every figure. I can (sort of) comprehend buying two (one to play, one to display), but why a third? Do you even play the game that much to justify opening the packages at all?
You do sound very jealous and petulant in your latest posts. I'm sorry you can't go to E3 because you're not in the industry, but you can't ride in a spaceship either because you're not an astronaut. You can buy an E3 variant figure on eBay, though, if it means that much to you. Having already spent 3000 dollars on the other variants, it doesn't seem like that one will be so out of line.
Wow GameMaster78... you are hardcore haha.
I just came in this topic because I saw the Skylanders pack in the Toystore a while ago and thought: Wow those figurines look absolutely awesome... I wonder what the game is like... let's check it out on GAF...
I had no idea that A. There were so many figurines, B. Some of them sold for that kind of prices and C. That there were hardcore collectors like you.
I really hope you'll find that silver one. Don't sell you collection though... it is still awesome as hell without it.
Anyway.... how is the game? Hahaha. I have no idea![]()
I don't know. I just know they have to sell Spyro, Gill, and Trigg somehow.
Makes sense as owners of only the 3DS version currently have no way of getting them.
Just received confirmation from Activision that this is the exact breakdown of figures for Giants:
8 Giants, 1 from each element
8 New Skylanders (regular size), 1 from each element, 4 of which are LightCore
24 Series 2 Skylanders, 3 from each element, 4 of which are LightCore
The 8 LightCore figures mentioned above comprise 1 from each element
This gives a total of 40 figures released for Giants. Any Legendary figures and other variants are currently unannounced and would supplement that number, rather than be a part of it.
Shroombot (life element, seems to come in a standard and LightCore edition ... I guess the light ones will be more expensive?)
The non-lightcore version is also in a different pose.
Prices seem pretty static for us in the UK. The standard price seems to be £9.99 for single packs and £19.99 for triple/adventure. That said, I notice Amazon have reduced some figures, while others are slightly higher than on the high street.
Not sure how involved im going to be in collecting figures. I say this now but I guess I'll just get one of each class, or just the particularly good looking characters. Easy to say that now though, haha.
so how many new skylanders were revealed during e3? not many, eh?
I am not sure GameMaster, but I think you are probably right and wrong at the same time.
Wrong because you did a lot of ranting for almost nothing. Sure, you are a collector and ideally want to have all variants. Sure that is a difficult task. Why to whine so much about the E3 variant when you got all other fair variants paying an extra for it? The E3 one is about US$ 250 at ebay right now, less that you have paid for the other ones. If you consider that if you really attend those shows you will spend more than that value traveling, it is quite cheap. Actually, I believe you are complaining mostly because you wanted to go to E3 and tecnically it is not opened to the general public (it is not the exclusive toy that bothered you, it is the fact that normally you can not attend E3).
But anyway it is cool that you got what you wanted.
And you are right about the market of variants. They should not exist in the first place. No one will ever get a variant at store, because clerks will already have grabbed them to sell on ebay. I am having a hard time just to get the normal figures, I will never try to get those expensive variants, but I do not consider myself an entushiast. I do not understand the urge to artificially create something "rare" or "expensive" in this industry. I remember a comic book from Clerks (based on the movie) some years ago that really nailed the point.
See, I do collect other stuff, like stamps. A stamp is rare and expensive not because someone thought "uh, let`s make this stamp in small quantities, charge a premium for it, and people will consider it rare" but because only a few units survived through time. An one hundred years old stamp is rare and expensive, a toy that was released last year/month should not. Maybe a vintage toy, from 30 years ago, but for sure not something that was released last month just to become rare.
Or in the comics books industry. Now we have special editions, variant covers that the reseller have to buy X copies of the normal version to get, thus charge a lot more for the final customer. Is that rare? Action Comics 1 or Spider-Man 1 are rare, not because there were special editions or costed more at the time (they costed a few cents). They are actually rare these days because again there is only a few that survived, but the point is that they were mass producted, not artificially created in lower numbers.
Point: toy business knows that people want something special, and tries to artificially created that. But a US$ 1.000 piece of plastic that cost a few bucks to produce is just cheat the customer.
Ok, another rant... I am no better than you![]()
Portal owners pack is overpriced, but I'm not surprised.