I've 100% completed it, and what a game. It feels like GTA and Yakuza's good parts combined into 1 imo. Being a Honkie myself adds a lot of funny moments with the NPC dialogues. (some bad accents, script readings, some actually funny and local)
I would like to clarify tho, the game is not accurately modelling the 4 suburbs in Hong Kong at all if you assume it is. There's some atmosphere and some look alike landmarks that appear in random places, but that's about it.
I hope there will be a sequel. Do the right thing for once please Square Enix?
oO why?
But seriously, the only score you give that I disagree with is for Narrative. I thought that was one of the game's high points along with all the new open-world mechanics they introduced.
To people who have 100%...how the fuck do you get from level 9 to 10 for Triad? Do I really have to replay a ton of missions and just make sure I do every move? The exp I'm getting, even with the special outfit, with replays is painfully small.
I am not so far in the game but far enough that I can tell that is objectively and rationally speaking a 9/10 or 10/10 game.
Yeah they don't throw out all the rules you've been working with the entire game, the way some developers like to.I like the boss battle in this game, I hate when a boss make things that I can't is stupid.
You mean when he's allSo... is it possible to get thatanywhere in the game? Or is it in my wardrobe somewhere?last mission outfit
The Police Protection pack sucks. It's one mission where another dude drives a police car and you're riding shotgun in a SWAT outfit, shooting other cars/bikes. Nothing carries over into the open world.Couldn't resist any longer, picked it up on PS3 from Best Buy. Plus I'm happy to give SE my money for bringing this out.
I suppose it would be a futile effort to try trading this GSP pack DLC for the Police Protection pack? =P
The Police Protection pack sucks. It's one mission where another dude drives a police car and you're riding shotgun in a SWAT outfit, shooting other cars/bikes. Nothing carries over into the open world.
Are you wearing the Mountain Gear that gives you 15% Triad bonus? I know you said you're wearing am outfit but there are three I think, one for 5%, one for 10% and the one I mentioned.
The Police Protection pack sucks. It's one mission where another dude drives a police car and you're riding shotgun in a SWAT outfit, shooting other cars/bikes. Nothing carries over into the open world.
Well then, nevermind!
Yeah it's bad. Supposedly the devs are talking about patching in the police car and SWAT outfit so you can run around with them in the open world but who knows if/when that'll happen.so basically similar to the mission where you're shooting bikers on a highway for score. very lame.
Yeah it's bad. Supposedly the devs are talking about patching in the police car and SWAT outfit so you can run around with them in the open world but who knows if/when that'll happen.
Rocking a Red Pole outfit right now. Really love the outfit matching system.The puffy jacket outfit is tuuuurrible. I'm dying to go back to a suit, but I need me dat Triad XP bonus!
This is great, but major spoilers at the end (from around Mission 14 out of 30, I believe).LOL I just found this on YouTube: two best friends play Sleeping Dogs
I don't even have the game but this shit is hilarious.
This is great, but major spoilers at the end (from around Mission 14 out of 30, I believe).
Good move. Bookmark for later when you've already played half of the game. They spoil one of the major twists.I will stop watching it then >>
LOL I just found this on YouTube: two best friends play Sleeping Dogs
I don't even have the game but this shit is hilarious.
Article explaining why the PC port is so good (spoiler: strong publisher support).
Between this and DXHR, they're building a reputation.
Man, this combat is amazing.
So good.
Yeah they don't throw out all the rules you've been working with the entire game, the way some developers like to.
You mean when he's all?bloodied up
Narrow FOV? I think increasing the FOV much more than that would almost result in a negative effect. Besides, they constantly shift the FOV depending on what's happening so you can't just increase it across the board as it's not using a single setting.I don't know about that. They're touting multi-monitor support yet I have to use arrow keys, backspace, and enter to navigate the menus (Something Borderlands got skewered for if I recall).
They deserve credit for graphics options and high res textures but why am I stuck with FXAA and a narrow FOV?
It's a decent port but nothing more.
so much more fun after getting all the moves.
I didn't feel like there was a ton so I hope they can give us more through DLC, or some expansion thing if they go that route.
Also want a lot more environment kills, maybe some more music options on each channel and more side quest stuff. They'd probably have to make some decent sized expansion to get all of that in though.
I didn't feel like there was a ton so I hope they can give us more through DLC, or some expansion thing if they go that route.
Also want a lot more environment kills, maybe some more music options on each channel and more side quest stuff. They'd probably have to make some decent sized expansion to get all of that in though.
I'm only loosely following this thread because of spoilers but this would be awesome. Let me learn all kinds of martial arts and shit. Drunken fist + ragged clothes Jackie Chan wore at the end of Drunken Master 2 *swoons*
I could have sworn one of the DLC packs that was listed on Steam was something like drunken master martial arts pack. That gives me hope they'll be giving us some new moves at least.
Oh damn I got my car stuck on both sides and Wei kicked the front windshield out and climbed out from the front. I don't know why that impressed me so much, I guess because in most games like this when both sides of the car are stuck your guy just usually teleports out of the car.
I wonder what he would do, if another car would be on top of his own carAlthough I guess pretty hard to do without multiplayer.
Yes, I liked that too.
Oh damn I got my car stuck on both sides and Wei kicked the front windshield out and climbed out from the front. I don't know why that impressed me so much, I guess because in most games like this when both sides of the car are stuck your guy just usually teleports out of the car.
Love details like this. Little chance for it to happen, but made an extra animation for it, and a badass one.
Anyone know what's going on here? Are these side missions meant to be out in the sea?
Think of them as Side - as polished missions as the main line. Like in GTA where you'd have multiple people you could work for.sorry, im still very confused....
green missions = main story, right?
yellow ASSIST = side?
what about blue police ones? are they main or side?