One post-game annoyance: how tedious grinding triad xp is. Replaying missions for a sliver of xp is already annoying even with the 15% triad boost clothing.
Read about the triads on Wikipedia earlier, interesting how they used the real Sun Yee On and 14K as the obvious inspirations for the SD gangs. One thing I felt the game didn't do very well story-wise was explain that the early fighting was
. To me it seemed the plot just suddenly dropped the 18K in a bit oddly, but maybe I missed a conversation.
Explains some outfit names etc
Read about the triads on Wikipedia earlier, interesting how they used the real Sun Yee On and 14K as the obvious inspirations for the SD gangs. One thing I felt the game didn't do very well story-wise was explain that the early fighting was
different factions of the same triad and that the 18K were a different triad

Explains some outfit names etc