"I can't resist having my picture taken."How many of you kicked this guy in the face?
How many of you kicked this guy in the face?
How many of you kicked this guy in the face?
I found it much more fun hurling him over the ledge behind him.
Most efficient way to end any fight in the game.I found it much more fun hurling him over the ledge behind him.
I found it much more fun hurling him over the ledge behind him.
I use the Blast. Waaaaaay too fast for streets containing other vehicles and/or pedestrians. I can't make it two blocks without completely crumpling the hood, lol.whats everyones favorite car/bike? I just got the velocita, having fun with it.
I like Wei Shen as a character. It seems that he'll be more developed the further the story goes.
What are you, some kind of sadist?
I've got one more lockbox in North Point.. anyone got any ideas?
whats everyones favorite car/bike? I just got the velocita, having fun with it.
I've got one more lockbox in North Point.. anyone got any ideas?
Anyone know if stealingcounts toward 100% completion?Armored Trucks
Anyone know if stealingcounts toward 100% completion?Armored Trucks
A guide I read said they play into the jobs part but I managed to just steal 5 which is what the achievement asked and it seemed to be enough since I managed to get all jobs.
Then I guess I'm missing a random event somewhere then. Thanks.![]()
As far as jobs go I think there's only those, the car deliveries and the. If there's anything left after that I can't think of any, and there wouldn't be much. The car deliveries alone probably account for more than half of the total you need.Roland jobs
Random events are the pain in the ass ones because you have to find them manually. I don't even think they're random, they're just hidden in pre-determined locations and some don't show at night or if it's raining apparently.
Spoilers DAMN IT!not really, unfortunately :/
I went from lvl 9-10 triad in the last 4 missions. Before that I replayed the shaolin showdown mission a bunch.
One of the few times that an amazon preorder bonus wasn't complete garbage.
So by my estimation, I'm going to have to replay 20-30 missions to get enough experience to get from Triad Level 9 1/2 to 10.
Any better ways of grinding experience or is this it?
I went from lvl 9-10 triad in the last 4 missions. Before that I replayed the shaolin showdown mission a bunch.
One of the few times that an amazon preorder bonus wasn't complete garbage.
You only have to play around at most 5 missions. Play missions with a lot gun battles / melee fights. Take your time and concentrate in getting as many points as you can. Always go for headshots. If possible Vault towards your enemy and disarm them when their in cover. In melee battles, DON'T do environmental kills, because they grant less points. Do combos that stun enemies and then knock them out for more added points.
I did that.
I did themission, which is an absolute bloodbath, and only got maybe 1/20th of a level out of it.Wedding
Try doing themission. I got a good chunk replaying that missionBuried Alive
speaking of throwing people over, am i doing some command wrong? I always seem to slam the guy's head onto the rail.
I found it much more fun hurling him over the ledge behind him.
How come my health bar has the bottom half being colored blue/purple sometimes and the top half red, while other times it is just fully red?
The red meter is 100% health.
The blue is your upgraded health, it goes up 10% for every 5 health shrines you find.
So eventually when you have "full" health, you'll have a blue AND a red bar to burn through.
I drove my motorcycle into my apartment. Aaah yeah.
Do I need to worry about choosing upgrades? Or is it possible to get all of them?
Thinking of picking this up. Hows the performance on ps3?