I guess you could also tackle a cop to get a gun, but that's pretty dangerous because it's way, way too easy for the police to arrest you in this game. That's one of my complaints with the title.
Can you get pistols from cop cars? I've only ever seen shotguns.If you are near the end of the game, you should have a high enough cop level to have the ability that allows you to get guns from the trunk of any cop car. If you do not have this ability a couple of drug busts should get you there easy. Aside from that there are few spots with enemies that respawn with guns that just hang out.
I guess you could also tackle a cop to get a gun, but that's pretty dangerous because it's way, way too easy for the police to arrest you in this game. That's one of my complaints with the title.
Yep, every time I'm driving I want that song to be playing.
Ok so I rented this game. Pretty good so far. I like it. But I find the counter move a bit finicky. Sometimes it doesn't seems like it registers. Do I absolutely need to target? sometimes the character counters automatically if I am holding the button, sometimes I seems to need to mash it until the character counters. What's the real rule? Is it timed with the ennemi's animations maybe?
Just finished the game. Didn't hear this a single time >.>
It's timing. Mashing or holding the button will not yield good results.
Anyone know the name of the statue I'm missing?
Anyone know the name of the statue I'm missing?
Ok so I rented this game. Pretty good so far. I like it. But I find the counter move a bit finicky. Sometimes it doesn't seems like it registers. Do I absolutely need to target? sometimes the character counters automatically if I am holding the button, sometimes I seems to need to mash it until the character counters. What's the real rule? Is it timed with the ennemi's animations maybe?
Anyone know how to alleviate motion sickness with the game if possible? I get it with this and recently with Saints Row. I can play one mission and that's about it for me and I'm sick.
Just got this game today, and holy shit is this awesome.
Only thing I don't like about it is the driving, but I can probably get used to it later on.
With that said once I switched to a controller I had a blast. Luckily I had that option or my opinion of the game would of been much much worse.
I guess you could also tackle a cop to get a gun, but that's pretty dangerous because it's way, way too easy for the police to arrest you in this game. That's one of my complaints with the title.
It's the cop case that's now available to you. It will be about a kidnapping lead and will play out over several installments.Iilana called me about her friend being in trouble, but I feel like it didn't put anything on my map to follow up on...?
Iilana called me about her friend being in trouble, but I feel like it didn't put anything on my map to follow up on...?
Just got this game today, and holy shit is this awesome.
Only thing I don't like about it is the driving, but I can probably get used to it later on.
Why would you want to play a game like this with a kb/mouse?
Because I am not a fan of controllers. I am a PC gamer primarily so the keyboard and mouse is my bread and butter. Using a controller feels weird and awkward to me especially when it comes to aiming with it. Like I imagine using the kb/mouse feels weird for someone who games mostly on consoles or with a controller. The only reason i have a controller for my PC is for emulators.
Also I have played these kind of games(GTA clones) with a keyboard and mouse no problem. In fact I prefer it. Just finished GTA IV with no major complaints. Don't get me wrong GTA IV definitely is made with a controller in mind so didn't feel 100 percent, but it worked well most of the time for me. Sleeping Dogs though is on a different level of awful. Like they just tried to emulate the joysticks and did an awful job is the best way to describe it.
Because I am not a fan of controllers. I am a PC gamer primarily so the keyboard and mouse is my bread and butter. Using a controller feels weird and awkward to me especially when it comes to aiming with it. Like I imagine using the kb/mouse feels weird for someone who games mostly on consoles or with a controller. The only reason i have a controller for my PC is for emulators.
Also I have played these kind of games(GTA clones) with a keyboard and mouse no problem. In fact I prefer it. Just finished GTA IV with no major complaints. Don't get me wrong GTA IV definitely is made with a controller in mind so didn't feel 100 percent, but it worked well most of the time for me. Sleeping Dogs though is on a different level of awful. Like they just tried to emulate the joysticks and did an awful job is the best way to describe it.
We're currently working on a patch (v1.5) to address the issues faced by those who play Sleeping Dogs exclusively with the keyboard & mouse. Hopefully it will be out before the end of the week. If I remember, I'll post the patch notes here when it goes live.With the exceptions that the games UI and controls are awful with a keyboard/mouse I liked the game. It was so bad I had to do something a rarely do and switch to a controller though to complete a PC game. So for me that is a big issue that i hope gets addressed in a patch. It is also the reason i don't agree with a lot of talk about this being a good port.
You can find out more about mods for Sleeping Dogs on PC here and here. Nothing major has been created so far, we're still building the community. Hopefully we'll end up seeing something like the ridiculously awesome MP mod for Just Cause 2.Really wondering when the mods will come for this game. 1st ones I want to be are the ones that replaces the cars in this game with real ones.
This makes me sad. But your avatar and screen-name make me happy.UFG this is my frowny face, I am directing it at you: >=(
This was my fave radio station... until I found Echo Beach by Martha & The Muffins on Sagittarius FM.It's on the Kerrang station.
I have bookmarked this post.The first developer that makes an open world game where the camera doesn't turn into an impediment when you're trying to maneuver a car in a semi tight space gets a billion dollars from me. I don't have it right now but I will get it just for them.
I have bookmarked this post.
Are you referring to KB+M controls? As I said, we are addressing this with a patch. I don't actually know the reason, but I *assume* that we chose to focus on gamepad controls for PC over KB+M controls because that's where we felt our attention was best placed to serve the greatest number of players. As it is, we're responding to feedback and have a patch to address this (and other issues) in closed beta right now.But why wasn't the option provided for alt. camera controls? It's clearly a big issue for people.
The auto-centering of the camera is bad with a controller too, I imagine this is giving you a hard time?
We're currently working on a patch (v1.5) to address the issues faced by those who play Sleeping Dogs exclusively with the keyboard & mouse. Hopefully it will be out before the end of the week. If I remember, I'll post the patch notes here when it goes live.
I actually had a chat about this with my boss this morning, funnily enough. I've never seen such divided commentary - some people love the driving and shooting but hate the story, some people think the story is great but hate the driving and shooting. Some people think the combat is too hard, others too easy. Some people wanted to see more Cop content, others more Triad content.Monkeythumbz, how do you feel about people who dislike certain parts of the game like the driving or combat or shooting?
I actually had a chat about this with my boss this morning, funnily enough. I've never seen such divided commentary - some people love the driving and shooting but hate the story, some people think the story is great but hate the driving and shooting. Some people think the combat is too hard, others too easy. Some people wanted to see more cop content, others more Triad content.
Really, it's horses for courses and people's personal tastes differ. All I can say is that we're monitoring as much player feedback as we can.
the game is arcadey and that is why it feels good playing it. GTA went into simulation style with their Euphoria tech which can provide a lot of funny moments but feels really cumbersome in most of their titles. They polish it though, it feels pretty good in Max Payne, let's see how they'll do cars in GTA5.
I personally prefer the arcadey style in these kind of game as well. Even more so when we are talking about the cars. In GTA IV's case I know some people praised the handling of cars in that game, but I hate them. Every car in that game no matter if it was some cheap POS or some high end sports care felt like I was driving a boat. On top of not being able to turn they also couldn't stop if my life depended on it.(and sometimes it did)
I really hope(but don't expect) that GTA V makes the cars a little more acradey.
is it just me or does wei shen speak and sound almost like mark wahlberg?
are you using the e-brake/handbrake?
if u are using the normal brake - the cars can 'turn like a boat'
if u tap the e-brake in the sports cars before you enter the corner you can turn it on a dime... there's an art to perfecting every corner with the handbrake
Nope just regular braking.
I will have to play around with the handbrake now.