Free Darksiders 2 for GMG Sleeping Dogs preorder customers? That would certainly make up for my pain and suffering
Mine stopped preloading and says "Preloading Suspended" (Missing Decryption Key)
Last time I use GMG. Sent them a nice message as well.
havent been to the thread, but DS2 is having problems?
havent been to the thread, but DS2 is having problems?
It sounds like all of Steam is having issues right now; I guess they underestimated the demand for both games or something.
I just poked my head in there and apparently yes. It has 2 options for graphics. V-Sync and Resolution.
That sucks.
Aww yeah! Thanks Wario!
Yeah, same as the original. Not surprised, nor am I really that disappointed. Still blown away by UFG and their hard work on the PC port of SD. One good port is good enough for me.
Aww yeah! Thanks Wario!
Oh it was like that in Darksiders too? I played the original on PS3 so I just assumed it had a more fleshed out PC graphical options.
Working on Steam for me
No high res pack available it seems yet tho
My gtx 670 is getting 40 fps avg. Thats pretty dissapointing.
Downloading hi-res pack first, looks like that's up.
My gtx 670 is getting 40 fps avg. Thats pretty dissapointing.
Edit: Its even dropping down to 25 and i dont even have the high res textures installed yet.
benchmark won't even load for me on max settings
My gtx 670 is getting 40 fps avg. Thats pretty dissapointing.
Edit: Its even dropping down to 25 and i dont even have the high res textures installed yet.
I just poked my head in there and apparently yes. It has 2 options for graphics. V-Sync and Resolution.
That sucks.
Is the benchmark in game or separate download?
My gtx 670 is getting 40 fps avg. Thats pretty dissapointing.
Edit: Its even dropping down to 25 and i dont even have the high res textures installed yet.
Im done trying to get a code from that stream.