Someone in europe able to play? I think about getting a key and activate via VPN though I know it's not allowed.Or what if someone gifts me the US version? Could I play then?
IGN said:The story (GTA IV) is Oscar quality.
Carrying this over to the new page![]()
The Good
Savage melee combat Alluring atmosphere Fun driving and gunplay Varied missions Numerous collectibles to hunt down and other enjoyable diversions.
The Bad
Unattractive character models and environmental texture
Fucking really?
So the game get's an 8 because of graphics/textures?
While Call of Duty gets 9.5?
This is why I cannot take reviews seriously anymore.
50" at 1080 thats 44.06 PPI jesus, i cant imagine playing PC games on that.
Unless i was sitting a 100 miles away.
Anyway, i havent seen any 1440p+ screens at anywhere near 50".
"High" AA preset:
"Normal" AA preset:
A good increase all around.
The last CoD game GameSpot reviewed scored a whopping .5 points higher, and wasn't even reviewed by the same person. 8 is a good score.
Also, I don't think their "good" and "bad" sections are be-all, end-all summaries of the review. They're highlights and lowlights.
I have an AMD Athlon X6 1055T and a GTX 560 with 12GB of RAM and I can't get over 20 FPS even on 720p resolution...on low settings too. I guess that teaches me for not going with Intel for my CPU.
Right, but skimming through it, it just doesn't make sense.
I never take reviews to heart anymore, but this just doesn't make sense.
Black Ops got 9.0, MW3 got 8.5. Yet they are exactly the same game every year, more or less. While a new IP comes out with interesting gamplay and mechanics and it get's an 8.0.
We all know 8's in today's "review" market is bad, even though it shouldn't mean as such.
But I understand what you are trying to get at.
The Good
Savage melee combat Alluring atmosphere Fun driving and gunplay Varied missions Numerous collectibles to hunt down and other enjoyable diversions.
The Bad
Unattractive character models and environmental texture
Fucking really?
So the game get's an 8 because of graphics/textures?
While Call of Duty gets 9.5?
This is why I cannot take reviews seriously anymore.
EDIT: I skimmed through the review, everything was positive throughout. Except in her "thesis" where she said some/all don't excel in what they do, but she never goes on to explain what the problem is, rather praises everything about the game, even the stuff she said that doesn't excel....
This is still a high score for Gamespot. Just sounds like the game is not particularly remarkable, so she felt it doesn't warrant a higher score.8.0-8.5: Great
This range refers to great games that are excellent in almost every way and whose few setbacks probably aren't too important.
So one of the community managers was streaming on and giving out tons of free Steam keys. My friend got two free copies of the game on two separate Steam accounts, lucky fuck.
I really like Sleeping Dogs, but it's not exactly a bastion of originality.
Besides, if 8s are "bad", then surely Gamespot did right by your opinion by giving MW3 an 8.5? Wouldn't that be a "bad review"? Let's not whine about what used to be a True Crime game getting an 8, for reals.
Yet something that comes out that is refreshing is also put into that "bad" category as well?
Let's agree to disagree.![]()
I really do not understand how you can be upset by an 8 for this game, but ok.
Why the hell does he need two?So one of the community managers was streaming on and giving out tons of free Steam keys. My friend got two free copies of the game on two separate Steam accounts, lucky fuck.
Yet something that comes out that is refreshing is also put into that "bad" category as well?
Let's agree to disagree.![]()
Try updating to the latest NVIDIA beta drivers.
GMG has disappointed me tonight.
Not upset, never was as I've said. It's more annoying and nonsensical that the game was rated so low, compared to what was written.
Not upset, never was as I've said. It's more annoying and nonsensical that the game was rated so low, compared to what was written.
So one of the community managers was streaming on and giving out tons of free Steam keys. My friend got two free copies of the game on two separate Steam accounts, lucky fuck.
which drivers? i just tried 304.79 beta (was using 301.42 whql) and i actually lost some fps (minimum only actually, max went up)
301.42 -
304.79 -
also found these 305.53, don't know if they're worth trying also
Screenshots look pretty bad.
Is it with HD textures?
Do people use some kind of blurry AA like FXAA?
Screenshots look pretty bad.
Is it with HD textures?
Do people use some kind of blurry AA like FXAA?
Stopped really reading after he said Grand Theft Auto clone.
That's not how you review something. Saying "It's supposed to be just like GTA!"
Also he says the same button used to hail a taxi is used to steal it... Right, but did he forget you have to HOLD it to hail it? Fucking rediculous, really.
anyone has tested the game with a dualcore and a 460gtx?? getting nervous about my specs hehe. Saints row III did run smooth on 720p.
this, i continued reading but stopped caring about his useless opinions. seems he set out to review the game badly. trouble with GTAIV is they took out everything that made the game awesome. give me back my planes now!Stopped really reading after he said Grand Theft Auto clone.
That's not how you review something. Saying "It's supposed to be just like GTA!"
Also he says the same button used to hail a taxi is used to steal it... Right, but did he forget you have to HOLD it to hail it? Fucking rediculous, really.
He goes on to say that some NPCs that spawn in certain spots will spawn on your car if you park there... WOAH! Call Niko and the Saints, we've got a problem! Gamebreaking issues, it's so sad.
From my 3+ hours, I can say that despite one instance of NPC AI acting weird on me, it's much more polished than I was expecting. So many little details, like how things get wet, or treading through wet road, or hearing someone trying to get out of a car trunk after you put them in there and give them the ride of their life.
Game uses FXAA I believe. there are SSAA options, but they are very costly in performance atm.
why would you do that O_O