Are there maps that you can get eventually that show where the bottles and treasures are on the map?
Please, where's the fun in that? Do you want that wayfinder to point you towards them as well?
Are there maps that you can get eventually that show where the bottles and treasures are on the map?
I was watching a stream of this game earlier and I noticed that it was unusually quiet running around the world. Was it like this in the other games? I honestly don't remember, but I feel like there should be at least a little music. Unless its not like this all the time, if that's the case then never mind.
On the second hub, playing as Murray for the third time (I think this may be the last job). This game really does focus mostly on Sly and his ancestors, while having the other characters as variety.
Please, where's the fun in that? Do you want that wayfinder to point you towards them as well?
Downloading now to PS3, and soon to Vita... can't wait!
Either they are working on fixing it, or you should update your PS3.How do you get the Vita version if you bought a retail disk?
I keep getting an error message every time I click on disk benefits.
How do you get the Vita version if you bought a retail disk?
I keep getting an error message every time I click on disk benefits.
It doesn't work yet. They're trying to fix it. It's been about 4 hours since the store update went up and they were aware of the issue.
I'd download it to the Vita first...that PS3 download is going to take a while.
Same here man, Fire Emblem, Revengeance, Dead Space 3 and this are really all I've been interested in early this year.I feel bad that I can't give Sony my money for this right now, especially with the reasonable price. Just bad timing, and my priorities unfortunately lie elsewhere. Most people are probably getting hot and bothered over March, but Feb has the biggest releases of the season for me.
Put some time ito the first hub world; getting vibes of Jak 2 back in the day. Love it; ps3 and vita needed a game like this
I have a question for anyone familiar with cross-buy. So I have a Vita and my friend has the Sly Thieves in Time game. He said I could have the Vita version since I have one he doesn't (he's giving it to me free of charge because were friends and all). Anyways, here's my question.
If I do cross-buy on my friends Sly disc on my PS3 for my Vita, will it under no circumstances mess up his game except just removing the Vita game off the disc? Just making sure since I did it b4 with PSASBR but since it was mine I didn't care. Just want to make sure his game will be 100% safe when I get the Vita game off of it.
Please, where's the fun in that? Do you want that wayfinder to point you towards them as well?
Are there maps that you can get eventually that show where the bottles and treasures are on the map?
I haven't checked yet, but can't you just download the Vita version seperately via the store since it's all on your account, or do you have to DL to the PS3 then transfer it over?
He can't give you the vita version. As far as I know the vita version is locked to his psn ID.
So is it bad that I want to buy the physical Vita version of the game as well as the digital PS3 one?
Kinda addicted to owning those adorable little blue cases ( .__.)
Whew. Been trying all night and "Disc Benefits" finally worked. DL'ing the vita version now.
Yup, finally downloading my Vita copy.
Vita version is about 3.5GB. So yeah, difference between the Vita and PS3 versions is jarring. It's basically night and day. This looks like a whole new game on the PS3. i'm so confused now, I had just memorized part of the 1st hub world![]()
Does anybody know how to use the Vita with the AR server? I can't figure it out.
Just figured it out. Gotta enable it on the PS3, then go to the AR treasures on the Vita version's main menu.
So at first I thought this was rather useless since I'd have to keep taking a "picture" everytime I moved. That was until I left he AR screen on the Vita and started wandering around. Low and behold, the screen followed me. While it's not recommended, you could technically use the vita as a second screen. You're not going to see the enemies though.
The Vita version has barely any textures compared to the PS3 version, it's the adjustment that I'm trying to hurdle over.What do you mean? The content and environments are all laid out exactly the same.
I want to get this game simply for how gorgeous it looks but i haven't finished the trilogy yet. How long is this game and should i finish the first 3 before picking it up?
what say you gaf?
The Vita version has barely any textures compared to the PS3 version, it's the adjustment that I'm trying to hurdle over.
For a game that Sony's forgotten about, #11 on Amazon's Best Seller Rank ain't too shabby.
too bad Amazon isn't indicative of overall sales
AND neither is it counted toward NPD.
Never said they were, but it's an indicator of sales nonetheless.
Amazon are counted towards NPD data, and have been since November 2007.
Against my better judgement I just got this from Wal Mart. I figure I have plenty of time still to save up for Bioshock so fuck it I'll give this a whirl. I'm a glutton for punishment I guess.
Better than ni no kuni
Hot d***, I really am going to need every single costume to get everything in each level. ;
Also, unlocked Sir Galleth last night, but saved his mission for later today. Medieval England probably has the best hub music in the whole game.
How much time would you say you've put into the game so far?
Really hard to tell. I know at one point yesterday I spent around 3 hours in Feudal Japan not only doing missions but collecting all the clue bottles. Japan is the only level which I've actually gotten the clue bottles and opened the safe. Went back once to unlock a Costume Gate with the Jailbird costume.
Stopped hunting clue bottles after beating the second episode (still only missing one) and went to the third, which I actually found to be the longest of the first three episodes.