So...this one is like Sly 1 or like Sly 2&3?. I'm not interested if it's like the two last games.
So...this one is like Sly 1 or like Sly 2&3?. I'm not interested if it's like the two last games.
Really hard to tell. I know at one point yesterday I spent around 3 hours in Feudal Japan not only doing missions but collecting all the clue bottles. Japan is the only level which I've actually gotten the clue bottles and opened the safe. Went back once to unlock a Costume Gate with the Jailbird costume.
Stopped hunting clue bottles after beating the second episode (still only missing one) and went to the third, which I actually found to be the longest of the first three episodes.
Im probably 2-3 hours in myself and I only did 2 jobs. The rest of that time was spent exploring the hub and collection bottles.
Are all the hubs as large-ish as that first one? Because I love that.
Better than ni no kuni
Sly Cooper: Stuck in Time
Does anyone know if I unlock trophies in the vita version, will they unlock when I play the PS3 version? you already saw the ending?
Yes, I think IGN made a video about it.
I was having a blast last night just bouncing around the area and stealing coins.
For those on Vita, hows the draw distance? PS3 version has pretty good draw distance and that was handy when searching for bottles. I hope Vita is similar.
Very good draw distance. There's some pop-in unfortunately on the hub worlds, but not much. Doesn't seem to detract from the experience.[/IM]
Wow, better than I thought. Thanks for posting pictures!
]Very good draw distance[/B]. There's some pop-in unfortunately on the hub worlds, but not much. Doesn't seem to detract from the experience.
It's bad,and honestly game look bad on Vita.
I ordered the PS3 version,now I have to wait for almost two weeks.
Why are you even making this comparison? 2 completely different games
Oh, the draw distance is bad? Man, I can't believe I've been duped. And Sanzaru tricked me into thinking the graphics look great when I'm now learning from the best source of all - the one who doesn't have the game - that, in actuality, the game looks bad.
I wonder if I should just return it now and cut my losses.
The Vita version absolutely pales in comparison to the PS3 version; it's significantly pared down in every aspect, and even the videos have some nasty compression artifacts riddled throughout.
The Vita version absolutely pales in comparison to the PS3 version; it's significantly pared down in every aspect, and even the videos have some nasty compression artifacts riddled throughout.
That said, the AR Treasure finder is actually really fucking useful, so it's got that going for it.
Better than ni no kuni
Just started up the game. Collect-a-thon warning to those who don't like things to collect, in previous games there were clue bottles, in here there's clue bottles + 4 other things to collect....but I have no context for how much they are in the game or what they do.
There has never been more fail in one post.
I may pick this up to appease VanWinkle and my own stubbornness, we'll see!
So apparently there's a secret ending.
It would be pretty awesome if Sanzaru immediately started on Sly Cooper 5 after they finished dev on TiT. I've always thought that there should be an Egyptian world so Sly can rob tombs and shit.
What?!Unlikely considering they had to lay off most of their staff to finish this game.
They're in every level, but they're completely optional.
Where'd you get this info...![]()
Heh you using them as a source great.
They really need to patch in the ability to turn this stupid compass OFF. When I click L3 I want it to GO AWAY not just hide until the next cutscene or random action that brings it back up again.
It was never confirmed that Sanzaru laid anyone off, and I thought it was reported that they were already working on another game for Sony?
The game was finished by then. They laid off some of their staff like many other studios do once they're finished developing a game, this is just regular fare.
EDIT: Basically beaten.
I just got to Tennessee Kid Cooper and I'm having lots of fun with this game.
So far the balance has definitely been more on Sly or his ancestors (which are basically Sly). I'm only in the second world though.Do I have to play as Sly's stupid friends in this game? and if you do (which im sure you do) whats the split 70/30 sly/dumb friends? or is it more like 50/50 ?
So far the balance has definitely been more on Sly or his ancestors (which are basically Sly). I'm only in the second world though.
Yes, I'm curious to hear impressions about the later areas, because Sly 3 started out with a decent balance of Sly/Friends, but the last world seemed 80% friends, 20% Sly.....I started to miss the little guy.
Which ratio? 80% friends /20% Sly? That hasn't been my experience unless you count the ancestors as friends.Nearing the end of the second-to-last level and that ratio is still pretty much the same.
Which ratio?
Oh okay, good to hear!The mostly-Sly-and-Ancestors ratio. IIRC I've only played as Murray around 5-6 times throughout the whole game thus far; Carmelita even less than that.