5252, Orange Avenue.
Suite, No. 208, Cypress.
CA, 90630, Or S. A.
Present date: SEA. 28./07,/2003
Dear Mr..
I am a fan to recreational arcades of sprites; and to the drawing
animations cómic. Please they could Udes. give answer to the
questions, that I will happen to formulate next, on hard and software
of videojuegos.:
1º. _ Neon Geo MVS, was the recreational console of arcade, more
impressive of the generation of the 16 bits. Today nevertheless it
goes very behind the new machines like: Cps-3, Naomi, Game Cube, or
Ps-2. SNK developed later, new Neon versions Geo more outposts than
MVS: (Neon Star -32bits -, Hyper Neon Geo 64, and SNK-Millennium -128
bits -). But they were not able to leave ahead in the market
recreational arcade. Why.
_ For when it designs SNK-Playmore, a new Neon version Geo, more
outpost than its present system MVS/AES, in the next years. It could
be, along with similar Sony Ps-3, and Microsoft X-Box 2, and other
systems, for the next generation of 256 bits.
_ SNK-Playmore will stay like manufacturer of entertainment and games
arcade, upper middle range, or will look for in the future, to reduce
to costs in a lower middle range, when arcade for the domestic market
designs its next video consoles, unlike Neo-Geo _ 16 bits.
_ Volvera'n to work in a future, for SNK-Playmore, companies Japanese
developers like: ADK, East Data, Is born, Saurus, Psikyo,
Banpresto.... If it will not be thus, why.
_ SNK-Playmore, will continue centered in developing single to games
arcades of competition fight and ships (or shoot em' ups). Or it will
work in the future, more in other sorts arcade, like: platforms, beat
em' ups, some of cars (as good as "World Rally" ?Gaelco?), and to work
in new arcades warlike, (to part of? Slug Metal, ?Nazca/SNK?).
2º. _ Future what will be able to have sprites 2D in ahead: They are a
graphical sort dead, that tends to disappear in a future not very
distant, and to be replaced by the polygons-renders 3D. Or on the
contrary, the companies will be able to design in the future, a new
generation of sprites, for graphs of drawing cómic, more complex or
advanced than present 2D.
Why they cross at the moment the drawing animations cómic, based on
sprites 2D, a progressive exhaustion, that takes to combinations 2D to
_ Why SNK, did not get to design no recreational arcade, based on
sprites 2D, for the console arcade Hyper Neon Geo 64, if its
architecture for graphs to of drawing cómic, (1536 sprites 2D) were
muy.superior.a MVS (380). And they as much insisted on the graphs of
polygons-renders 3D.
SNK-Millennium (128 bits), was a single console arcade designed to
develop on her, recreational 3D of polygons, unlike Hyper Neon Geo 64.
Why with the polygons 3D, is not obtained in the animations, a as good
quality of drawing cómic as the one that is obtained at the present
time, with sprites 2D.
_ That companies developer, will be interested in working with
sprites, in the future, in designing new works of animations of
drawing cómic, for recreational arcade.
Why they will not be among them, companies like: Taito, Irem, Konami,o
Namco, among other developers.
_ That implies to move drawing animations cómic, with an increasing
number of sprites 2D, if with a number of 380 - 1536, (with
architectures of 16 and 64 bits), already it seems that the top of its
perfection has been reached, and does not seem that it is possible to
be gone far much more in the future unlike recreational arcade 3D of
Where 2D will be the limit for sprites, for the future recreational
console designs of arcade.
_ What improvements introduced, the elements: chaín, mosaic, mesh,
movement UPRL, montagin, that developed by Hyper hardware Neon Geo 64?
New what will be able to be developed to design new animations of
drawing cómic, in the future.
3º. _ Why the games arcade of the moment (like: Slug 3, _ SNK, 1999 _
p. ej.), does not have a greater argument, designing itself the final
scenes, very short and poor; and videos or scenes are not introduced
kinematics, of animations of sprites, as we were able to advance or to
enter themselves through arcade and to change of action scene.
Jugables cortometrajes will be able to be designed, for future
recreational arcades, more complex than the present ones, cradles in
animations of drawing - cómic, sprites 2D.
4º. _ Why great differences of graphical and sonorous quality do not
exist, between a console of games arcade, like a specialized
architecture, and a domestic computer PC, like an architecture
multimedia, more general. In favor of the videoconsolas of
recreational arcade. (Like comparing two equipment of audio: one
of?High-End range, with another one of a range?media?
Separate subject, is the price of software, (72, 12 ?), muy.superior.a
a DVD Audio/Vídeo (21 ?)...
_ So that the consoles of games arcade, stop being specific machines,
and they approach the basic architecture more and more, of a computer
PC. Logical evolution of these platforms of domestic entertainment
towards architecture PC. Why.
_ the CPU of the console arcade, is not it everything, that functions
fulfill the other components of an internal architecture of hardware,
so that, between a Super Nintendo or a SEGA - Drive Mega, and the Neon
Geo MVS (of 16 bits, all of them), is as much difference in graphs and
What differences can exist between, a recreational console of arcade
professional and a domestic console of entertainment, at the present