So im back from sydney, forgot my phone in melb lol so i had no net.
My seats were ok UNTIL all the little girls in front of me decided that they were really short so they would stand on their chairs so i had like a 10 girl wall in front of me. couldnt record or take photos of anything, really disappointed in that aspect. Though concert wise i enjoyed it.
The start where they played the countdown which started with "THEBOYSTHEBOYSTHEBOYSTHEBOYS" i was like WTFFFFFFF SHIT I DONT HAVE MY CAMERA SET UP YET AWOEFGHA;WEOFHIA; then realised it was a countdown.
I enjoyed shinee since i do like their songs like lucifer and ring ding dong. I also think they are one of the more vocally strong boy groups that can sing and dance at the same time like TVXQ.
Sistar doing ma boy, blew my mind in that dress they wore LOL 4 of them doing body rolls was like D: ........ and so cool was pretty funky too.
Miss A was pretty good too, was really surprised at how good min's english was. Suzy dominates them with her height lol
Im not much of a secret fan (dont kill me) so i didnt really pay attention to them, but my gf was disappointed they didnt sing shy boy instead of the last song they sang.
Beast is one of my favourite groups (among the top 3 male groups that i like) and yeah i thought they were pretty awesome. The lasers and stuff were pretty cool, didnt expect that. Wish they sang more songs like soom and mystery and maybe that ballad on their last album.
2AM i enjoyed, shame that seulong's and jinwoon's (i think) mics stuffed up, couldnt really hear them. Surprised that the girls went crazy for jokwon haha, though he did look less feminine.
When SNSD sang the boys i was trying to hard to hold back from going to full fanboy mode lol. That was fkin epic live, i had an ok view initially then some girl stuck her head in front of my camera and then after that i couldnt get any more clear shots so i gave up. Taeng hitting high notes was awesome. Wish they didnt sing kissing you and did Genie instead, was so awkward seeing them in their The Boys outfits singing such a cutesy song. Gee was fun
4Minute songs sounded much better live lol, though i think they received a bit less love compared to the other girl groups. Wish they sang Huh or I my me mine instead of muzik though mirror mirror was good as was hot issue (i thought of jihyo dancing to it in FO lol)
the 4Minute collab with miss A for minogues song was pretty hot lol.. i was like jiyoon D: TAKE ME NOWWWW
Hyorin, Gayoon, Changmin and Jokwons cover of halo was pretty good i thought, hyorin is such a good song imo
CNblue i like as well and i thought they were a pretty good crowd pleaser. The remix of im a loner at the start was good and love was pretty awesome too.
MBLAQ i dont really follow except for "stay" and "cry" so i didnt really know their songs at the concert. Though i think the girls screamed the loudest for them till TVXQ came on.
TVXQ is one of my favourite bands (still a bit bitter that they split). Enjoyed Before u go and keep your head down. Changmin is awesome live, smashed them high notes. Cant imagine what they would be like if all 5 of them were together.
was really cut that taeyeon didnt come back at the end cause by then i got a better shot of everyone, apparently 5 of the members got on a plane after they finished and headed back for korea or something, probably cause of schedules. also, for those that saw, did sunny get scared from the fireworks again? SM needs to start banning fireworks when SNSD is singing, soo man should know this by now.
Will sort through my pics and videos and hope theres a few good ones in there T_T
oh and niks i didnt have a big TaeNy sign lol, too embarrassed

i would have gone VIP but my GF was not willing to pay that much, regret it now though