( she owees $13k to IRS for taxes, has a million dollar home that is paid off but has to pay property taxes on it, has two cars, two additional condos, one in DR and one in Vegas)
Alright so we've stablished that she does not "need" financial anything. She has money, albeit in her home, cars, and fucking condos.
Absurd. If she really needed the money she'd sell some of that shit, so that's that.
As for the stripper part, I would say it's not a huge deal, as my now-fiance danced for a few months shortly after we met when she needed money quickly to move.
Here in DC stripping is limited to dancing - lap dances are illegal - and even with that we came to an early understanding that our relationship was not going to work if she was planning to stick with that for any time longer than she absolutely had to.
I assume your chick is not legally limited to dancing, and at 10 years she is a career stripper. Career stripper stories never end well unless they find a golden ticket, and you don't want to be that ticket.
Plus there's all the stuff with her ex-fiance and I expect there are other dudes feeding her money.
You had some fun with her, I'm sure; it's time to move on.