sleepykyo said:Someone in the psn is down thread posted that weapon levels don't carry over to mp. Do the unlocks carry over at least?
Yeah, what Razor said.sleepykyo said:Someone in the psn is down thread posted that weapon levels don't carry over to mp. Do the unlocks carry over at least?
they already have your money. well, i guess they lose a sale if someone buys your used stroke said:Just had three days off to poop sock this multiplayer and its still not up AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Giving Sony until next week, after that I will be trading this in for Witcher 2 and Sony can eat my butt
Greg said:Yeah, what Razor said.
SP/co-op weapons and mods carry back and forth to each other, but MP are separate.
I never got a chance to mod one of my weapons fully from the time that MP was up in retail, but going from the beta when they changed the requirements, it's somewhere between 400 and 500 kills to mod a weapon to 5.
I beat the game on hard and at no point did I get completely stuck. I did have a couple times when I died multiple times but after awhile I figured out what I needed to do.CartridgeBlower said:This has to be the worst SP experience I've had in a shooter in a long time. Maybe not as poor as Homefront, but close.
I'm on the frigate level, playing on Hard, and I have no idea what to do. I step out, the thing shots and kills me. Every time I send my teammates, they get ambushed and die. Sometimes I make it to the end, only to have the screen suddenly cut to black because I guess the frigate (or another ambush from nowhere) got one of my teammates at the last second. Following the waypoints also seems to be a sure fire way to die as well.
When people talk about a game wasting time and resources on SP and it then hurting MP because of it, this is the game they are talking about.
After S:C, there's no way Sony wasn't going to have a SP campaign once Zipper was back in charge since they got a lot of criticism for it even though it was more of a budget title with a small developer new to console gaming and was seen as a quick fix and not a true number in the series. To go without a SP in S4 would have been stupid since that's a big part of drawing in new players to the series and it's always been a part of SOCOM with most of them having great campaigns. This one was only average to me but I knew it was their way of trying to appeal to the mainstream market while slowly adapting them to MP with the standard mode to appeal to the more casual crowd and then hope they move on up to classic mode once they're familiar with the game and how to play as a team.W1SSY said:I beat the game on hard and at no point did I get completely stuck. I did have a couple times when I died multiple times but after awhile I figured out what I needed to do.
I have never really heard a complaint about a game having single player and taking focus off of the multiplayer, it is almost always the other way around and I am glad that they did have a single player game because without that I would have got little to no play time with SOCOM yet. I feel like a multiplayer only game is a hard sale really can limit the number of people that buy the game.
It's helpful for long-range engagements but it's not something I care is there or not, but I don't see it being too big of a deal after they patched the normal accuracy which is all that mattered to me as a run 'n' gunner. As I see it, it's there for people who want to use it and those who don't want to don't have to. I use it to help me out for picking off people a mile away and that's it.Jtrizzy said:Really wish you could toggle off the ads. Does anyone anctually prefer that?
Greg said:It's almost time!
I can't wait to sign on and be completely awful at the game.
Greg said:Yes, SMG primary/AR secondary is the unstoppable combo.
JLG- said:Already sold my copy.. oh well.
Is that just the update that has been available since the game launched?plainr_ said:Finally!
55mb update.
Yeah, mods are going to be a pain. I'm ~400 kills into one two different SMGs, and it's only about halfway through mod 4 into 5.demolitio said:God have I missed this game. Now the hard part is reviving my clan since this probably took away what recruits I did manage to get on the first night.
I really wish they didn't even touch the weapon mod system in the beta since it's going to take forever to even get mod 3 on my gun let alone all the guns I use. It basically favors those with one playstyle that plays a lot while the multirole players like myself are left with unmodded weapons. It's going to take some serious playtime, but my first few games I was 20-9 and then 39-10 so at least I'm doing well. I just wish more points are rewarded for objectives and that they can go towards your weapon too.
Anyway, add me on PSN if you need a buddy. PSN: Demolitio
Yeah, no prompt for me, so he was probably getting the launch one.Persona7 said:Is that just the update that has been available since the game launched?
I didn't get a prompt.
The main thing I forget is that even with the changes, this is still SOCOM, which I haven't played in years. I don't mean this in a bad way, but SOCOM is about camping, playing slowly, and using cover. I like that personally, but it requires patience.Vega said:I've never been much of a online gamer but, I started playing this morning. God, am i terrible. These fuckers are destroying me within seconds.![]()
They're all pretty well-rounded once you mod them, but I stick with the PDW/KP5 because of the firerate boost once you hit Mod 3. The recoil is crazy on the PDW's ADS, so I'd keep OTS for the alternate view. The KP5 doesn't have much recoil at all, so ADS is fine.panda21 said:damn this game is so good. playing standard to get back into the feel of it but i love it.
are SMGs really the best? which one is the most useful?
Yeha, it's running great already in the other games I played this morning. The lag I commented on yesterday ended up being a connection issue on my part.LevityNYC said:Its fucking great. Little to no lag at all....only issue is not that many people are using mics. Can we set up mic only ranked rooms?
Just find a decent position for your squad and spam the target marks. I didn't realize how terrible my teammates aimed unless I specified a target. You can do almost no work as long as they have targets.Raoh said:Slow Clap for those that beat Socom 4 on Elite.
I'll try Elite on another run, definitely not my day for it.
Nope, no saving in the middle.Wario64 said:I'm doing Socom 4 elite right now. It's not that bad but not being able to save mid mission is stupid (unless I'm totally overlooking something)
Also using this run to pick up the collectibles because I'm crazy like that
Until the party system is in and/or they add a penalty for repeated failed votes like in Confrontation, I don't see that changing any time soon.Sethos said:Tried joining some Classic Suppression matches, kept getting vote-kicked or, the vote was initialized but never went through, same happened with a few other players. Why, is it fun to constantly start a vote to kick random people or what the hell is going on?
You've mentioned it before, but what exactly is your issue? I think I'm misinterpreting.Jtrizzy said:I want to like this, but the lack of party system and the inability to toggle zoom make it hard.
I know that in Confrontation and earlier Socoms it meant: "TURN THE FUCK AROUND THERE's A GUY BEHIND YOU!!!" So you could turn around and pop his head.Sethos said:Tried joining some Classic Suppression matches, kept getting vote-kicked or, the vote was initialized but never went through, same happened with a few other players. Why, is it fun to constantly start a vote to kick random people or what the hell is going on?
When I zoom in, then click R3 I wish it would reset to the over the shoulder the next time I press L1 instead of the sights still being up. I don't like having to click R3 to unzoom.Greg said:You've mentioned it before, but what exactly is your issue? I think I'm misinterpreting.
While you're holding L1, R3 will toggle between OTS and ADS zoom (if your gun has an attachment for ADS). The next time you press L1 your most recent selection will be the default. While playing online the default view gets switched back to OTS every game.
Ah, I see what you're saying. I actually like how it saves because rarely do I need to use OTS unless my gun doesn't have a scope, or the recoil is so high (most SMGs) that's it's ineffective to use ADS. Firing from the hip is just about as accurate as OTS, and on top of that you don't sacrifice your aim speed while using it.Jtrizzy said:When I zoom in, then click R3 I wish it would reset to the over the shoulder the next time I press L1 instead of the sights still being up. I don't like having to click R3 to unzoom.
Maybe I'm doing it wrong, it seemed to be this way online as it was the same.
Never played any other SOCOM, but I think the only classic map in the game is Abandoned (Gamestop pre order only). You can view flythroughs of all the maps over at said:Now that PSN is finally back up, I'm looking forward to getting some actual impressions.
Are there any classic SOCOM 1 maps with the game? That's really where I made my bones with this series. I played a little bit of SOCOM 2, but only a fraction of the amount of time I put into SOCOM 1.
Don't really care about a lobby or anything. I really just want an updated SOCOM 1, which I certainly did not get with Confrontation. What a shitfest.
Yea Abandoned is the only original map. But from the new maps I have played so far they all seem pretty good.Killthee said:Never played any other SOCOM, but I think the only classic map in the game is Abandoned (Gamestop pre order only). You can view flythroughs of all the maps over at
Revolutionary said:So uh.. what are the recommended settings for Move players? Finally played my first MP game today and didn't do too well (still won, though), so any configuration tips are appreciated.