beast786 said:just started the sp with move. is it just me or the sp grapics looks really nice.
I don't have the game, but I heard it's Uncharted 2 level. Is that true?
beast786 said:just started the sp with move. is it just me or the sp grapics looks really nice.
beast786 said:just started the sp with move. is it just me or the sp grapics looks really nice.
bdizzle said:I don't have the game, but I heard it's Uncharted 2 level. Is that true?
I don't know about Uncharted 2 level but they do look pretty good.bdizzle said:I don't have the game, but I heard it's Uncharted 2 level. Is that true?
Make sure you try it with the gun shell. Compared to just holding the move in your hand is like night and day. Personally, I have no wish to go back to the DS3. Headshots are so much more satisfying when they're not a result of auto-aim. Also, running across a field mowing guys down with a machine-gun feels total badass.W1SSY said:I don't know about Uncharted 2 level but they do look pretty good.
I amthinking about picking up the move tomorrow since it is on sale at Best Buy. I may give it a go on SOCOM to see how it plays if I do pick it up but I do not expect I will stop playing with my DS3 anytime soon.
Yeah, true. I was thinking of MW2 there for some reason. Got so tired of the shooting in that game.LevityNYC said:Socom 4 does not have auto aim.
panda21 said:europe is automatically in socom pro right? or is there some code i need to enter?
can't wait to get home and try some classic mode.
the maps in this are fantastic. i take it there are no snow maps since there were no snow environments in the game? i <3 snow maps.
I use the competitive preset and it seems to work well. It's good for sniping.LevityNYC said:Did anyone post some good Move settings?
SCEA's Project Ten Dollar for Socom.FoxhoundNL said:the hell is Socom Pro?
FoxhoundNL said:the hell is Socom Pro?
I would like it faster but if you plan on playing this game for a long time then it can give you something to work for I guess. In reality I will probably only pick one gun of each type and mod all the way.Razor 81 said:
It really takes way to long to mod a gun in MP now. I agree that it was somewhat to fast in the beta but holy sheeet!! What a difference! Sweet spot should be somewhere between how it was in the beta and now.
bdizzle said:I don't have the game, but I heard it's Uncharted 2 level. Is that true?
Sethos said:I guess we have to endure the initial surge of Call of Duty tards? I was playing Classic Suppression, i.e not respawn and all camping gameplay and you get fucking messaged by little tweeners "lol camper", "lol try run&gun" :| Are you kidding me? SO many game-modes to choose from, even modes that fit their ADHD style of gameplay and they join my game and start messaging me.
Fuck off.
Giriath_89 said:Haha, what twerps. In classic suppression even if nothing is happening you're not supposed to run and gun, you're supposed to creep forward being as unnoticeable as possible.
In classic bomb squad you're even supposed to camp, more or less. I had an awesome game yesterday on Von Heine Express where it was down to just me and the enemy bomb tech, who had close to full health. I had to shoot him a little from behind and hide somewhere else, so I was running a circle around him. All the while he was constantly saying "Where did he go? Where is he?!"![]()
Classic Suppression is pretty awful right now until they implement some kind of guns hot again. The series has always been camping-friendly, but these maps take it to another level. The other classic modes are pretty balanced though in terms of being accepting of multiple playstyles/allowing you to force campers out.Sethos said:Haha, that's what makes these slower paced game-modes so much fun, you get to toy around with the enemy and when you pull it off, it's so damn satisfying. It seems most people know the 'rules' of the Classic modes but it's those new players that venture in and are completely oblivious to the settings and what comes with the little magical word, "Classic".
Oh by the way, what's the requirement for getting MVP in suppression? Played a few matches and some of them I completely annihilated the enemy team and was above and beyond everyone on my team in K/D ratio and kills, yet I was sitting in the middle of the scoreboard and some random player got MVP. I was expecting a mode about killing would give the people with the highest kill-count the MVP but I assume there's other factors in play?
Greg said:Classic Suppression is pretty awful right now until they implement some kind of guns hot again. The series has always been camping-friendly, but these maps take it to another level. The other classic modes are pretty balanced though in terms of being accepting of multiple playstyles/allowing you to force campers out.
And I never figured it out the MVP system. I know you have to be on the winning team to get MVP, but beyond that it's not clear. Also, the 'scoreboard' isn't an ordered list, so don't pay too much attention to that.
Really? I beg to differ.MalboroRed said:Not even Uncharted 1 level.
BattleMonkey said:Yea the gun sounds are pretty weak in this game, and lot of the sounds seem recycled from MAG which was not the best sounding game. Confrontation had some fantastic sounding guns and used real recordings of firearms from what I remember.
GodofWine said:I never understood how the gun sound quality would go from Socom Conf. (great) to MAG (airsoft weak)...every game should sound as good as S:C's guns.
JCreasy said:Sony, SOCOM needs a real reboot. People need to respect that brand again. That game has to command respect the way God of War 3 does.
Wow us at E3 2011 with a brand new SOCOM game, third-person, Uncharted 2/God of War 3 level of graphics, character models and detail, awesome gun detail and texture like Killzone 2.
Oh, and call it SOCOM: Seal Team Six or SOCOM: DEVGRU. It's gotta be about the ELITE Navy Seals, the DELTA counterparts.
Ok, go . . .
There's one for NA copies of the game, but you don't need it to play online. It's kinda like ME2's Cerberus Network, i.e. free future content. You can actually redeem it right now via the Account Management site since you don't actually download anything to your system and it just ties itself to your PSN account services.Trin3785 said:is there an online pass to redeem for this game? My friend wants to buy it and I cant remember if there was one. If he cant get online with PSN store down he will just wait...
That last section in the second to last mission is ridiculously frustrating.Wario64 said:Alright, Socom 4 Elite is getting very annoying. Got 4 missions left to do and they're getting tougher and tougher. Some of them I'd be stuck on 1 checkpoint and I can't quit because there's no mid-mission save. Duuuumbbb
Killthee said:There's one for NA copies of the game, but you don't need it to play online. It's kinda like ME2's Cerberus Network, i.e. free future content. You can actually redeem it right now via the Account Management site since you don't actually download anything to your system and it just ties itself to your PSN account services.
JCreasy said:I would just like to state here for the record that back in 2009 I had a crazy idea that no one paid attention to . . .
Imagine if Sony would have actually launched the game I imagined here . . .
Killthee said:That last section in the second to last mission is ridiculously frustrating.
Yea that kind of gives it away.moai said:so i finally opened my copy and played the first mission. then i fired up multi and saw a huge spoiler:
am i right or just seeing things?