Ramirez said:I hope we have enough of a community here for a serious clan, I was a good player way back in Socom 2, but I never really had a set of people I played with regularly.
dralla said:Has there been any word on number of maps and modes? Warhawk was DLC and it's got barely any content, I'm worried this will be the same
J-Rzez said:I'm definitely down for it, and I'll be on it at just about every chance. I love this series (up until S3 at least) with it's perfect balance between strategy, simulation, and game-fun. I just hope all the run and gun respawn-fests hasn't dumbed down my SOCOM skills.
My SR-25SD calls me forth!
dralla said:?? I'm worried this will be content-lite because it's downloadable, you can't expect people to DL something 5+ gigs. Warhawk only has 5 maps...so, yea
Doel said:
I hope not...tuco11 said:Why do I have a bad feeling that it will only be 5 maps and then they will nickel and dime us on DLC. F that.
tuco11 said:16 maps please. No 5 map bullsh!t. C'mon Socom 2 had 16 maps if I remember correctly. Why do I have a bad feeling that it will only be 5 maps and then they will nickel and dime us on DLC. F that.
Socom 2 actually had 22maps, 25 with the DLC. That kills any current "next-gen" game as far as i know.tuco11 said:16 maps please. No 5 map bullsh!t. C'mon Socom 2 had 16 maps if I remember correctly. Why do I have a bad feeling that it will only be 5 maps and then they will nickel and dime us on DLC. F that.
Safe Bet said:I hope not...
I've yet to purchase any DLC and I plan not to until the overcharging stops.
GQman2121 said:You guys are out of your fucking minds if you think they're not going to release maps at $2-3 a pop. The first two games had a combined total of 25 maps. How hard is it to expand a few of those to allow for the increased number in players and cash in? Hell, they asked/made you go out and buy three copies of OPM to get the added maps for Socom II!
Just look at what they're doing with Crossroads. Don't you think they could add - I don't know - Chain Reaction as DLC and have the entire roof be playable? Everyone would be all over that.
All I'm saying is, if this game is good and catches on with the hardcore players again, be prepared to pay over $100 to see everything it has to offer.
As a result of that, im still fucking playing FFXIf3niks said:Don't forget that those people who got those maps from OPM also had to run out and get copies of Final Fantasy XI for the HDD.
Ceb said:Oh, that can't be an in-game character model, right?
I'm not liking the sound of that, and I fully expect to be in a clan.evilone said:I thought this was a online only game?
As we revealed early this month, the May issue of EGM has a blow-out cover story on SOCOM Confrontation. Along with the loads of other Confrontation info in the story, you'll find a list of all the different special forces included in the game. Joining a special force is now a perk associated with joining a clan; solo players will still be able to play as either commandos or mercenaries, but special forces (and their associated uniforms, gear, and weapons) will only be available to clan members.
Only, er, we got the list a little bit wrong in the mag. So here, for the first time anywhere, is the complete, correct lineup of special forces available at launch, complete with links to Wikipedia entries for the real-life organizations.
* Navy Sea, Air, and Land (SEALs, United States)
* Special Air Service (SAS, United Kingdom)
* Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK, Germany)
* Unidad de Operaciones Especiales (UOE, Spain)
* 1er Régiment de Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine (1er RPIMa, France)
Doel said:I'm not liking the sound of that, and I fully expect to be in a clan.
Just giving any player some sort of advantage like that is ridiculous, and against what SOCOM is about. Everyone should be on a level playing field and your experience, playing style, and skill is what should set you apart.
Doel said:I'm not liking the sound of that, and I fully expect to be in a clan.
Just giving any player some sort of advantage like that is ridiculous, and against what SOCOM is about. Everyone should be on a level playing field and your experience, playing style, and skill is what should set you apart.
botkiller said:How would it be any different than having different weapon selections for Seals and terrorists like in the old games?
I guess I can understand that.botkiller said:How would it be any different than having different weapon selections for Seals and terrorists like in the old games?
DesertEasy said:Don't forget the M16 which was a beast, though like the M14 it was for both seals and terrorists.
J-Rzez said:Ahh yes. I remember the first time I tried out the M14 in I think it was S2 in The Ruins, everyone thought that gun was junk. I went 6-0 the next round, 8-0 the following, and 4-0 the one after that. Then at that point, that's all you heard was that distinctive and loud sound coming from everywhere, with everyone using it.
Weeks later "Xroads no M14s"... :lol
I also liked the RA-14 in S2. But still, nothing beats that sweet sweet SR-25 to me![]()
Arsenic said:I loved the terrorist weapons. It was fun to figure out how to use them, and motivates you to win. Of course, only in clan battles. In open rooms the terrorists will always lose without teamwork
recklessmind said:Except for that one fucking snowy extraction map in Socom II where the terrorists spawned at the midpoint of the map. For like... no good reason. They spawned up on the hill instead of back by the extraction. Unless you were playing against shitty terrorists... Seals got murdered. Usually.
Edit: I'm talking about Guidance, the Russian Extraction map. What shit that was. It was actually an awesome map, but the terr spawn was just retarded. Especially when they can just kill the hostages.
recklessmind said:Except for that one fucking snowy extraction map in Socom II where the terrorists spawned at the midpoint of the map. For like... no good reason. They spawned up on the hill instead of back by the extraction. Unless you were playing against shitty terrorists... Seals got murdered. Usually.
Edit: I'm talking about Guidance, the Russian Extraction map. What shit that was. It was actually an awesome map, but the terr spawn was just retarded. Especially when they can just kill the hostages.
LJ11 said:Talking about this game brings back memories.
yeah but guidance almost never showed up. was always the last map on Medley rotation? and in wars, those disadvantages had to be overcome. but, there was also a trick on that top mountain, where if u point the turret the right way, u can kill the VIPs in the very beginning.recklessmind said:Except for that one fucking snowy extraction map in Socom II where the terrorists spawned at the midpoint of the map. For like... no good reason. They spawned up on the hill instead of back by the extraction. Unless you were playing against shitty terrorists... Seals got murdered. Usually.
Edit: I'm talking about Guidance, the Russian Extraction map. What shit that was. It was actually an awesome map, but the terr spawn was just retarded. Especially when they can just kill the hostages.