tuco11 said:So only 4 new maps? :lol Why bother? Just gives us 16 old maps instead.
This is the PSN version don't forget. Zipper most likely is working on the real socom.
tuco11 said:So only 4 new maps? :lol Why bother? Just gives us 16 old maps instead.
Zipper most likely is working on the real socom.
THIS is the real SOCOM.Doc Evils said:This is the PSN version don't forget. Zipper most likely is working on the real socom.
Doel said:THIS is the real SOCOM.
Zipper isn't going to create anything remotely close to "the real" socom.
Ok, history lesson.Doc Evils said:
faust said:So in other words, you're passing your guess off as fact.
Ya, I'm completely expecting SOCOM: Planetside.Sol.. said:Well not really, It would seem that Zipper has intentions of upping the ante rather than going back (based on said job postings above that have been well known in the SOCOM community for like 2 years now). This is where Slant Six comes in. Perhaps their work allows Zipper to go big and go different (the people that run that company are very outgoing people). Otherwise whats the point in letting two different studios make essentially the same game.
I totally expect a CoD like spin in terms of series direction. Now i don't mean to say SOCOM goes WW2 or some shit. But i'm thinking SOCOM: Planetside style. I really do. Now that IS a guess lol.
I hope you are joking.Doel said:My 'guess' IS fact...
I don't even think they should use the SOCOM name. But we'll see what happens with that.
Doel said:Ya, I'm completely expecting SOCOM: Planetside.
And like you said, it would make no sense for Sony to hire two separate studios to create essentially the same game. It doesn't take much brain capacity to figure out that Slant Six creating SOCOM for the hardcore fans = freeing Zipper up to follow their dream of large scale warfare.
GQ said:I do not like the idea of them simply recreating two of the classic maps to only house a max of 16 players. That pretty much means that those two maps are going to be completely isolated from the rest of the game. If you're in the room with over 16 people playing, those two maps are never going to come up - EVER.
What that means is, clans and people getting together may gravitate away from the 32 player rooms altogether, as the smaller rooms are going to have more diversity. Why segregate and limit the communities options like that?
It really seems -- dare I say -- like a quick/lazy way to add two more maps that were not previously apart of the plan last summer. It would seem much more beneficial to the overall experience if all of the maps were on the same page. They should rethink this current approach and contemplate whether the tradeoff of shipping with two less maps, and reworking them like Crossroads is worth it.
I understand five maps is not a lot, and they're certainly going to take some flack in the reviews for only having seven maps at launch, but messing with the player limit is a fine line, and quite the risk; one which I don't think makes much sense in the scope of how this game was/is shaping up.
I really disagree with the idea of simply copying the classic maps and not recreating them to work with the 32 players. It's setting a precedent that I don't think they're prepared to deal with.
On the plus side, this must be a dream come true for those of you wanting the first two games remade in HD. Congrats are in order I guess because I know it's a large number of people who wanted just that. I mean they've pretty much just confirmed that the game is going to be 16 players max now. Once the developers see that 16 player rooms are what the community is playing the most, there's no chance they're going to give the Crossroads makeover to the other 20+ classic maps. NO CHANCE.
It's a shame because I was already in the frame of mind where I was thinking of what they could add to the classic maps to work with 32 players. All to waste now.........
I agree with most of what you said, I'm just not as pessimistic about it as you seem to be. I'm giving the game a shot, and I know some people who are working on this game who are ones that hated what SOCOM 3 did and loved SOCOM 1/2. So I have confidence its going to turn out better than you think it will.Andokuky said:LOL @ this game being the "real SOCOM" or made for the hardcore SOCOM fans. Did you guys miss the picture of Crossroads I posted?
That really far off building you see with the lion statue or whatever it is on top is the one from the other pictures everyone is laughing about. On the website where I got this pic they said you can get to virtually every building in the pic.
That isn't "real" SOCOM. That isn't what I, as a hardcore SOCOM fan want. This is the same huge ass map SOCOM 3/CA crap. I'm sure every lobby will degenerate into the same bullshit too, where all anyone plays are 16 player small versions of maps, and it will only be 2-3 maps because the rest will be god awful. And that was with SOCOM 3 and CA's many maps. This game isn't even shipping with many maps.
When you design a map for multiple modes and multiple sizes, it's going to turn into shit. SOCOM 1 and 2 were all about the maps, SOCOM 3 and CA sucking so bad weren't even about the 32 players and vehicles for me, it was because the map design was just awful. There was no personality to any of the maps, no uniqueness, just bland huge open maps and crunched up little mini versions of them for 16 players. And virtually every one of them had spawn problems because they were so horribly designed.
This game looks to have the same shit map setups, and then to top it off it looks downright horrible and has massive frame rate problems. Everyone says the original SOCOM's looked like ass but I don't think so. They weren't amazing but they looked pretty good for a PS2 game. This just looks like ass.
Doel said:I agree with most of what you said, I'm just not as pessimistic about it as you seem to be. I'm giving the game a shot, and I know some people who are working on this game who are ones that hated what SOCOM 3 did and loved SOCOM 1/2. So I have confidence its going to turn out better than you think it will.
And it will be a hell of a lot closer to "real" Socom than what Zipper is working on.
Not to mention that 2 out of the 7 maps will be 16 players max. Presumably being the 2 additional classic maps they are adding.J-Rzez said:What's wrong with them originally designing the maps around 16 players first, then expanding them? This is what they did with "xroads". The way they described their process in this, I have little room to think they're going to screw up. The game should be able to fit 16 player, and for those liking the larger scale 32 player matches just fine. It caters WELL to both with their approach. Not like other companies going large scale first then throwing barriers in the streets just to call it a day for the smaller groups.
Saiyu said:Has there been anything on the actual gunplay yet? I mean is it keeping the old SOCOM health system (please) or giving in to this bloody "enery recovery" system like CoD?
I think he is just asking if your health regenerates like in so many shooters today.GQman2121 said:It's not a respawn game. If you get shot - you die.
Still wasnt as organized as socom was, in terms of spawning and map design.Agent Ironside said:A lot of socomers are missing out on COD 4 hardcore mode, that has reminded me most of what socom used to be.
Agent Ironside said:A lot of socomers are missing out on COD 4 hardcore mode, that has reminded me most of what socom used to be.
Doel said:I think he is just asking if your health regenerates like in so many shooters today.
The answer is no. There is still a bit of a health bar like SOCOM 3, but from the videos it looks like 3-5 shots anywhere and you're down.
J-Rzez said:Not even close to the way SOCOM 3 was, let alone S1 and 2. Not the same feeling, the speed is still just a tad too fast, the maps feel thrown together, and it's just the overall feel of the gameplay. Games have shifted to try to be like SOCOM (Ghost Recon), but fail miserably (not saying CoD4 tried to be like it, because it's the furthest thing from SOCOM as a present day shooter can get). SOCOM has it's own unique feel, design, and gameplay that makes it truly unique.
Agent Ironside said:More like with only 3 old maps it better be cheap.
Agent Ironside said:When I say that, im talking about the mode, no respawn, demolition, things of that nature. Also personally, I think COD4's maps are really well designed.
You don't deserve SOCOM.tuco11 said:I hope $39.99 is cheap to you. With only 7 maps it should be no more than $19.99 but we all know there is not a chance in hell of that happening :lol
Sol.. said:I think they were well design for team deathmatch, especially with beta's respawn style (if it weren't for those stalemates and spawn camping.....they just might have kept the system).
In hardcore search n' destroy (lovingly dubbed SOCOM mode by my long lasting SOCOM buddies), it wasn't very good. There were no chokepoints, the speed of the game was too high, and there was way too much flow for a no respawn game. Everybody would just run out and get wasted in random places where as in SOCOM (and pretty much any other no respawn oriented game) the maps are built for people to flow through specific areas and have heated firefights.
Andokuky said:When you design a map for multiple modes and multiple sizes, it's going to turn into shit.
I completely disagree.BruceWayneIII said:I can't really comment on SOCOM in that context, but I do think that Warhawk is a brilliant example of maps with multiple modes and multiple sizes.
Warhawk has no depth? I hope you say this as someone who dominates in the game.Doel said:I completely disagree.
I think Warhawk is a very poor multiplayer game. I'm continually amazed that there are lots of people on their servers. I guess its just a very pick up and play kind of experience, but I see no depth to it at all and when I play it I can't stand to be on longer than 10min.
Wow, I lose respect for your opinions on Socom Confrontation nowDoel said:I completely disagree.
I think Warhawk is a very poor multiplayer game. I'm continually amazed that there are lots of people on their servers. I guess its just a very pick up and play kind of experience, but I see no depth to it at all and when I play it I can't stand to be on longer than 10min.
The game just isn't fun for me. I can't pretend to enjoy it.oneHeero said:Wow, I lose respect for your opinions on Socom Confrontation nowWarhawk is great in so many ways. I'd say the servers are dead, because if the game wasnt fucking up in the beginning of its life, tons more people would still be playing it.
That game was pure fun.
Andokuky said:CoD4 maps have plenty of choke points. Especially in S&D.
I know because I get kills by lobbing grenades there all the time.
evilone said:New in game and UI screens. I can not wait for this game. Scroll to the right.
Doel said:Woah, check out this video interview.
It's really impressive how they have used sixaxis in this game. Looks super intuitive. Also, if you check out the tv near the end, there is a dude running around swiping his knife. So this confirms knife kills are in the game!