Doel said:Great info today in Dev Q&A #9
- Ranked rooms now available in the classic lobby system in addition to match-making
- Ranked auto-match is Respawns OFF, Friendly Fire ON, Rocket Launchers OFF, Grenade Launchers OFF and players will have the option of playing an objective based game or pure Suppression.
- UnRanked auto-match will have Respawns ON, Friendly Fire OFF, Rocket Launchers ON, Grenade Launchers ON and like ranked players will be able to choose to play objective based modes or pure suppression.
- We record and separate all stats for ranked and unranked games and players will be able to toggle between them in the Service Records section of the main menu.
- NO plan for vehicles or huge maps as DLC
Yes. It has a party system.dralla said:didn't see this stuff earlier..
anyway, can we "auto-match" as a group or clan? or is like MGO where you can only do it solo :[
You can't make any ranked rooms. They are pre-made (like Medleys of the past) or done through the match-making system. But if you look at my previous post, you shouldn't have any problem with the rule set for ranked matches. FF on, Respawns off, GLs off, RLs off.Arsenic said:All i want to be sure about is if you make your own custom room, with certain rules set (FF on, Respawn OFF) will it be ranked still, like in previous socom game.
yea thats, pretty fucking bullshit. i read your previous post, which is why i asked. i hate this round switchup, as it can end up being less fair than the previous setup.Doel said:You can't make any ranked rooms. They are pre-made (like Medleys of the past) or done through the match-making system. But if you look at my previous post, you shouldn't have any problem with the rule set for ranked matches. FF on, Respawns off, GLs off, RLs off.
And there will be separate stat pages for Ranked and Unranked. So either way, you can track your stats.
Its just you. Socom has never been about graphics. Get over yourself.1stStrike said:I watched the latest socom trailer on the PSN last week looks absolutely terrible imo. The character models are some of the worst I've seen this generation.
Is it just me graphic whoring or do other people see this too? It was just a complete turn off for me.
It was clearly an older build in that trailer. I agree, that trailer is horrible. But all the recent gameplay videos looks great.1stStrike said:I watched the latest socom trailer on the PSN last week looks absolutely terrible imo. The character models are some of the worst I've seen this generation.
Is it just me graphic whoring or do other people see this too? It was just a complete turn off for me.
Doel said:E3 Stuff thus far (thanks to this thread):
Videos - E3 08 Gameplay Trailer
Gamevideos - Street Shootout
Click Here for 7 New Screens
IGN - Eyes on Update
PSX Extreme Preview
E3 Feed Preview
FoxhoundNL said:I purchased Qore yesterday, both episodes, and I'm wondering if I'll be able to enter the beta since I'm from Europe. Any word on that?! Would be awesome if it worked, but I'm not gonna get my hopes just yet.
Oh when will the beta hit? It's been a while since Qore ep. 1 has been released.... :lol
Arsenic said:yea thats, pretty fucking bullshit. i read your previous post, which is why i asked. i hate this round switchup, as it can end up being less fair than the previous setup.
I knew about it, but I also knew the segment would suck, and it did.Dante said:Live demo up!
New build looks WAY better.;title;1&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot
Can't believe Doel wasn't on top of this![]()
Peak at the between rounds screen
Gamespot just had Seth Luisi and SOCOM Confrontation on their E3 Live show. In typical Gamespot fashion, they failed at answering any real burning questions we have and instead filled the last portion of the segment with bonehead questions like "Are there any vehicles?" and "Can you pick up backpacks from other troops?". Lord.
Anyways, Hellman, a friend of mine and co-host on TheRealSOCOM Podcast, grabbed a couple shots of what the menu that comes up in between rounds. There is some interesting stuff in there including "Kill Assists", a new and welcome addition to the franchise.
Dev Q&A 10
Posted by David Point Man Brothers
Hey gang, we've got more Q&As for you. Once again, David Seymour has some of your answers. Here's the category, so that you can read up on past Q&As.
This is our tenth Q&A. Go us!
When you use PTT can individuals on the opposing team hear you, or is it only when you talk with out pushing the talk button that the opposing team could hear you if in proximity? Also, if there is a lot of background noise but none of that noise is directly spoken into the mic, will it all be heard through the open mic system and could the enemy potentially hear those noises if in proximity? Is the open mic system only activated by a voice being spoken directly into the mic, or can anything be heard and transmitted through mic system?
There are three things to know about how headset mics work in Confrontation.
1 Open chat, always-on audio pickup is only used for the party system. If I join up with my friends via the party system, I can talk to them all of the time without doing anything.
2 Team chat, to the members of your team within a game is activated by Push To Talk. I hold the button, the members of my team hear it. This is true even if I am in a party.
3 My voice propagates into the game world around my character.
What this means is that as in the real world, the noises I make can give away my position. I can radio my team mates or open-talk to my party at any time, but if the enemy is very close to me, they could overhear me talking into my mic. And yes, you can whisper into your mic and that could reduce the chance that the other team hears you.
The sound propagation is realistic, so players dont need to worry about being overheard from across the map. Another consideration is that the SOCOM headset is a very high-quality dual-microphone noise-cancelling headset and is unlikely to transmit background noise via the open mic feature.
How many people can be in a clan and will you be able to have multiple rosters since you have co-leaders?
Clans can have 50 members. If the community expressed interest in having larger clans then that is something we will consider. There is no explicit clan roster management system in Confrontation. That is something the clans will organize on their own.
Will the mercenaries have any special forces units, or will it be exclusive to the commandos?
Only the Commandoes will graduate into Special Forces upon joining a clan. Mercenaries will not have their appearance or designation altered when you join a clan.
In Dev Q&A 6, Seth states: "If you pick up a weapon during a match and you do not die before the end of the round you can use the weapon you picked up in the next round. As soon as you die you lose the weapon you picked up and instead are given what you selected in the armory." Does this apply only to deaths within the round in which you picked up the weapon as in previous SOCOMs or will you lose the weapon you picked up if you have any deaths after picking up the gun for the rest of the game?
Basically, if you survive a round without dying you keep the current equipped weapon in the next round unless a team switch occurs. If you die (or respawn), you are equipped with the default weapon you selected in the armory. This is the case for all rounds.
Dev Q&A
The more info that comes, the more i lose interest in this game.Doel said:Dev Q&A 10 is up. Some good info in here:
I don't know why they keep trying to push it. Thank god the classic camera is still there.dralla said:The OTS camera looks awful, it knocks you out of it when you sprint and when backing up it gets all jittery.
Bootaaay said:The R2 beta info said it would be avaialble to Qore users near the end of September - have we had any kind of timeframe for the SOCOM beta? I'm itching to play already :/
they just want your money. i also bought the Qore episode and it wasnt until afterwards i realized those who preordered will get in the fucking beta before anyways. what a waste.HoTHiTTeR said:Awesome.... Qore announces the Resistance 2 beta - and we still don't have the SOCOM beta. They really need to do a better job of informing us of when these "exclusives" will become available.
Yes you can.InterMoniker said:With that new third person camera view can you switch the cross-hair to the left or right side like MGO?
Anybody know?
Fucking awesome, thanks man.Doel said:Yes you can.
And the open beta is slated for sometime in August.
Just preorder the gameInterMoniker said:Fucking awesome, thanks man.
Hopefully I can still get in the beta. One more question for anyone can I buy an old episode of Quore like the one with the Socom beta and still get in?
Arsenic said:Just preorder the game
Directed towards Allen Goodes response in Dev Q&A 3; Allen, you stated that there is network infrastructure for auto match play. What measures have you taken to prevent laggy players in custom lobbies, and what measures have you all taken to stop cheating and code users this time around in both the automatch system and the classic lobby infrastructure?
When building an auto-match game our system filters though the entire pool of potential players and then creates the best match possible. First we find players that are interested in playing the same type of game that you are. Next we look for players that have similar skill levels to you. The last step we take is to find players that have the best connection to one another. All these rules let us insure that the matches we create are as competitive and engaging possible.
Will knifing be one hit kills or will it take a few hits to kill someone?
A knife strike is a one hit kill.
My question is about the party/group system. Will we be able to add people "on the fly" (while playing a map or possibly while in the lobby in between maps)? Or will we need to leave a room and create a new group just to add a person?
Currently the only way to add people to your party is in the main menu and anyone in your party can invite people to join, not just the leader.
Is the Voting System similar to the voting system in SOCOM 2?
The voting system is similar but has been improved to prevent players from taking advantage of the system to relay messages from the grave or to simply grief other players.
People on the boards are saying that GameStop is saying they will give out beta invites (when they come in) if you pre-order Confrontation. Sounds like its in-store stroke said:oh shit.
Lttp here sorry
So if I preorder I am in the beta? retail or online?
Nice that makes the knife kills a lot better than a 1 hit kill it kinda of sounds like how counter strike handles knife kills.Doel said:Knife kill correction. According to David Seymour in the comments section, "The answer above about the knife attack is incomplete. The knife strike is a one-hit kill from behind, but from the front it only does half damage. Apologies for the omission". Thank god![]()