dralla said:tried to capture some stuff but couldn't get much because of some difficulties. did manage to get myself out of a bad situation, the OTS camera works a bit better when using 4:3.
kevm3 said:I actually got into a good game today... Figures that when I start having a good game, my power cuts off.
I think one of the biggest problems with this game is that it feels a bit dated. Going from it back to COD4 is crazy. The difference is astounding. I go back to COD 4 and say, hey this feels so smooth.
I think they made a mistake in 'catering to the Socom 2' fans. Those guys were going tocomplain anyways if the game was anything other than Socom 2 with a better graphical overlay. They need to work on making thegame feel smoother. I guess alot of this has to do with the framerate though.
The one thing Socom has going for it is that it doesn't feel cheap. COD has TONS of moments that if you're lagging, you feel youkilled someone first, but somehow they kill you. I didn't get much ofthat with Socom YET>
The Take Out Bandit said:Or Slant 6/Zipper could not permit folks with shitty connections to host games beyond their paltry bandwidth limitations like Warhawk.
Stop apologizing for crap game design.
mr stroke said:I would argue its not the game design becuase the game when it works is rock solid and IMO much better than COD4 or Halo, apples and oranges really, but thats what has made Socom a different experience than anything else. I will give Slant Six the benifit of the doubt here because its a "beta", but if the final game is anything like this and not butter smooth, then Slant Six has failed the Sony/Socom fanbase.
Bearillusion said:The textures and detail are better than COD4.
Rapping Granny said:I am sorry, what?
I love this game and it's addicting as hell for me but this game does NOT LOOK BETTER than COD4, the lighting is non existent in here, the chracter model look like COD2, the first time I played I stood there waiting for the textures to load up on the character's back like GeOW but it never happened, I was like WTF, plus the game's framerate is all over the place.
The only thing I was impressed by the presentation of the game was the sound (better than MGS4) and the smoke( K2 level)
I hope this gets pushed to December so it can get some polish, Sony needs to send some of their ninjas to Slant Six, maybe some people from Sony Bend or Naughty Dog (texture gods)
Now, who's up for a game, I haven't played with Gaf yet, any rooms?
The Take Out Bandit said:Man, the netcode in this game is just soooo bad!
I cannot join any games over 12-16 players. What the fuck man?
Is there a BETA board to report problems?
This is such bullshit, especially compared to Warhawk - which IMO is the golden standard for features / stability on the PS3. I've read good things about Resistance online, but that's not my cup of tea. :\
Literally, going on 20 minutes trying to get into a fucking game here.
20 minutes!
AranhaHunter said:Warhawk had a crapload of problems in the beginning, including people not getting awarded for their statistics and stuff like that, but I agree, right now Warhawk is butter smooth and I'll probably still be playing it 2 years from now.
And I would like to know where I can report problems to as well.....
The Take Out Bandit said:Warhawk had no issues this bad with regards to SIMPLY GETTING INTO A GAME AND FUCKING PLAYING A MATCH!
AranhaHunter said:Fine, I'll give you that, but CoD 4 had terrible issues to get into a game.....in the retail version of the game.
I'll play SOCOM tomorrow and see if it's as bad as you say it is, hopefully not lol.
Ramirez said:I've had zero problems getting into matches...the game doesn't run very smoothly though, definitely fun however.
The Take Out Bandit said:I'm getting constant left/right arrows with a red X over them in the top center of the screen. The game completely locks up at this point, and I'll either get shot in the face while the game is sorting out it's business; or booted from the server.
The Take Out Bandit said:I'm getting constant left/right arrows with a red X over them in the top center of the screen. The game completely locks up at this point, and I'll either get shot in the face while the game is sorting out it's business; or booted from the server.
Ramirez said:I've had zero problems getting into matches...the game doesn't run very smoothly though, definitely fun however.
aj2good4you2 said:happens to me too sometimes but slant 6 is already addressing that bug in the next patch. turns out its some kind of ingame speedtest that checks if ur connection is good enough but it doesnt always work properly so it causes that red X.
Bearillusion said:To put in bluntly I'm a framerate whore (hate that term) and the framerate for me has been very solid. I think most of the drops are because of lag not because of the engine. The textures and detail are better than COD4.
TTP said:Wat? Frame rate is sub-30. Textures are AT MOST on par with COD4 (but COD4 runs at 60fps). No graphics whore can seriously be pleased with how Confrontation runs and looks. It's just unacceptable for such a big franchise being developer exclusively on the PS3. I don't care if Slant 6 is a little, inexperienced developer. Sony decided to put the game in their hands. Not my problem.
Let me remind you how one of the latest 30fps multiplatform shooters runs and looks on the PS3.
I do enjoy playing Confrontation (despite its beta-state issues), but looking at it makes me cry inside. Too bad it has the best sound I've ever heard in a shooter. It sounds too good for what it looks.
The Take Out Bandit said:Warhawk had no issues this bad with regards to SIMPLY GETTING INTO A GAME AND FUCKING PLAYING A MATCH!
The Take Out Bandit said:Warhawk had no issues this bad with regards to SIMPLY GETTING INTO A GAME AND FUCKING PLAYING A MATCH!
I don't give a fuck about stat tracking and rank issues. I want a god damn stable game I can play online, and this BETA is THE WORST I've ever experienced. It's unplayable in the state it is currently in.
Unreal on the Dreamcast via a 56k modem was more stable and less lag-tastic than this fucking beta.
I'm not touching this piece of shit until the next patch comes out. It's a huge waste of my time even attempting to play a game with the disconnect / booting problems.
Goes and loads Warhawk to fucking shoot things!
Yeah the hdr is a little too intense right now. When going from light to dark the dark areas are really dark,. Then when you go from a dark or shaded area to a light area everything is almost completely white at first.Metalmurphy said:So much hate for a BETA... Never change GAF
IMO the only thing they need to fix is the HDR and the character textures. I'm fine with the framerate.
Yeah take out bandit is really over-exaggerating the issues this game is fucking fun.JB1981 said:Dude, the Freezehawk beta was a disaster. I have actually played at least 2 dozen matches in this beta without the issues you describe. You are such a drama queen.
With a little polish (maybe another texture pass, please? and lighting tweaks) I'd be perfectly fine with how the game looks. The framerate on a good connection is fine. Much better than MGO, which stutters like a bitch, at times.
InterMoniker said:Yeah take out bandit is really over-exaggerating the issues this game is fucking fun.
:lolThe Take Out Bandit said:Yes, my experience with the Beta differs from yours; and I'm "over-exaggerating" never change NeoGAF.
Unplayable until they patch this shit in my experience.
Now, who here is playing via a wireless internet connection? (And don't play the wireless blame game, I've been connected to Warhawk for 12 hours with no connection problems).
InterMoniker said::lol
It really depends if the host is good or not.
Yeah I totally agree hopefully if/when they patch the game again they'll add in something like that.The Take Out Bandit said:What about the damned dedicated servers though?! Official Sony run ones. Not fan run servers.
Like I said earlier, the game needs to restrict players with shitty connections to hosting games within their means.
The Take Out Bandit said:Yes, my experience with the Beta differs from yours; and I'm "over-exaggerating" never change NeoGAF.
Unplayable until they patch this shit in my experience.
Now, who here is playing via a wireless internet connection? (And don't play the wireless blame game, I've been connected to Warhawk for 12 hours with no connection problems).
Bearillusion said:I've asked this before (as has at least one other) without answer so I'll ask again. What is it, Socom fans that you love about the series? I've noticed several people say that Socom is best played with no respawns. Why is that? Would there be a difference between 1 life in Halo or COD in comparison to Socom?
Bearillusion said:I've asked this before (as has at least one other) without answer so I'll ask again. What is it, Socom fans that you love about the series? I've noticed several people say that Socom is best played with no respawns. Why is that? Would there be a difference between 1 life in Halo or COD in comparison to Socom?
I'm really enjoying the beta btw.