Rean no Kiseki

As the title says I am disappointed in YOU! Yes you! In the past few months this place has become GameFAQS 2.0, i mean look at the shit threads that populate the front page and go right this second to any of the consoles boards on GameFAQS and i dare you to spot the difference.
You have a piece of plastic from company A that you prefer over the piece of plastic from company B, woohoo good for you! Now about we talk about games and have some discussion over their pros and cons? "huh.... What’s that? Look here I have a list of games my favorite soulless corporation (corpration A) has a lock on that's not available on that guys plastic box made by soulless corporation B! Haha take that!".
"let me sit back here and slid my hand down my pants Al Bundy style and debate whether soulless corporation A's current leader cares or knows how to run my favorite soulless corporation's games business, no I'm not a share holders dammit but i know how shit works! They should fire that guy's ass he's making my list look bad!"
If you're a" hardcore gamer™/enthusiast™" why do you care about corprations and their business? Go play games and enjoy them instead of bickering over meaningless shit like which these corprations should aquire next or what they should be doing like you got some stake in their success.

I've said my peace, see you dear warriors.