Sadly, on Expert, you won't get any item boxes anymore for Traffic Attack. So good luck with that.
Also, I am less bothered by Danica Patrick than I am with Ralph. I can understand both characters and why they are there, but honestly, Danica at least represents the Daytona games, while Ralph is just random as fuck cross-promotion.
Anyway, I'm at 130 stars, 4-starred almost all the Ring Race courses (fuck the Panzer Dragoon and Nights ones though), and 3-starred a couple of other stuff. I have no idea how I am supposed to unlock Reala/AGES, let alone that 180 star console mod. At this point, the game is becoming infuriating and frustrating, and I don't have much fun anymore when getting punished so hard by the AI of the races and traffic attack missions. The only things left for me are some of the Drift and Boost challenges, and even those occasionally just seem random as hell to me.