This game is a 'big' one; something that borders beyond the realm of video games. It got a comic book, TV show and tons of merch; Boom is a big brand for Sonic and is part of Sonic Retrospective. I need a lot of hands to help me with this one, so thankfully, NeoGaf Members Yoshi and Village are going to work with me in making this thread.
Going to let them say there word on Boom before moving on to the history.
Sega felt the need to rework the looks of Sonic and his friends for his new TV series. Considering Sonic Team by the looks of it did not really approve of the news design as the new standard, this is a bit strange, but it shows that Sega still is willing to take chances with Sonic and maybe establish a side series. The TV series I have not seen, but I have played both games; the 3DS one being ok, but having too long levels while overall being way too short, the Wii U version… well I guess I’ll get to that one a bit later in this topic
Ok, so I have a weird relationship with sonic boom, because I have been following this since the news first came out, and as the news rolled out I sort of gathered what this game was supposed to be. They talked about its inspirations and what they wanted to going forward, and from what I have gathered. This, sonic boom is their attempt at the adventure dollar. From the jump, friends back, playable, unique non normal sonic mechanics, a sort of actually serious villain doing a thing, them saying they took inspiration from the adventure games multiple times. Shadow, and the producer talking about all the stuff they were going do with shadow in future. This, hypothetically speaking seemed to be and still is a more adventurous take on sonic. Something more akin to their pursuits in the early 2000's, hell it plays like bad Jak and Daxter.
And if anything is early 2000's more than shit GTA clones, is shit J&D and R&C clones with generic ass backgrounds in nature, I’m looking at you Ty the Tiger and Tak and the Power of Juju. That part of sonic has been underserved for a while, this kind of adventure stuff happening, taking the situation a smidge seriously to the point of corn, has been gone for a while, sounds like a good idea right?
Market desires a thing, fulfill those desires. Easy as... cooking chili-dogs. You know instead of making one revenue stream make 2. Getting back to the days where they strait up were just releasing 2d Sonic’s on hand held. Diversify yo bonds.
Issue is, their attempts this, and sonic in general in the last few years have been half assed. And have kind of given sonic boom a weird reputation, hopefully this changes in future but it is what it is. Also sonic and knuckles designs meh, and raw ass so that's also a thing. I would take a look at Tails, Amy and Shadow as, a lesson in showing restraint.
I shall be covering the Wii U game, I just wish to talk about how transparent the whole thing is, so let’s get started.
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Sonic Boom started way in 2009, with a head of SEGA of America showing interest in westernizing various SEGA IP, with his eyes set on Sonic. Nothing happened......but the idea was planted with SEGA.
Fast forward to 2012 and SEGA of America decided "Lets do what we did in the early 1900's and bank on Sonic's popularity with him being a multi-media star!" But SEGA Japan wasn't that interested in this, so they gave SEGA America a budget of 20+ Million and more or less said 'Have fun'. Considering this, SEGA of America brought in four groups; Archie Comics, OuiDo! Productions, BigRedButton and late in development, Sanzaru Games.
Archie was told to make a comic closely linked to OuiDo!'s TV show.....but BigRedButton was the wild-card here.

They are composed of the following talent:
-Naughty Dog (Crash, Jak & Daxter)
-Insomniac Games (Spyro Series, Ratchet 1 & 2)
-High Impact Games (Secret Agent Clank, Ratchet Size Matters, Jak & Daxter: The Lost Fronter)
-Heavy Iron Studios (PS2 Era Spongebob Platformers)
-Superbot Entertainment (PlayStation All Stars)
-Sony Santa Monica Studios (God of War)
-Infinity Ward (Call of Duty Modern Wafare)
-Animators from Dreamworks and Pixar
So, it’s rumored that it was originally a new IP that SEGA retro-fitted into a Sonic game but information indicates it was going to be a full on reboot for Sonic. Various designs show that he was going to look drastically different than his current form and it made Izuka and other Sonic Team Members disgusted.

They dialed back with the designs but the fact Sonic Team was warry of this western studio working with their IP........had to be angering.
Fast forward to 2013 and the games are announced; Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric for the Wii U and Shattered Crystal for the Nintendo 3DS. Now, we got a trailer that looked, quite nice honestly. Lots of detail, various effects in place and level locations hold potential for fun gameplay ideas......but really, this was all PC footage. The game was never running on Wii U tech until AFTER the announcement of the game landing on Wii U.

And Cry Engine 3 while supported on Wii U, wasn't made in mind for the system. All of this lead to the team spending long hours forcing the game to work with hardware that just refused to work for them.
All of this happened while Sanzaru was hired to make Shattered Crystal and got the game content complete within six months, with the remaining five or so months spent polishing the game and adding in content that people liked (rival races and worm tunnel levels).

Both games released on November 2014 alongside the cartoon and both were panned HARD. The Wii U game became this generations Sonic 06 while the 3DS game disappointed some.
With all of this in mind, how does the Wii U and 3DS version fare?
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Wii U version I will let Village and Yoshi take the stand, but I will just say this before they state their thoughts; this game had no excuse to be such a shoddy game. Okay, have at it Yoshi and Village
First of all, let me say that the game does not use the same structure as Jak & Daxter, considering it is still broken up in distinct levels and does not really qualify as a collectathon in level structure. The levels are still basically almost as linear as they are in the older Sonic games, added overworlds are nothing new for a Sonic game either. It has one thing that was popular among the PS2-platformer developers though: Collectibles that are sprinkled throughout the game with no real rhyme or reason, certainly not as game structuring elements like in Mario 64, Banjo or, to a slightly lesser degree, Jak & Daxter (1). In that sense, the collection aspect feels more reminiscent of Spyro.
The thing with Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric is, that it manages to not be outrageously dysfunctional like Sonic 2006, or as incredibly dull as Sonic & The Black Knight, still it manages to take the crown of frown among the 3D platformers starring Sonic (well, tied with Sonic 3D Blast) for me. The overall gameplay is just all over the place. The levels are separated in three kinds of sections, platforming, high-speed areas and fighting. The fighting is hilariously braindead, you just press “attack” to win. You can (and in very few cases need to) use your lasso attack, but that’s about all there is in regards to variation. However, the fights can take quite a while and are never even remotely entertaining. Then there are the high speed sections and even though I am always strictly complaining about the unjustified accusations of “press up to win” for Sonic games – because they are generally bullshit – this absolutely holds true to the speed sections in this game. These sections are entirely worthless and devoid of any kind of thrill. What remains are platforming sections, which often include parallel paths for different characters. They can be of OK quality, but it is quite problematic, considering the success in this game is measured in collectibles rather than rankings that you need to guess the right order in which to take the alternative paths as to not end up on the path leading to the goal without a way back. The problem is that the levels overall are just not fun to play and certainly not fun enough to play them more than once. As a result, Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric is the only Sonic platformer I have not finished 100% (though I have completed all levels, of course).

Sonic Boom also runs at a miserable framerate, is buggy (but not as much as Sonic 06, at least…

Quick story: So Sonic and Eggman is fighting , and sonic instead of running full speed away from the ambush because him and his friends have the power of super speed, making all types of ambushes completely irrelevant. He decided to walk into a tomb with his face on it because he is a narcissist like that, and gets trapped. Instead of coming back to investigate later, when Eggman isn't chasing you, you know the smart thing. After getting trapped, because he walked into old decrepit magical architecture that could have collapsed at any time with no context because his face was on it, you have to play through some bad 2d platforming to get to this room. In this room holds Lyric a big bad who was just let out because sonic in game forgets he has super speed. And didn't just run away from the ambush, because he and his friends have super speed. They let the lyric the 00's ps2 villain out, he is evil and goes to do evil shit. Apparently he wants the not chaos emeralds and the old world robots to take over...the world, also Eggman wants those, because he has similar ambitions. Later you kick his shit in and save the day. Which makes him as a threat look completely irrelevant because even gathering everything he wanted couldn't stop sonic and crew, so yeah. Also shadow drops by for whatever reason.

Ok so we have talked this game to death, TO DEATH about its flaws. Its badly designed, its buggy as fuck, they didn't listen to the testers, you can fall through the world, there is a knuckles jump glitch that can allow you to beat the game in little over or under an hour. A lot of the staff left during development, and maybe this was supposed to be for different systems entirely.
This is covered ground, what I would like to talk about is the transparency with removed stuff in this game, I’m going to throw some a secret but this game maybe been rushed to market. Wild I know, no sonic game has ever done that before... right
Oh wait the worst one, we haven't learned this lesson still it’s been a decade, or at least 8 years at the time. So, much likes games rushed to market there may be content missing sometimes it’s fairly obvious, sometimes it’s so obvious that you kind of wished they would have just taken their time and polished the game. To see what at least a finished version of this game, what that even is?
So let’s start with Perci and end with Shadow.
So Perci:

Here she is I think her design is cool, her and a chao world, or garden were apparently supposed to be in this game, or things in this game. And her playable, neither of those things are things. I think the sheer amount of playable folks, or rather potentially playable folks in this game, along with the chao thing sort of solidifies the era of sonic they were going for. I wish I could have experienced her character in a playable setting that wasn't the TV show, because the tv shoes does has her character, it falls into that female sonic character hole a lot of them tend to and it kind of sucks. But we will get to that bridge.

Shadow, shadow is a particularly interesting puzzle piece in this entire thing because his is more clear than anyone there has to have been cut content. But before I get that, I want to note, his character is shit in this game, like so bad that apparently in the Japanese dub of the game, and it suggests he was mind controls to skirt around the shitness of his character entirely. But back to his place in the game, so shadow shows up, seems like he is investigating something, leaves. Comes back, fights sonic for no reason, gets jumped, gets knocked someplace. At the end of the game, shows up like he was fighting something else, seems to have context of everything gives sonic and crew a glance and leaves. It’s almost as if shadow was investigating the thing, gloated sonic into taking him where he needed to go because he knew the threat ( and by the way if you all are asking, village how do you know he knew who lyric was , in the next game he knows who lyric is and goes after himself, and has a context of how dangerous he is, he already knew who lyric was) and something else happening elsewhere, and went on an adventure in another dimension that you would have played through giving context to all that. A sort of... dark story line... like... a 2nd adventure.... would any of you know what a thing like that might be called? Anyways, along with him being the only boss fight that like DMC4's Dante fights looks like you are fighting someone who is supposed to be playable.
There is a lot of this game, that's not just not here. Not only on a technical, bug level or a quality level, but just not here in general. As we all know the development for this game was apparently nothing short of shenanigans. So this is to be expected, but it is, very apparent. If I were them I would have just removed shadow from the game, clearly he wasn't ready to leave the oven. But hey I guess they thought they could get some sales off him anyway? I don't know. But you can say that about the whole game, this game needed to cook for a lot more time. Because the ambition behind boom in general is great despite some questionable character design choices, but you can't half ass it.
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The 3DS version of Boom is where I will talk a lot, as I own the 3DS version and it was a lot better than I expected it to be honestly.
The core gameplay set up like a normal 2D Sonic game but after fully playing through it, the game is a odd hybrid between the Advance Series and the Rush series. I say this as while you have an option to 'Boost' (pressing Y), you don't damage foes until a late-game upgrade. And even talking about the Advance series is not really fair as you don't run unless you press the Y Button; you walk at a nice jog. This is not a problem, as the game's level design so focused on exploration. You have more traditional platforming ala Sonic Color's 2D Sections, so with the slower controls, it allows for more control over your character when jumping about.

You have four playable characters; Sonic, Tals, Knuckles, and Sticks. Sonic has a spin dash and air-dash, with the spin dash being able to attack foes (like it should XD). Tails can throw bombs, hover in the air & use his Sea Fox (a nice nod to the Game Gear games). Knuckles has a dash-punch and can dig into the ground (mirroring how the Drill Wisp works; you press the Y button when drilling to go faster). Sticks has access to her boomerang and you can either just toss it around or have more control over her throw (hold the X button and let it fly with the Circle Pad).

Note how I don't mention the iconic homing attack? Everyone has it and can stop when pressing X + Down. It makes every character equal control wise and it makes switching characters (D Pad Presses) really natural. However, it goes into my biggest issue with the controls; the lack of a spin jump. Sonic and friends don't curl up when jumping like in most games in the series, so you either use the X button moves or homing attacks to defeat robots. The problem, is that the homing attack does not always work and it’s tied to your double jump; you might end up hitting yourself instead of hitting your foe.

I hated this but thanks to Sonic's Air Dash, Sticks Boomerang, and Knuckles Dash Punch, its not that bad. Just a really strange design oversight on Sanzaru's part.
The Level Design is interesting, as I both really like it but have issue with it. What I mean, is that the speed sections are just nice little cut-scenes you earn from the platforming, but you have great sections that have you timing your homing attacks, enerbeam swings and jumps to have some really fun speed-based platforming. I also love the fact each character is Sonic-like but has a unique feature. It’s something I loved in the Classic Series and the Advance games, so it is awesome Sanzaru does that here.

Sonic and friends have level gimmicks that we see in many other Sonic's; grind rails, lop-de-lops, springs that bounce you everywhere and some new gimmicks tied to character abilities. You will be swapping between characters rapidly in latter levels, leading to some really fun platforming that uses everyone's abilities.
......But note how I said I have issues with the level design. The game is exploration focused and I like that, as its a nice nod to the Game Gear games (that push for exploring for getting rings to access special stages or in Tails Adventure trying to find all the items in each map). But trying to find everything is a bit annoying at first. You only have Sonic at the start and it isn't until the Scrapyard level (about.....four levels in) until you can play with all the characters. So you will be backtracking and this might be a problem for some.
If you like the gameplay and like exploring the entire level map ? Great! But do you just want to run to the goal and call it a day? Ugh......this game doesn't work that way. You have Emblem systems in place and you have to collect X amount to unlock specific levels. So, if you don't explore and get all the Crystal Shards/Blueprints....you are locked out of stages. Many hated this in early reviews and it’s an issue Sanzaru is fixing with Fire & Ice (launching this year), so it IS a problem. And some levels are maze like and it’s hard to get to the goal at points (Robot Facility is a good example of this; got lost for a good five minutes).
But the core Adventure stages are enjoyable enough for me that I 100% the game

The latter is Sonic Rivals done right, as rather than races, they are just timed levels where you have to get to the goal as fast as you can. It’s really rewarding to get great runs and the enerbeam, Air Dash and homing attack work so well with each other here. These are so fun, that Sanzaru is making an entire MP mode out of them with Fire & Ice, so they must of struck a chord with people.

The last element to gameplay are the Blueprints, as when you collect a set of six, you can unlock new abilities that are shared (mirroring the bottle vault items in Sly 4). You can expand your map to pick up where items are, increase you resistance to damage (lose less rings when hit), or even gain a Sonic Boost when you collect all the Blueprints. Nice reward for exploring I feel.
Presentation of the game is quite strong. It visually it looks nice. The models are quite detailed and the levels have nice designs to them. My favorite levels are the Air Fortress and Scrapyard locations; the former being a Sky Sanctuary-like location while the latter has moody rain effects in the background.
The musical score is Sonic-like, with Richard returning from All Stars Racing Transformed and Sonic 3D Blast Saturn making new tracks for this game. They are all strong and range from 3D Blast Saturn like atmospheric tracks (Seaside Jungle 2, Scrapyard 2, Air Fortress 2) too more Modern Sonic like music (Worm Tunnel, Robot Facility 1, Robot Facility 2, Seaside Beach 1).
This soundtrack isn't the best in the series, but it is strong and a step-up from the Wii U Boom game in spades. Though the shared-title theme is still quite nice.
The story is this: You like the Boom Cartoon? Or something like Sonic Colors? Take that but make it more simplified. Its light hearted, cheesy and a bit stupid. Ah, the good ol' silly Sonic we all know and love. To be serious, the writing isn't very strong at all and it’s passable but it has charm. The Archie Comics made an opening to the game (accessible with Sonic's Home) and it’s well written. Shadow isn’t nearly as useless compared to how he is in the Wii U version. Knuckles is funny here and its nice seeing everyone play off each other so well. Nice precursor to the Boom cartoon to be honest. Unlike the Wii U game which doesn't really match the show at all, the 3DS game mirrors the show very closely in tone and style (Sanzaru worked with the Show Writers more closely then Big Red Button did).

I came in thinking I was going to play a horrid piece of crap, walked away surprised. I got a fun platformer that while far from perfect, is a nice first step for Sanzaru Games making Sonic titles. It felt like Sonic, it sounds like Sonic, it looks like Sonic; that was important to nail and Sanzaru did that in spades. Shattered Crystal is a fun game that while flawed, I had a lot of fun with.
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Overall, both games have a lot of issues and the 3DS version while something I enjoy, is far weaker compared to other handheld Sonic games like Advance, Pocket Adventure, Rush or Triple Trouble.
This sub-series could of launched well but SEGA botched it with a really poor Wii U game.