The Technomancer
card-carrying scientician

Publisher: SEGA
Developer: Sonic Team, DIMPS
Platforms: Wii, Nintendo DS
Genre: Platformer
Modes: Single-player, multi-player
Release dates:
* AUS November 11th, 2010
* EU November 12, 2010
* NA November 16, 2010
* JP November 12, 2010

Doctor Eggman *cough*Robotnik*cough* is up to his dastardly old tricks again, kidnapping the lovely little alien wisps and using them to power his kick-ass new amusement space!
So it looks like its time for Sonic to rip shit up in the name of freedom of cute creatures and space!
...that seems to be it. No prophecies, no time travel, no storybook themes, and we're pretty sure Sonic never kisses anyone.

Sources have it the team behind Sonic Colors has no idea what makes a fun game. The controls are abysmal and their bizarre decision to only support the Balance board as a control input, flailing your legs in real time with Sonic's legs, is exhausting and inaccurate. And unfortunately only about a third of the game is spent running around, while the rest of the time is spent navigating an old-school text adventure in an attempt to reach the next planet. However the levels where you take control of a sentient Zucchini are said to actually be fun, especially the way they integrate aspects of pixel-hunting exploration.
....wait...none of that is true? It seems that Colors might be....good? Reviews are positive? No gimmicks? Just fun, fast-paced levels with multiple routes, gorgeous graphics, and tight controls? Just what the heck going on here?
The Wii version of Sonic Colors plays similarly to Sonic Unleashed, but with a much higher focus on sidescrolling gameplay and slowing down to platform and explore the levels. In fact according to some sources upwards of 70% of the game is in 2D. That's right folks, Sega finally fixed 3D Sonic by making it 2D.
Compared to Unleashed the physics seem to have been tweaked to allow for more accurate platforming and low-speed control, complete with a double jump. The levels are full of the alternate routes and hidden by-ways that Sonic games are known for and you even break open a container of cute creatures at the end of most levels! And there's no padding: just simple level select screens that drop you directly into the action.
To put this in perspective folks: at one point drifting around turns in the game was handled by tilting the nunchuck. You may realize that this is a f**king stupid idea. Then, in later builds, it was turned into a button press. Someone on the team was cutting out f**king stupid ideas!
The game also comes with a co-op/competitive multiplayer mode, known as the Sonic Simulator. Taking control of two robotic Sonics, you and a friend will blast through a 2D sidescrolling level, using your wisp powers together to overcome obstacles. It even has Mii support, so you too can be Sonic's shitty friend!
The DS version plays similarly to the Sonic Rush titles before it, and has been developed by the same team. There's really not much more to say on that front: multiple impressions have called it Sonic Rush 3.
However, both games do both feature a few large additions: the Wisps. These powered-up little alien critters will grant Sonic a variety of short-term abilities that seriously change up how he moves through the environment.
Don't take our word for it though, check out the following gameplay vids:
Wii Version
DS Version
(IGN video review)

White: The white wisps serve as Sonic's source of boost power, and the help fill the gauge at the bottom of the screen that his abilities pull from.
Cyan: When activated, Sonic gets a chance to aim himself with the help of some handy guides on screen. As soon as he's aimed he then transforms into a laser beam that will shoot through enemies, ricochet of crystals, and travel through power lines.
Yellow: When activated Sonic turns into a giant drill that allows him to burrow at high speed through various soft terrains. Many secret areas and rewards are hidden underground.
Orange: Sonic rockets upwards, slowly at first but with an eventual sudden burst. He blasts through anything in his way, and at the apex of the climb begins to free-fall slowly back to earth.
Pink: Exclusive to the Wii version, Pink will extend Sonic's spikes to dangerous levels, allowing him to bust through fragile blocks and climb up surfaces. Sonic can spin-dash in this form, sending him careening across the walls and ceilings.
Green: Exclusive to the Wii version, Green transforms Sonic into a slowly hovering alien....thingamajig. The biggest feature of this form is that it allows Sonic to preform his light-dash through long strings of rings, even ones that spiral and float through mid-air.
Blue: Exclusive to the Wii version, the Blue version behaves like the traditional P-switch from Mario, transforming special blue blocks into giant coins and visa versa, opening up new routes.
Purple: Exclusive to the Wii version. Purple sends Sonic into a monstrous frenzy. In this state he consumes all enemies and destructible blocks in his path, growing larger and larger the more he eats.
Red: Exclusive to the DS version, Red turns Sonic into a fireball capable of double-jump bursting in any direction.
Violet: Exclusive to the DS version, the Violet wisp turns Sonic ghostly, allowing him to float and pass through walls.

Tropical Resort

Sweet Mountain

Starlight Carnival

Planet Wisp

Aquatic Park

Asteroid Coaster

The Final Level
Intergalactic Elevator
The Sonic Simulator

WiiMagazin (German)
Wii version 92%
DS version - 90%
Nintendo Power
Wii version 9
DS version 7.5A fantastic game. Not just a step in the right direction, but an unequivocal success. In fact, it's the best entry in the series since the Blue Blur's 16-bit heyday.
GamePro (German)
Wii version - 87%
DS version 87%
Video Review:
Official Nintendo Magazine
Wii version - 86%
DS version 85%
Wii version - B+
Wii version 86%
Colours Rockets Sonic closer to the stratospheric heights of past glories and hints at a great future. Welcome back old friend, it's been to long.
Wii version - 8.5
Video review: Colors is a dizzying combination of the distantly familiar memories of the first few Sonic titles combined with thoughtful new abilities and mostly well executed level design. There are a few issues that mar an otherwise awesome experience, but those shouldn't stop Sonic fans and Wii owners from grabbing the best Sonic game in 18 years. As a blueprint for the future of SEGA's star, Sonic Colors delivers, and then some.
DS version - 8.5
Video review: Colors is undoubtedly the best portable Sonic game Ive ever played, and may even be my favorite entry in the franchise. If youve never been into Sonic, then Colors certainly wont change your mind, and the difficulty spikes and poor continue system will undoubtedly fluster many, but the ride is worth it. A year ago I was ready to relegate Sonic to the wont ever be good again part of my heart, but, if this is where Segas taking the franchise, Im ready to believe again. Welcome back, Sonic. Ive missed you.
Wii Version - 8/8/8/10 (34)
DS Version - 8/8/8/8 (32)
Wii Version - 8
After the faithful but inconsistent first episode of Sonic the Hedgehog 4, Sonic Colours is a welcome surprise: a fresh-faced 3D Sonic with great looks and breezy action. A handful of flashy new abilities are tossed into the mix, but they don't undermine the essential Sonic formula of bot bopping, ring grabbing, and high-speed platforming. It's not without occasional niggles, but Sonic Colours exhilarates much more often than it frustrates, making it a commendable new entry in a sometimes shaky franchise. This is a Sonic game with verve and imagination, and Wii owners shouldn't miss an opportunity to play with Sonic at his best.
Wii Version - 8
NGamer (Dutch)
Wii version - 8
Wii Version - 8
Game Informer
Wii Version - 7
Sonic Teams most recent Wii offering is evidence that its attempting to claw its way out of a deep grave crammed with disappointing titles. Some diehard Sonic fans with unlimited patience may find enjoyment here, but the rest of us should pick up one of Sonics fully 2D titles until they get it right.
Wii Version - 7
So when it comes down to it, Sonic Colors is a pretty good game after all considerations. It both loves and hates the player, and this degree of love or hate depends on the type of player. Some could find its frustrations unforgiveable, while others will delight in its cornucopia of exploratory offerings. Those who love Sonic, or have really wanted to love him since his descent into mediocrity, likely wont regret giving Colors a chance but be prepared to muster some patience.
Wii version - 6.4
Video review:
DS Version - 7.9
Video review:

(Massive thanks go to the Sonic News Network for all of the images and resources they compiled and to Lijik for the awesome title image)