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Sonic Generations |OT| What Sonic can learn from Sonic

SuperAngelo64 said:
I'm honestly like 10 minutes from just having someone log into my Steam account and doing 'Can't Touch This' for me.

This is honestly just not fun, and that's the first time I've said that about this game.

EDIT: I just wasted 40 lives doing this. Are you guys sure that hitting debris counts as 'damage'?


EDIT 3: I've been at this for 3 hours now.

Haha I'm trying to do it myself, and its fucking bull shit. Whoever thought it would be a good idea to put this achievement in the game MUST have worked on Sonic 06, its just that level of fucking bad. Great, Another game which is destined to be 1 acheivement shy of being finished,
AbsoluteZero said:
You're allowed to run into debris, by the way, you just can't be hit by any attacks.

Thats my problem, the fact you cant fucking move away from his attack in 2D, and in 3D when you get close enough to attack you get hit by this clap (which u cant move away from to avoid either). Its fucking terrible, honestly Sonic Team, they just cant resist trying to spoil their games can they. Would it have killed them to leave out this infuriating achievement?! All the people losing their shit about the fucking vector challenges, wait until you get a taste of this final boss!! I'd rather they had given an reward for S ranking every challenge instead of this ridiculous farce.
Bucket-o-roadkill said:
Thats my problem, the fact you cant fucking move away from his attack in 2D, and in 3D when you get close enough to attack you get hit by this clap (which u cant move away from to avoid either). Its fucking terrible, honestly Sonic Team, they just cant resist trying to spoil their games can they. Would it have killed them to leave out this infuriating achievement?! All the people losing their shit about the fucking vector challenges, wait until you get a taste of this final boss!! I'd rather they had given an reward for S ranking every challenge instead of this ridiculous farce.

When you're close to him, all you have to do is move up to his head to avoid the clap, then move back down to attack.

heh...avoid the clap.
Its just infuriating because I've got every other achievement so the game doesn't feel complete I guess. If it was just because I had to practice or because I was crap at the game, fair enough, but after S ranking everything, it feels fucking cheap that the game trolls people out of 100% completion because of a terrible final boss with badly coded controls. Straight outa 06.
Sega1991 said:
Because Sonic Generations will be the first retail disc game I ever managed to get 1000/1000 in. I managed to "S-Rank" a few XBLA games, but I never cared enough to do it with anything on a disc.

Same here. This is the only retail game I've managed it on, and the only XBLA games I've managed it on are the two Pac-Man CEs and Banjo-Kazooie. I'm close on Sonic 4 so I'll likely wrap that up someday out of bordeom.

Edit: I haven't been on my Giant Bomb page in a while...there's some neat stuff hidden in here.


PC patch:

Sonic Generations Update Released
Product Update - Valve
Updates to Sonic Generations have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

- USA flag is now correctly displayed in Online Mode.
- Fixed an issue where the Shop menu would become unresponsive at low frame rates.
- More accurate timing clock to 60Hz—may fix some issues with fluctuant frame rates.
- Updated default keyboard layout.
- Keyboard controls now correctly support drift.
- Screen display has been sharpened when AA is disabled.

- Users of NVIDIA Optimus graphics cards may experience an issue where the Configuration Tool fails to detect the Optimus card. NVIDIA are working on fixing the problem, and will get an update out shortly, during the next driver release window.

- If you experience any other problems, please contact [email protected] with details. To help us identify and fix the issue, please provide as much information as possible on your PC hardware, and the issue that you’re experiencing.
The problem with that acheviement aswell is the fact that there seems to be no decent advice which is proven to work. Some videos say boost all the time, some say boost every 2 seconds, neither seem to have an effect on the run.. It just stinks of shit programming, totally hit and miss.


More accurate timing clock to 60Hz—may fix some issues with fluctuant frame rates.

Hmm gonna test Chemical Plant real quick before I dive into Skyrim.


Teknoman said:
More accurate timing clock to 60Hz—may fix some issues with fluctuant frame rates.

Hmm gonna test Chemical Plant real quick before I dive into Skyrim.

I doubt that's the same problem, but good luck.


Shizzlee said:

I tried. Pretty happy with the results, but I can do better.
You're very good. Can you share some tips on precise boosting? All you guys who are awesome at speed runs are able to boost across large sections of a map and hit a perfect spot without flying off a ledge. How do you do it so easily?

Even when I know there is a speed booster ahead and try to boost towards it I always seem to overshoot it or something.


I'ma pick this up on PC soon enough, but having played it on 360, one thing I don't plan on ever doing is giving a shit about my time. It reminded me a lot of Mirror's Edge where I'm good enough to beat it, but nowhere near skilled enough to do anything else.


Nabs said:
I doubt that's the same problem, but good luck.

Well I wasnt exactly getting horrible fps in Chemical, but there were drops here and there, but didnt seem to do to change much, so guess not. Some of the areas seem to drop a little more than before though. Maybe its just me.

Aw wtf Sega, this is what I get for zone screens after the patch:


Everything else in the game displays fine, but the zone intro text and now loading are just garbled images and icons. Results screen is fine.


I don't know if that's from this patch. I've had that happen randomly before. I know it definitely happened when I messed with CCC (Cat AI possibly). Try restarting the game and checking again?


god damn i hate the name of act loading screen in generations


colors referenced the genesis games in the same way, but it was way more pulled back.


Nabs said:
I don't know if that's from this patch. I've had that happen randomly before. I know it definitely happened when I messed with CCC (Cat AI possibly). Try restarting the game and checking again?

You're right, I jumped the gun abit on that. Restarted, and everything is back to normal.

Still cant get online mode to work...so all I can do is stare at Morningbus' time.


Bucket-o-roadkill said:
The problem with that acheviement aswell is the fact that there seems to be no decent advice which is proven to work. Some videos say boost all the time, some say boost every 2 seconds, neither seem to have an effect on the run.. It just stinks of shit programming, totally hit and miss.

i boosted all the time, stayed in 3d for the most part, and only went 2d when he fired the lazer.

you only need to hit him three times. after the third time it goes into qte mode.

also, playing open your heart helps a lot.
Too bad about Chemical Plant Zone. I think that's the only zone I've had issues with RE: fps drops. I got to the third set of worlds, and I'll get getting the next batch of keys tonight.

Also, fuck this game's tendency to throw you over a platform if you miss a jump.


The only person I've seen say they weren't having framedrops in Chemical Plant zone was on the Steam forums, and when asked what his specs were it turned out he has SLI'd GTX 590s.


AniHawk said:
god damn i hate the name of act loading screen in generations


colors referenced the genesis games in the same way, but it was way more pulled back.
I totally disagree. I love these load screens.
Tips for "Can't Touch This":

-Aiming towards the core/target seems to make you move faster.
-Letting go of boost gives you great maneuverability; but if you're not worried, punch it.
-If you aren't sure you'll be able to dodge an attack, simply swap Sonics.
-Try to avoid the 2D plane, as it's much easier to be hit there. When it doubt, wait it out in the 3D plane. There's no time limits beyond your ring count.
-Speaking of rings, there's a few very easy ways to keep your ring count at safe levels: boost right when you gain control; boost right after you land a blow and he's spewing out rings; and STOP boosting before he does the time warp after spewing out rings, because there is almost always a big glut of rings you can line yourself up with immediately after the time warp.
-Change the BGM to Open Your Heart or Live and Learn. (Credit Anihawk)


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
AbsoluteZero said:
You're allowed to run into debris, by the way, you just can't be hit by any attacks.

I got hit twice and still go the trophy.

Just remember to keep on dashing.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Teknoman said:
You're right, I jumped the gun abit on that. Restarted, and everything is back to normal.

Still cant get online mode to work...so all I can do is stare at Morningbus' time.

This shit is going on my resume.

Best Sonic Generations PC player on NeoGAF, 2 weeks running.


Corporate Apologist
Steam patch didn't fix online mode in the slightest.

Aw wtf Sega, this is what I get for zone screens after the patch:
I had that happen once before prepatch, but I just restarted the game (Maybe the whole computer?), and it went away.
Why are people recommending selecting Open Your Heart or Live and Learn when giving tips for the final boss? Are you just having a bit of fun, or is there some kind of easter egg that makes things easier?


Shotgun Kiss said:
Why are people recommending selecting Open Your Heart or Live and Learn when giving tips for the final boss? Are you just having a bit of fun, or is there some kind of easter egg that makes things easier?


It's just for fun :)
AniHawk said:
god damn i hate the name of act loading screen in generations


colors referenced the genesis games in the same way, but it was way more pulled back.
probably ties back to this


last boss sucks. still s-ranked it (lulz)
Aaron Strife said:
last boss sucks. still s-ranked it (lulz)

It's one of the worst boss fights I've ever seen in a game. Poorly designed, awful controls, and uninteresting, but I think I hate it all the more because the rest of the game is really good, and this is the one part that I find insufferable. It's the equivalent of making a massive wedding cake and then putting a turd on top of it.
Sciz said:
Awwwwww yeah.


Easily the best challenge act in the game.
Absolutely correct, this is what planet Wisp should have been all along, a test of all the abilities Modern Sonic has with a few wisp sections thrown in. Action Master should have been a challenge for every zone.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Sciz said:
Awwwwww yeah.


Easily the best challenge act in the game.[/QUOTE]
Had a lot of fun with this one (and the atmosphere looks [I]so[/I] good!). I agree with Nocturnowl--the last two levels (the Planet Wisp levels) should have been tests of both Sonics' abilities. While Modern Sonic's portion seems to have gotten the balance between using Wisps and using Modern Sonic's abilities, and thus it was perfectly acceptable, it should have involved a little more of his techniques.

Classic Sonic's was... well...

[quote=Shotgun Kiss]Why are people recommending selecting Open Your Heart or Live and Learn when giving tips for the final boss? Are you just having a bit of fun, or is there some kind of easter egg that makes things easier?[/quote]
Because the default final boss theme is rather lacklustre and the other two themes generally put people in the zone? It's for fun. :)

I'm still using Endless Possibility, Sonic Boom or Reach for the Stars. :3

[QUOTE=AbsoluteZero]You're allowed to run into debris, by the way, you just can't be hit by any attacks.[/QUOTE]
What [I]kind[/I] of attacks?


Nocturnowl said:
Absolutely correct, this is what planet Wisp should have been all along, a test of all the abilities Modern Sonic has with a few wisp sections thrown in. Action Master should have been a challenge for every zone.

definitely. what a shock it was to play something kinda pretty cool in planet wisp.


Bucket-o-roadkill said:
The problem with that acheviement aswell is the fact that there seems to be no decent advice which is proven to work. Some videos say boost all the time, some say boost every 2 seconds, neither seem to have an effect on the run.. It just stinks of shit programming, totally hit and miss.
It's pretty simple actually. Only time you should hit 2D is to avoid his laser attack. Stick to 3D and stay near his head.


I did my part, got this game this week instead of MW3. It's quite good actually, hopefully it will sell well enough to "convince" Sega to stay "retro"... or at least to consider giving (selling) us some downloadable stages based on Marble/Mystic Cave/Ice Cap whatever good design was in Sonic 1 to 3

Though some parts of it show how shitty some Sonic games have been since the first Dreamcast title . The city escape stage is incredibly unappealing art-wise, boards & vehicles are still fucking stupid, bosses are mostly terrible, some "modern" music track are quite shameful (especially after hearing old school tracks from the Genesis era) and well, shitty friends / attitude & voice acting should definitely stop forever.

:) Overall I'm pleased though because stages like Green Hill, Chemical Plant & Seaside Hills made me smile and gave me nostalgia goosebumps!
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