TimmiT said:
Yoshi said:Problem is: You don't win by holding right and boosting, you especially don't get a good rating. I think the main problem are people simply not understanding the Rush series.
RobbieNick said:But we get "Back to Back" instead! XD
AbsoluteZero said:![]()
Avatar Awards are awesome.
Willy105 said:I have been playing this for a while.
I thought the Modern Sonic sections would suck, since the demo was so incredibly linear. But this is not true at all of the later stages.
It definitely is better than the Classic Sonic stages, just as Gerstmann said (but Modern Sonic is terrible at jumping when the action switches to 2D sidescroller, which happens far too often for my liking).
The Genesis stages are pretty tame and unimpressive for the most part, the game really hits it's stride during the last two thirds of the game. Amazing art and level design, fantastic music, and excellent graphics to glee over.
Bucket-o-roadkill said:Haha how do u actually unlock that? I saw it in the avatar award section on the dash. Quite a few sonic games offer avatar awards by the looks of it!
Willy105 said:I have been playing this for a while.
I thought the Modern Sonic sections would suck, since the demo was so incredibly linear. But this is not true at all of the later stages.
It definitely is better than the Classic Sonic stages, just as Gerstmann said (but Modern Sonic is terrible at jumping when the action switches to 2D sidescroller, which happens far too often for my liking).
The Genesis stages are pretty tame and unimpressive for the most part, the game really hits it's stride during the last two thirds of the game. Amazing art and level design, fantastic music, and excellent graphics to glee over.
Video?Anth0ny said:
In SA2 you beat him the first time by somersaulting into him over and over. The second time you have to run slowly in a straight line and then somersault into him. It's a huge improvement.mooglesoft said:- the boss fights are pathetic. what were they thinking with the shadow boss fight? chasing him around while running into meteors is fun?
Thank you, is this your channel?Anth0ny said:
No. This is just wrong. The last era was flawed and not that great, outside of half of Crisis City and all of Rooftop Run.Willy105 said:The Genesis stages are pretty tame and unimpressive for the most part, the game really hits it's stride during the last two thirds of the game. Amazing art and level design, fantastic music, and excellent graphics to glee over.
She sounds so damn bored. Put some emotion into it, you emotionless machine.TimmiT said:
Throavium said:Thank you, is this your channel?
Would have made more sense if they gave you Robotnik's nose, glasses, mustache, and a skull cap.AbsoluteZero said:Classic Eggman Suit (Bottom): Defeat all rivals on Hard Mode.
Classic Eggman Suit (Head): Defeat the final boss on Hard Mode.
Classic Eggman Suit (Top): Defeat all bosses on Hard Mode.
This is the "normal" Eggman head. I opted for just the glasses separately.
I'd be okay with that if the 3DS version had any interesting levels outside of Water Palace.Throavium said:Sega are going to release remastered 3DS stages for the X360/PS3 versions as DLC?
You fight Silver in a Sonic Colours level?TheOGB said:Some guy in Germany got the 3DS version early (blurry video and music at the link)
The rest of the bosses are SA2's Biolizard and Heroes' Egg Emperor. Rivals are the same; they're all races that take place in the second level in the era (Casino Night, Radical Highway, Tropical Resort).
first stages, final bosses :V
Well you could also say that normal Sonic never fought Perfect Chaos or Egg Dragoon either.Watch Da Birdie said:Sonic never even fought Biolizard. :/
I think they meant that technically Biolizard was a Shadow-only boss. The final boss of SA2 was FinalHazard.OMG Aero said:You fight Silver in a Sonic Colours level?
Well you could also say that normal Sonic never fought Perfect Chaos or Egg Dragoon either.
Throavium said:Sega are going to release remastered 3DS stages for the X360/PS3 versions as DLC?
What, so people who buy the 3DS version will get screwed over? No thanks. Unless the 3DS version also gets the console/PC version stages, that is.Throavium said:Sega are going to release remastered 3DS stages for the X360/PS3 versions as DLC?
There's no Sonic 06 level in the 3DS version.OMG Aero said:You fight Silver in a Sonic Colours level?
Watch Da Birdie said:Sonic never even fought Biolizard. :/
Tyeforce said:What, so people who buy the 3DS version will get screwed over? No thanks. Unless the 3DS version also gets the console/PC version stages, that is.
SykoTech said:Never went through Radical Highway either.
But Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow are Iizuka's babies. Not surprised their stuff managed to squirm in here.
Well, Silver was in Sonic Colors DS, so it kinda makes sense.OMG Aero said:You fight Silver in a Sonic Colours level?
Well you could also say that normal Sonic never fought Perfect Chaos or Egg Dragoon either.
Why is that? It's a completely different game than the console/PC version, not just a watered down version of the same game with different stages. I have the PC version of Generations and I'm honestly more excited about the 3DS version.ShadiWulf said:People who buy the 3DS version will be screwed regardless XD
Spoiler tags, man...TheOGB said:
Modern Mushroom Hill and Green Hill are similarly devoid of anything resembling creative thought. I don't expect Classic to fare much better, once they get into zones that require new level designs. And I don't believe we've heard anything about side content a la Rush Adventure or Colors DS, either.Sega1991 said:Eugh, blurry or not, the level design in Modern Emerald Coast looks terrible. Like, people complain about Sonic Rush et al. being "hold down boost to win" but that stage looks like the most basic, empty, simplistic level design anybody could think up.
"Oh wow, hentai truck with sawblades" :lolspindashing said:That guy.. :lol
His review of the Classic and Modern Sonics are like night and day. He's so calm during the Classic review and explodes in rage with the Modern review.
Wow, Emerald Coast looks so... lacklustre. If ECZ and MHZ are any indication, I guess the rest of the game is just as barren. Disappointing. I'm still getting it next week, but... lacklustre and boring. We'll see if it plays nicely and is worthy of that 90/100 it got from that Spanish Nintendo magazine.TheOGB said:Some guy in Germany got the 3DS version early (blurry video and music at the link)
The rest of the bosses areandSA2's Biolizard. Rivals are the same; they're all races that take place in the second level in the era (Casino Night, Radical Highway, Tropical Resort).Heroes' Egg Emperor
first stages, final bosses :V
Well... it doesn't have those "Game Gear?! Iizuka: (laughs)" levels in there! It's half of Iizuka-san's dream!ShadiWulf said:People who buy the 3DS version will be screwed regardless XD
It's not the true vision of Iizuka-san. It's not the handheld history... well there is one handheld level.. xP
FreeMufasa said:I went back and played Sonic 4 earlier. Holy crap, it's A LOT worse than I remembered. I actually enjoyed the game the first time around. But after Generations (classic), it plays like utter crap. The music and levels are alright though.
I hope this means SEGA use the gamplay in Generations for episode 2. Would be silly not to.
Wait, what is this?SnakeSlashRO said:Xbox Live DLC Zone.
Zone DLC
Have at it GAF!!!!
qq more said:No. This is just wrong. The last era was flawed and not that great, outside of half of Crisis City and all of Rooftop Run.
Considering they made such a big deal of hiring the people who wrote Colours, I expected something more along the lines of that.ZealousD said:I don't get the complaints about the story.
I mean this is basically "Fanservice: The Game". Did you guys really expect anything?