Wait what... I don't even need to use the attack button?
funny right ?
especially when you have 3 friends crying in your ear to use it ( it's either that or the "advice" that you can change the field view )
Wait what... I don't even need to use the attack button?
I'm a Tales fan, so you know I'm going to say to go with Tales of the Abyss!Next 3DS purchase will be either Sonic Generations or Tales of the Abyss.
Should I bother with Generations on 3DS?
ugh, mama robotnick
I'm sorry to voice my Sonic-related opinions in the Sonic thread Willy, forgive my transgression into your domain.
It gets even better. Just wait.Just to say this early in, the music is superb so far. There's a gentle music on the hub screen with what sounds like a slow bit of the Green Hill melody being played with a violin, its really lovely.
Just to say this early in, the music is superb so far. There's a gentle music on the hub screen with what sounds like a slow bit of the Green Hill melody being played with a violin, its really lovely.
Now there's a face I didn't expect to see in this thread. Awesome.
Green Hill Zone is a poor barometer for Modern Sonic's stages, btw. It's probably my least favourite out of all of them. I'll be interested in what you think of the later stages.
I would advise doing only the Classic Sonic challenges when it comes time to open up the boss levels. You'll likely enjoy the races or challenges for the powerups like shields a little more.
It gets even better. Just wait.![]()
EDIT - just completed the first "Modern Sonic" level. Its garbage. There's a point where he's running towards the camera so that you have no control over your direction all for the spectacle of this big robot fish, rails are everywhere and all that pleasant platforming from the first level has been replaced with spam spam spam of the homing attack. Its a rollercoaster of sound and things happening rather than anything resembling actual considered gameplay, damnit they've learned nothing. Its an interactive ride in which you press buttons for the occasional thing to happen, reminds me of Road Avenger on the Mega CD.
I really wish I didn't have to play through this uncontrollable mess to get to the platforming levels. Will try a bit more.
Started the second level, and within twenty-two seconds I've just plummeted down an uncontrollable bottomless pit. Ah, now I'm starting to remember why I promised myself I wouldn't buy this.
Modern Green Hill isn't really indicative of the quality of the rest of the Modern stages, to be honest. I'd also agree that you should at least try to make it to Sky Sanctuary before forming a concrete opinion on the Modern levels.
Now there's a face I didn't expect to see in this thread. Awesome.
Green Hill Zone is a poor barometer for Modern Sonic's stages, btw. It's probably my least favourite out of all of them. I'll be interested in what you think of the later stages. )
I'd push it up to Speed Highway or City Escape, since the Genesis Modern levels are still mostly straight lines with occasional stops.
Alright, mama robotnick is coming around!
Alright, mama robotnick is coming around!
Hahaha. Just wait till he gets to the Shadow battle and Time Eater.
Hahaha. Just wait till he gets to the Shadow battle and Time Eater.
Shadow battle was fun, but yeah Time Eater will be a test.
I only had one glitch where I fell through the floor, rolling down Seaside Hill with Modern Sonic. That's right, just one glitch in my entire play-through, that isn't bad considering how manic the levels do gradually get.
Shadow battle was fun, but yeah Time Eater will be a test.
Mine too, though Sky Sanctuary, Speed Highway and Rooftop Run... and Crisis City... are probably my favourites out of the bunch since the platforming in all of these are really nice and exhilarating.My personal favorite Modern Sonic stages are Chemical Plant, Sky Sanctuary, Speed Highway, and Rooftop Run. Seaside Hill is pretty fun, too ().although the kart section was a little dull
Oh wow. :OAt Modern Sonic Sky Sanctuary right now.
It looks really nice and sounds really nice and the Eggrobos and teleporters and bouncing clouds are really well implemented.
I don't hate this.
I don't know if I like it, but I don't hate it. Its no where near the carnival of shite I've come to expect from Sonic Team. Its difficult to form a considered opinion when I'm actually in shock at the idea that its not garbage.
That's the real problem with Sonic Generation's boss battles. They are just nonsense until after the fact (except for Time Eater which is nonsense forever).
I am being completely serious when I say that this level is my favorite level in the entirety of the series.Modern Rooftop Run was just fabulous.
Is there going to be DLC levels for this game? I want more remade levels from Sonic 1 - Sonic Adventure. Especially Sonic CD!
Professor Beef said:I wonder if all of this Rival Battle confusion is the result of nearly everyone turning off Omochao?![]()
x. Sonic Generations (PS3) ; Sonic Colors on the Wii blew me away. I ended up liking it far more than many other popular platforming games that I questioned my sanity and ended up going down a Sonic game education rabbit hole. Generations isn't as consistently good as Colors. It's better in some ways, but has some pretty low lows. To anyone who wants to know what the appeal of Colors and Generations is: imagine Burnout minus the car combat, mixed with Mirror's Edge time trials and a dash of the dexterity required for a Korean rhythm game, all riding on top of a psychedelic roller coaster. You'll get the most out of these games if you enjoy experimentation and memorization and the satisfaction that comes from perfectly executing skillful maneuvers in a frenzy of speed. These games demand you play them like classic Sonic game speedrunners. If you don't, you won't understand what makes them great.
I leave the game more confused than anything. Its not shit. How is it not shit?
My favourite parts, I loved the variety of mechanics, how they spice the level structure up, races, just 1-ring, having to use all the shields and more yet they still depend on the same skills.The forced mission bullshit he's about to get into is gonna halt that I'm sure.
I've realised that the controller I am using (Saturn PC controller) doesn't have enough buttons on it! When the game started telling me to move a stick to do tricks, it became apparent that I didn't have the needed input. I'm going to order one of those 360 PC adapters I think.
I think the pacing of the game in terms of having to do missions, the rival races and the very last leg of the game will make your opinion of the game take a hit.I leave the game more confused than anything. Its not shit. How is it not shit?
Nah, I'd say your description is pretty accurate and well-written (thank goodness, I like reading what other people think about the games they've voted for).branny said:I'm still not sure how to describe modern Sonic. I tried to while I was listing my GotY honorable mentions, but I'm still not sure if it's accurate. :lol
You can use a stick or the d-pad inputs for the trick parts, unless you're talking about the prompt with the triggers. That's for the "finishing" trick, and it nets you a bigger chunk of meter. If you don't have triggers on your controller, then yeah I can see why you would need a new one.
I think the pacing of the game in terms of having to do missions, the rival races and the very last leg of the game will make your opinion of the game take a hit.
I'd also advise doing the Classic Sonic acts second because the cutscenes with him and the saved characters are funnier because he clearly doesn't give a crap about them. Plus it might cleanse your palate of the Modern areas if you find them distasteful.
I think you said you got your hands on Sonic Colours, or would try to... I don't remember if you played it. If you did, what were your impressions for that one?
Also, I generally used D-pad for Classic Sonic and analog stick for Modern Sonic. :lol
My favourite parts, I loved the variety of mechanics, how they spice the level structure up, races, just 1-ring, having to use all the shields and more yet they still depend on the same skills.
I am being completely serious when I say that this level is my favorite level in the entirety of the series.
Maybe if I had do every one and wanted to get to the ending as soon as possible, but it's just about 10 keys overall and emeralds from the bosses, just a small fraction of how many missions there are overall. About 2 fun minutes on average to get one (from my experience)I would have preferred that I could do them optionally, like Dark Schala said they really kill the pacing.
that's funny; the last time I was having a discussion in the Super Mario Land 3D thread, you interrupted with a "joke poster confirmed" having offered no input yourself or even substantiating your claim. I think your definition of discussion greatly differs from mine.
I think there are better discussions to be had about this game than to over think the little things. I do not understand in what way they hindered the overall experience.
You kinda have to dick around to get to them (moreso in later worlds), and then it comes down to picking the one that looks most fun, and then doing that one and then doing all of that two more times.Maybe if I had do every one and wanted to get to the ending as soon as possible, but it's just about 10 keys overall and emeralds from the bosses, just a small fraction of how many missions there are overall. About 2 fun minutes on average to get one (from my experience)