Aaron Strife
rooftop run classic also has
splash hill act 1
Lucky Number Seven Force said:The JP version is, yes.
However...An arrangement of the US Bad Future Mix is present as well
QisTopTier said:To kill some time I'm watching some speed runs of the older games xD
IDK generations feels pretty true to THIS
It's possible with out the tools it's just stupidly harder. I guess it's just an easier way of showing what's possible. The main thing used as far as I know is outside slowdown assistance. Or extremely tricky inputs you have to do repeatedly over and over they macro. Yeah it's on par with cheating for legit stuff. But they do always say if it's tool assisted so it's not like they are trying to say otherwise.Teknoman said:Honestly i've never seen the point of tool assisted speed runs. Isnt that kinda cheating?
Already confirmed to be on the Sonic CD OST coming out soonish.QisTopTier said:edit: Damn guess there will NEVER be a studio version of crush 40's version of sonic boom =/
They're a way to show off the limits of the game, its engine, and how well the player making the TAS understands both. They're a completely different thing from normal real time speed runs, and aren't meant to be compared.Teknoman said:Honestly i've never seen the point of tool assisted speed runs. Isnt that kinda cheating?
spindashing said:http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/312220_10150373090523419_585583418_8072180_559877361_n.jpg[IMG]
So good. I'll take pictures of the CDs and liner notes too.[/QUOTE]
Damn, I should've paid for express shipping! I hope you're enjoying it, spindashing. :)
Knowing my luck, it'll get here the same time my Final Fantasy Type-0 LE OST gets here. :(
Looks like the liner notes consist of an interview with Nakamura rather than a track-by-track evaluation and thoughts on the tracks. That's still good, though. I'm interested in what the interview says. Packaging looks really nice!
Edit: I think I'm going to stay away from the other music spoilers. Someone please do post the final boss theme when it's available, however.
Dark Schala said:Edit: I think I'm going to stay away from the other music spoilers. Someone please do post the final boss theme when it's available, however.
I guess we'll leave empty-handed, my friend.PJX said:Someone please answer this man. I want that artwork in wallpaper sized also.
Merci beaucoup!Lucky Number Seven Force said:
I think the highest resolution SEGA released that at was 624 x 351, unfortunately (and I think it was ripped from the Japanese website? I can't recall.). I'm not sure if anyone has a bigger resolution than that without making the image look bad.Brazil said:I guess we'll leave empty-handed, my friend.
I see. Thank you for your answer.Dark Schala said:I think the highest resolution SEGA released that at was 624 x 351, unfortunately (and I think it was ripped from the Japanese website? I can't recall.). I'm not sure if anyone has a bigger resolution than that without making the image look bad.
MAZYORA said:Stardust Speedway USA remix is an unlockable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome!
Rooftop Run and Casino Night remixes are the tippity top tier.Sciz said:The rest of the music is starting to leak out.
Crisis City and Rooftop Run are criminally good, classic and modern alike.
edit: Jesus Christ at Casino Night
JonCha said:Incredible music. Love everything bar.Classic Planet Wisp
What do you mean?Lijik said:Rooftop Run and Casino Night remixes are the tippity top tier.
I thought it was fantastic, especially in the context of that being the final world
...?Lijik said:I thought it was fantastic, especially in the context of that being the final world
All of the level music is out there.Bucket-o-roadkill said:the stardust music is fucking great. Is everything out there now then in terms of all level music etc? The most important question is...... IS AT DAWN IN IT?
Lucky Number Seven Force said:
The stages appear in the order of release date, ergo Sonic 1's Green Hill Zone is the "first" world and Sonic Colors' Planet Wisp is the "last" world.JonCha said:What do you mean?
Mpl90 said:There's also the cutscene before the final boss online.
Ah, it's always Eggman! Always him the o...no, wait, there's even ROBOTNIK! It's an alliance!
I haven't heard a lot, nor have I seen cutscenes... and I'm going to try to keep it that way. Temptation broke once with Classic Planet Wisp, though. Glad I haven't seen footage of that yet.Professor Beef said:ARGH, MY WILL IS BREAKING. I MUST NOT SUCCUMB TO TEMPTATION.
Green Scar said:Link, NOW.
Combichristoffersen said:PM coming your way
Green Scar said:Cheers matey. Eh, I can send PMs fine on Firefox. Weird
Combichristoffersen said:Nah, they weren't trolling, because they probably seriously believe in Modern Sonic's words. Which is just way sadder than doing it as a troll :lol
Dr Eggman said:omfg
dude wtf r u doin spoilin the endin
[EMAIL="Please no one take this seriously"][/EMAIL]
SwiftSketcher said:Just heardDoor into Summer
Better than uncharted 3! >.> *hides*LeonSKennedy90 said:IGN Review
WrathOfOtaibah said:link?
SONIC'S BACK BABYLeonSKennedy90 said:IGN Review
robut said:Planet Wisp musics plz
chaotix goodnessSuperAngelo64 said:LINK ME TO THIS IMMEDIATELY
I shouldn't be surprised that IGN's standards for video reviews have reached sub-Youtube levels.LeonSKennedy90 said:IGN Review
SwiftSketcher said:
It sounded like a high school kid did the review too xDSciz said:I shouldn't be surprised that IGN's standards for video reviews have reached sub-Youtube levels.
Yeah, it wasn't the best. No mention of the soundtrack, hub world etc. I was hopin there would have been a written review.Sciz said:I shouldn't be surprised that IGN's standards for video reviews have reached sub-Youtube levels.
He docked points down cause of vocal tracks duhJonCha said:Yeah, it wasn't the best. No mention of the soundtrack, hub world etc. I was hopin there would have been a written review.
Still, 8.5 is a pretty good score. I feel this game is a 9/10 title tho.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. lol, as if that's all be mentioned about the soundtrack.QisTopTier said:He docked points down cause of vocal tracks duh![]()
Lijik said: