The final boss (not the extra one)? Yes, I fucking hate it. It's sooooo bad.
Just to confirm, the final Eggman/Nega boss that slams it's fists to create shockwaves and you run up it's arm right? Agreed on that.
The final boss (not the extra one)? Yes, I fucking hate it. It's sooooo bad.
you guys
I've been tracking down old album booklets for curiosity's sake. One for the 1-disc SA2 OST has lyrics for some of the rap.
They're amazing.
They're not precisely accurate either, but the lyrics for all of the other songs are fine, so I can only assume that this isn't just a weird transcription but what Hunnid-P actually submitted.
Just to confirm, the final Eggman/Nega boss that slams it's fists to create shockwaves and you run up it's arm right? Agreed on that.
Silent Forest Zone 1 might just be the best song in Lost World so far.
Ah you've chosen wisely, currently my close second behind Tropical Coast Act 3.
This final case in AAI goes on forever
Yeah, I had difficulties working my way through Case 4, thinking that one dragged on forever. Then Case 5 rolls around and really does. I powered through all of it in an evening, but still, ugh.This final case in AAI goes on forever
I always liked how spacey this one felt. Particularly like how fast-paced and sporty it is in comparison to the slower US variant (which I also quite like). Not my favorite special stage, though, given how many times I've missed hits on the UFOs due to the awkward scaling (and not knowing that holding down actually slows you down; you don't have to charge forward at the same speed always), but the music's great.
I've noticed I don't play portable games as much as I used to. Used to be that it'd be something to do in the car, or when waiting between classes at college. Now I'm driving myself, and as soon as I get anywhere there's business to be tended to immediately, and then I'm immediately home, where the computer is a more appealing time-waster, leaving no time for games. Maybe if I understood public transit around here more, but eh...
A fine choice, I enjoy that song a lot more than I was expecting to, but my close second is a tie between Desert Ruins Zone 2 and Sky Road Zone 2.
The never ending finish to that case is probably the main reason why AAI is my least favourite entry into the series, doesn't exactly leave you finishing on the strongest of notes.
True. That breakdown is amazing, though.
Might be, isn't.
SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #30
Song: Special Stage
Game: Sonic CD JP
Composer: Masafumi Ogata
I'm always reminded of this song and then I feel like watching The BoondocksThis is all the way off topic, but every time I see you post, I think of the menu from Capcom vs SNK 2 and the announcer going "Keep rockin baby."
Gravity gets 2 Thumbs up y'all.
(and not knowing that holding down actually slows you down; you don't have to charge forward at the same speed always), but the music's great.
Excellent song, excellent post. If Eggman didn't already have his theme from Sonic 06 returning in Unleashed I could easily imagine parts of this (or even a slower, more grandoise arrangement) making up his modern theme. Honestly, I'm a little bit sad that that's not the case, but then I hear Jacques' attempt in Generations and I think I'm alright with this one being the "one and only."SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #31
Song: vs. Egg Dragoon
Game: Sonic Unleashed
Composer: Hideaki Kobayashi
Beats Arranged by: Tomoya Ohtani
Gonna start including the expanded credits where applicable, under the assumption that I'm not the only one who finds them interesting, but that I am the only one who can be bothered to trawl VGMdb on a daily basis.
Kobayashi's a unique one among our cast of composers here, for a couple of reasons. One, while most of them have some sort of favored instrument that crops up more often than usual in their work, Kobayashi's a specialist; he does orchestras, and that's about it. When he isn't composing his own stuff, he's doing the arrangements for someone else (all those minor key theme mixes? His work). Two, he's got an even stronger signature style than Senoue, which is to say he writes the weirdest fucking music. It's dissonant. It's rarely melodic. It doesn't necessarily adhere to any consistent patterns. It runs up and down the scale to such an extent that you'd swear he was picking notes at random if it weren't for the fact that they fit together so well. Chaos, tamed and given form. He's more hit and miss than most of the sound team too, but when he hits, he hits hard.
Egg Dragoon's almost certainly his most popular piece. It's easily digestible: the two-note motif tying it together keeps it more grounded than most, even while the strings scream out a black sound, and Ohtani's fast-paced, high energy beats are a tremendous help as well, giving it the edge it needs to stand out against the rest of his discography. The result is unmistakable and nigh impossible to duplicate. Just ask Richard Jacques, who tried and failed hard at it in Generations.
SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #31
Song: vs. Egg Dragoon
Game: Sonic Unleashed
Composer: Hideaki Kobayashi
Beats Arranged by: Tomoya Ohtani
Pictured above: my initial response to learning you could do this, and that it wasn't just something the 2011 remake added to be nice.You have got to be fucking kidding me. I've been infuriated by these stages for like fifteen years. Always, pick up speed, miss jump, make ultra-wide u-turn to get the last UFO.
It's okay. For some reason I think I prefer Richard Jacques' take in Generations, and I always feel the middle of the song (starting around 0:22) is kind of weak in comparison to the strong intro (although it picks back up around 1:16 and 1:52).SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #31
Song: vs. Egg Dragoon
Game: Sonic Unleashed
Composer: Hideaki Kobayashi
Beats Arranged by: Tomoya Ohtani
"Only" is a bit strong, but it's certainly the bulk of his work to the extent that it's hard to find examples that don't have a string section in there somewhere.Interesting that he only does the orchestral stuff.
For some reason I think I prefer Richard Jacques' take in Generations
As long as we're having lengthy discussions on Kobayashi, I must confess that while I generally really like his compositions (I'm quite a fan of his theme for Eggman, for instance), his tracks in Unleashed feel kind of... off. Like, they're orchestral tunes, but they're being played by the world's cartooniest orchestra. This is made even more jarring when compared to other orchestral pieces in the soundtrack, like the main theme or some of Takahito Eguchi's work for the cutscenes involving Dark Gaia (like these ones). Admittedly the first one's a real orchestra, and it's kinda hard to compete with that, but assuming Eguchi's isn't, it still sounds more authentic. I don't really get it; I was gonna say it was Kobayashi's focus on brass, but then the pieces I chose feature brass quite a bit too, and it still sounds better.
Damn fine DL speed.
Shame about the UL speed, though.
No but I try to distance myself from other programmers that watch MLP and listen to sonic music.
Damn Beef.
Also, Arkham Origins is pretty solid, if...incredibly reminiscent of Arkham City. The second half is really kicking shit up a notch. Also, Troy Baker should get some kind of award for most great performances in a single year. Between Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us, Saints Row 4, and his great Joker here, dude is quality.
Batman sounds like a more monotone Chris Redfield. I'm hoping he sneaks in a Sonic voice somewhere.
I think Noi's is V13 from BlazBlue.Hey, Noi and Schala, what are your avatars of? Just wonderin'...
Also, Troy Baker should get some kind of award for most great performances in a single year. Between Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us, Saints Row 4, and his great Joker here, dude is quality.
Why is Origins getting middling reviews? Fatigue or something?