Schala and Noi, I trust you both will be voting for Ni No Kuni as RPG of the year at the 2013 VGX?
I was wondering why you took so long so I ended up posting it in there myself, anyway!
Tyson Hesse (known for Boxer Hockey and Coldman's avatar) did the standard cover for Archie Sonic issue #258:
Wow, that's awesome for him! Great start. Hope he does more for the books... and it seems like he's doing MM#34? Excited.
I felt so embarassed for the voices and the cutscenes, I usually don't care about silly characters if the game is good but jesus I couldn't stand a thing in that game. Luckily I didn't play enough to find out if there were other kawaiifications of consoles.
About Konami.. they only care about Kojima I guess.
They still owe me a new Ganbare Goemon. A decent one please. Or even an HD port of the N64 games.
To end the post, I exchanged PES for Wii Party U, because I'm sure someone will gift me Sawneec LW for christmas and I needed a Wiimote..
Konami only cares about Kojima, really. Or at least the pillars that easily make them money aside from pachinko. The excuses of Genso Suikoden games they churned out this gen just makes me wonder. One was full-budget and acted as a slap in the face, and the other was a low-budget slap in the face. Haha.
I think Wii Party U would be a better investment though I haven't played Wii Party. As for Neptunia, the Japanese dub wasn't any better, imo. Everything's so
exaggerated, it hurts.
By the time there are a plethora of worthwhile games on here, Sony will probably have some kind of Sub Account promotion anyway. I'm pretty sure that Sony rep prematurely let that information out last week in fact.
That's silly. Can you call Sony and say that you're a primary owner of your PS4 and maybe they can probably change what your account is like?
Added you, btw.
PSN/SEN: Dark_Schala
NNID: SchalaAsha
Add away if any of you'd like.
I've been on a bit of a retro kick lately. Went back and listened to all the old Rare games tracks (David Wise and Grant Kirkhope rock), been listening to Chrono Trigger, Mario games, stuff like that. So I think I'm set on that.
Let's see here... Maybe a mixture. Rock, electronic, and Ambience if you could.
Falcom soundtracks.

Sen no Kiseki:
Nayuta no Kiseki:
Zero no Kiseki Super Arrange:
Virtue's Last Reward has a lot of ambient stuff:
So does 999:
El Shaddai has some ambient stuff, as I wrote somewhere in here:
Misty Blue OST if you'd like that kind of stuff.
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune if you like that stuff, too:
I'm not the person to ask with respect to Rare soundtracks because Nocturnowl will hit me. :V
Sorry for asking this but could someone link to that post or article about the flaws of Jak 2?
Flaws may not be the proper word but I want to read it, please.
I'm sure AniHawk will kick out another post, but it's somewhere:
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo we takin' bets on whether Schala's gonna end up liking Toriyama's Waifu Returns or not?
Cuz even if we don't, I just want you to know Schala, that I'll be supporting you through every cringy dialog in that game, in spirit!
I ain't importing that. Bean and Noi told me not to. I went with Bravely Default and Sen no Kiseki instead this year.
I get the feeling, based on the stream I'm watching, that I'm probably going to dislike aspects of it. The streamer can be skilled when he's paying attention, so we'll see how high-level play looks with that thing. Otherwise, I'll be looking over Japanese Wikis to help JP players out like I did with FF13-2 and seeing how the gameplay system works based on that sort of analysis.
But the over/under right now? I might think it's mediocre like I think the other FF13 games are.