Shadow Hog
( ‾ʖ̫‾ I supposed to guess what that thing is?
( ‾ʖ̫‾ I supposed to guess what that thing is?
Even those playable level demos would be great. Though I believe more will be found at SOME point...
The Nick Arcade beta of Sonic 2 was found after sooooooooooo many years of searching. 2006 I think? Anything is possible. Eventually, the Sonic Retro community (or some other rich, dedicated Sonic fans) will get their hands on X-treme. I'm sure of it.
The other holy grail is the Sonic 1 beta:
I find it hella cool that the Taxman port of Sonic 1 actually has those UFOs in Marble Zone's debug mode. Cool stuff.
I assume a Super Mario World beta would be more interesting... not sure how much SMB1 would've changed, but SMW changed quite a bit from promotional screenshots.
This is my favorite zone in the Advance games just because I love the music so much.SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #62
Song: Cyber Track Act 2
Game: Sonic Advance 3
Composer: Kenichi Tokoi
They said November but it's almost over...
SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #62
Song: Cyber Track Act 2
Game: Sonic Advance 3
Composer: Kenichi Tokoi
IIRC Sochi Olympics bombed worse than Lost World did.Any guesses as to what the third game is for the Sega-Ninty deal? Lost World failed I suppose, and I haven't heard stellar things about Sochi Olympics.
They must have something out of the norm if they've been keeping it quiet.
IIRC Sochi Olympics bombed worse than Lost World did.
Any guesses as to what the third game is for the Sega-Ninty deal? Lost World failed I suppose, and I haven't heard stellar things about Sochi Olympics.
They must have something out of the norm if they've been keeping it quiet.
Nintendo-developed Sonic game? That'd be different.
First reaction I had reading your post:
No please. They forgot how to do proper 2D platformers with tight controls over the years.
But I wouldn't want to be recognized as the guy who doesn't like XYZ. Also, some people like Kirby... Not to say they enjoy ugly games. But putting Nintendo on the label might push the sales into outer space (for Sonic standards)
First reaction I had reading your post:
No please. They forgot how to do proper 2D platformers with tight controls over the years.
But I wouldn't want to be recognized as the guy who doesn't like XYZ. Also, some people like Kirby... Not to say they enjoy ugly games. But putting Nintendo on the label might push the sales into outer space (for Sonic standards)
Well it wouldn't necessarily be 2D, it could be 3D, which they have a great track record with. Also EAD Tokyo would be the ones making it in this hypothetical so you can trust them to produce quality.
Honestly it would be cool seeing how a team that has spent so long making Mario games would approach making Sonic, it's an inherently different kind of platformer.
Are we talking about the same Nintendo?
I don't know.
What do you think it would be like? The first image that popped in my mind was Sonic Adventure 2. Maybe that's why I'm not happy with the idea.
But maybe it's just because it's 5am and I can'tprocess the idea.blast
Yes. Not counting Retro, which might be unfair, their output consist in.. the NSMB series? I don't know why but it always felt like something was missing.
Fair warning: I find Kirby boring, I still have to play NSMB2 and SM3DW and I'm going to bed happy because I just finished downloading the Tearaway demo.
So far...I'm finding the Lost World soundtrack pretty pedestrian. Nothing really stands out right now but I'm sure my opinion will change.
So what's with all the Lost World 3DS hate? I bought it and am thought enjoying it. It might be my favorite Sonic game in recent years.
You;re like, 4 levels in at most aren't you?
oh dear, does it take a turn for the worst?![]()
My guess is that it's the next mainline Sonic 2014/5 title, kind of in the same vein as we got Generations an year later than Colors. It's the only reason I can imagine them keeping quiet about it. It would make more sense with the fact that a big chunk of the Generations staff didn't work on Lost World at all (according to someone that did a cross-check on the credits, I haven't checked myself).Any guesses as to what the third game is for the Sega-Ninty deal? Lost World failed I suppose, and I haven't heard stellar things about Sochi Olympics.
They must have something out of the norm if they've been keeping it quiet.
In this case, I'd rather see something developed by Ubisoft Montpellier, or something in the same style. If Sega needs to lower expectations/budget, then a Rayman Legends-style reboot or spinoff is something I'd love to see.Nintendo-developed Sonic game? That'd be different.
I've found that adding the Miiverse community numbers across all regions for each game tends to end up with a fairly rough estimate as to how well a game did. It's no sales data, but it's useful regardless. At the moment, Sochi's got a bit less than half the people of Lost World Miiverse across all regions. EDIT: You kidding me? The Miiverse update today got rid of the numbers! LOLdid the NPD data for Socho even came out yet?
Well yeah, it is kind of unfair to leave retro out. And could you explain up why you think they don't have tight gameplay in their platformers? Of all of the dumb stuff Nintendo does, one thing they constantly get right is their platformers, especially 2D.
Don't get me wrong, those are great games! But there's something that doesn't click to me. I still have to complete NSMBU, I tried NSLU and it was ok, I found it a little more interesting because of the time limit trying to make you rush through the levels. Maybe it's the difficulty that bugs me. After all, you're never really harmed, you can walk your way out of pretty much every level. I know it gets harder if you have to search for every hidden coin...
Maybe the level design is so good that there isn't a badly placed series of platforms? Maybe I just grew up with the wrong games![]()
SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #63
Song: Chao Karate
Game: Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Composer: Uncertain; best guess is Senoue due to similarities with Gumball Bonus and At Dawn
This one keeps throwing me off because, as noted above, it has snippets of other songs in it, and whenever they come up I expect it to go in a different direction than it does. It's still mostly original material though, and I like what I hear. The heavy drums and traditional Japanese stylings blend well with the more Sonic Adventure 1 styled instrumentation. Cool, cute, and tense.
So far...I'm finding the Lost World soundtrack pretty pedestrian. Nothing really stands out right now but I'm sure my opinion will change.
Seems about right.ProfessorBeefVision
No no don't worry, I'm always cautious because of mi bad englando, hopefully I didn'tFair enough, I hope I didn't come off as too agressive![]()
Man, it would always piss me off when your chao would fall asleep.
Chao Karate Training
SonicGAF loves Chao Garden, right?
Had a feeling this was it. For the record, what was the last game composed solely by one person?Still picking through it, but this is probably a side effect of Ohtani writing everything. There's one lonely Hataya track, Eguchi did all the cutscenes and helped with orchestrations, and Minobe pitched in a few times for arrangement assistance, but this is otherwise a one-man show.
Jesus, not even the official soundtrack knows what it wants to be!
Had a feeling this was it. For the record, what was the last game composed solely by one person?
All Sonic games on Steam for 15 bucks:
Sonic's head in the logo for 3D Blast looks like a freak show Sonic