holy hell this guy actually does live in a basementMTP isn't happy that SEGA is trolling him with the classic Sonic plushie
Of course the music's awesome. It's composed by one of my favourite composers ever.Oh yeah, these are the ones I do like.
Well for one they stick to the standard playstyle whilst playing around with the pinball like nature of the games. But more importantly they feel like an actual bonus opportunity with the continue box hidden in each one and the vast amount of rings, there's no real goal you have to attain aside from reaching the exit in time, you just jump in, collect a bunch of what's there and leave with your goodies and if you don't make it out it's your own greed that stopped you (or getting spring stuck).
You don't start going through an increasingly strict number of one chance minigames for a trinket that often end up being far too annoying to be considered much of a bonus, when i'm actively avoiding something that's supposed to be a bonus then it's not really a bonus to me.
Sonic 1 MS basically channels the feeling of entering a coin filled room in a mario game, it's just for fun and the reward isn't locked behind whatever the task of the day is.
Plus the music is flipping awesome.
Finished Chapter 7 and boy I completely forgot how creepy Sugita was in the original Corpse Party. He's even creepier here. It's just weird going from Tales of Xillia (where he's delightful, cool, or upset) to that. :lolYou're a grown-ass lady, toughen up! I'll accept no less than playing the last chapter with your only light source being a single lit candle. It's so creeeeeepy (the chapter, that is).
Oh wow lol. Should've given her Cecil to be mean.
You're both mean.My one choice was Rosa in Cecil's arms...
That entire thread induces some headdesk moments. I had one about someone's comments about the Unleashed soundtrack earlier on. It's a step-up from Sonic threads of the past, that's for sure. Though people just sound pissed at each other in general, and clearly have different ideas of how Sonic should be, or what they feel that their ideal Sonic game is. They're just... being kinda hostile about it, I guess? Or some things being said are just flat-out wrong.
-Internet required
-No used games
-Can only use a disc on one console
If any of these three things are true I am not interested.
"So, you want a realistic, down-to-earth Sonic game... that's completely off-the-wall and swarming with magic robots?"That whole thread is people acting like they know shit about game design but then come up with absurd recommendations for the next Sonic game.
If true, awful, terrible no good start to this generation.
I'm not even convinced graphics are going to appreciably improve. You'll be getting stuff very similar to current gen, but with higher resolutions and more AA/AF; maybe 60FPS if you're lucky. Nothing I'm not already used to from PC gaming. Other than that, maybe some self-shadowing, marginally better lighting (or more dynamic lighting, since it won't be as expensive - and UE4 pretty much mandates it), and, if we're really lucky, physics engines so improved that they rival nVidia's PhysX stuff, allowing for characters with actual hair, or more free-flowing clothes.The next generation is going to be the same as this one, only with less variety and depth, and more paywalls. The only thing that is going to improve is graphics. Anyone expecting anything else is, quite frankly, delusional.
That whole thread kinda sucks now, tbh.That whole thread is people acting like they know shit about game design but then come up with absurd recommendations for the next Sonic game.
What the fuck.I hope that NextBox information about this isn't true.
That whole thread kinda sucks now, tbh.
I just want fun games to play
Interviewer (right): You started with the Mega Drive?
Iizuka, Senoue and Hoshino: Yes.
Interviewer (left): Well sure, it was the responsible! (laughter)
Iizuka: But there are many people who started with the Adventure, people on some events say they began with this game.
Interviewer (right): It's hard to find someone who played the Game Gear...
Senoue: The hardest thing in Adventure was doing the voices, the fact is, we had to re-build the series, and the way to build games changed as well, it was complicated.
Iizuka: The most complicated thing in Adventure was going from 2D to the 3D, the game methods changed, but in the beginning of the project, we had the moto: "How to have fun with Sonic in 3D".
Interviewer (right): Thinking of something new, but with the image of Sonic, everyone expects speed, but without betraying it with something too different.
Iizuka: Yes.
Interviewer (left): Converting the 2D speed to 3D is really tricky, especially doing it with the right features and game design.
Iizuka: To be honest, before we make the game for the Dreamcast, other teams from outside took the challenge of making Sonic in 3D, but in the end, all the ideas and designs didn't worked and went down to the cemitery. We then said "we accept this challenge!" and this was when we made Sonic Adventure.
Interviewer (right): Indeed, since the 2D days, the team who has built and will continue to build is the one who makes the best games, the one who's loved and the one with most "happy endings".
Iizuka: (laughter)
Interviewer (right): So this proves that we should wait for good things in the future, on a new project?
Interviewer (left): What about the new project? (Iizuka laughing) We have many comments on this subject!
Iizuka: We really do, right? So, in 2011, we launched Sonic Generations, then in 2012, Sonic 4 Episode II. Now in 2013, I hope to deliver a new Sonic game as well.
Interviewer (Right): For the 22 years?
Iizuka: Yes, if I can.
Interviewer (left): It's impossible to you to say if is there's really something going on now, right? Just kidding (laughter).
Interviewer (right): We heard good information, but Sonic's really nostalgic and even with several stories, it always have that energy, that 'something new' feeling, and even in the very future, we can still surprise ourselves.
Iizuka: Every year I think about being able to deliver something.
Interviewer (right): We are all happy, but another question, huh...
Interviewer (left): They are asking something like "What hardware" will be this game released.
All: (laughting)
Iizuka: I can't say anything no more!
Interviewer (left): Oh, too bad, he can't say anything no more!
WhatInterviewer (left): Well sure, it was the responsible! (laughter)
So new mainline title this year?![]()
Sonic 4: Episode 3!
Iizuka: (laughs)
Nevermind Vaan. One of those games in that list does not belong there :lol
Billy Hatcher or Chicken Run?
-Internet required
-No used games
-Can only use a disc on one console
If any of these three things are true I am not interested.
Now why would we think that?Dammit, I'm never around when the fun stuff happens. >:I
...you guys think I'm boring don't you? T___T
Gaming side. It's Gaming side.Everyone has gotten so hostile. It's crazy.
Well, he is one of the very very very very very few SE characters I like this gen. Better than Cloud.Here's one for Schala!
Fuck that. I buy a lot of used games. I buy used games because I'm on a budget or I can't afford the new copies right away. If it's a game I'm not really into, I'll buy it used because as a consumer, I should be allowed to make that decision.The future will not have used games.
The future will be connected to the world wide web, where dudes and duddettes alike can engage in frivilous activities like Fifa 2020.
The future will take your physical copies from you and stomp them into the dirt like the rights of gamers everywhere.
The future will not have used games.
This is me. I like the lower budget games this time around. I'm not ready for a new console cycle yet, tbh. I know people are like, "how are we going to push the boundaries of graphical capabilities??? I hate motion control this shit sucks. I'm tired of sequels!" but... I'm... really not ready. In fact, I've just started thinking of upgrading my 80 GB HDD in my PS3 to a higher amount, and I've had that thing since 2008!Bingo.
I have noticed that my interest in next gen is not focused at all on what the hardware does, how powerful it is, if it makes me a cup of coffee or whatever fancy tricks it has up its cybersleeves.
I just want fun games, considering I haven't cared for the AAA blockbuster side of things for the most part of this generation i'm not exactly raring to hop on the next gen train quite yet since all the hype seems to be focused around what juggernauts can be created with more power but that can change entirely when they get around to showing the games and maybe some bright sparks out there will show some very cool stuff instead of the AAAA angle that i'm expecting, create the fun and unique games and i'll come with time (that time being a price drop when the console libraries have started building up).
People being rude/stupid in that Sonic thread
Which is why I won't do it. Hahaha.That might fall under backseat modding. ;P
Man I miss old NPD threads. They were actually funny because people were reacting to real, hard data and melting down over that shit. Now it's all extrapolation and guesswork, and the gifs don't really come. And they've grouped games over multiple platforms into a single group now which makes the numbers boring for people who are into the console wars business.Also, I kind of of enjoy watching the train wreck that is console wars. For better or worse, one of the regular events that initially drew me to NeoGAF was the monthly NPD clusterfuck (back when more information was available). Ideally, people could just talk about their preferences calmly and reasonably, but I might as well have fun with the inevitable meltdowns and .gif parades.
It'll include Toriyama transforming Cloud into Lightning in some fashion so they can avoid remaking FF7.People could be making gifs about FFVII still being the number one PS1 Classic for god knows how long now!
It'll include Toriyama transforming Cloud into Lightning in some fashion so they can avoid remaking FF7.
It won't ever meet the expectations people have for it. If people are calling it SE's trump card or get out of jail FREE card right now, that entails that people are going to expect a ton from it. They are going to expect the whole shebang: quirky, charming adventures on a world map with a moveable airship and buggy and Tiny Bronco, Cloud crossdressing and getting into a bathtub with a group of men, getting free panties, meeting a pimp who tries to make love to Cloud, going into Don Corneo's bondage room, and lots and lots of towns.If they decide to finally remake FFVII I can imagine the backlash it'll get when it doesn't meet expectations.