Hot Coldman
Why on Earth has pokecapn had to pixellate the fuck out of the S&tBK cutscenes in his LP? :lol
IIRC, it was to get around Youtube's copyright infringement policies. Youtube would have blocked his videos for viewing otherwise.Why on Earth has pokecapn had to pixellate the fuck out of the S&tBK cutscenes in his LP? :lol
IIRC, it was to get around Youtube's copyright infringement policies. Youtube would have blocked his videos for viewing otherwise.
"They don't like bottomless pits, eh? BWAHAHAHA!"Hill Top and Mystic Cave aren't meh!
...Except for that fucking spike pit in Mystic Cave Act 2. What the fuck, Sega?
If you're playing it as a normal Sonic game it's alright, but time travel is annoying.I rank them Sonic 3 & Knuckles > Sonic 2 > Sonic CD > Sonic 1.
I really don't like Sonic CD that much, but I rank it above Sonic 1 because Sonic 1 is just too prototypical, same reason SMB will always be last on my list of 2D Mario games. Sonic CD just has very bad level design, imo. Levels are wide open. Rather than paths its more like random obstacles floating in the aether. The idea behind it is that you are supposed to explore the level for past sign posts, then find a place where you can speed long enough to time travel, then destroy a badnik teleporter. I like exploration in Sonic games, but here the levels are too unfocused. It just feels like a random level generator made the game. If you just want to get from beginning to end there's not very much stimulation.
The time travel mechanic is pretty annoying, too. Future sign posts and finding a spot to speed are major pains in the ass, making it more frustrating than fun. Usually you'll end up looking for a pair of springs or something.
It's still more than worth buying at $5, especially if it leads to ports of the better games or even new games using the engine.
oh my god sonic heroes is AWFUL
Cream is cool. Why does everyone hate on Cream?
Cream is cool. Why does everyone hate on Cream?
It's a bit sluggish, but I always liked it. It's been a few years since I last tried it, admittedly (sometime around when Gems Collection came out), but I thought it held up pretty well.Thinking about playing Tails' Adventure.
How does it hold up by todays standard?
But her grinding animation is so cute!Maybe it's because of UK:R's frightening expose on what the fanbase will do to her.
Or maybe it's because she was cool in Sonic Advance 2 and she hasn't been seen in anything more than a crappy dialogue-only role since then... besides being the flyer in Heroes, that is. And that's a thankless job.
She's just being polite. At least she's not jumping all over Sonic's cock like that Amy Slut.Because she says "Mr. Sonic"
She makes Turbo Tails redundant and now people are sad that he'll never returnCream is cool. Why does everyone hate on Cream?
Damn right.But her grinding animation is so cute!
Also Cream was cool in Sonic Advance 2 but she became a terrible character as soon as she got a voice because they literally made her a child, and young children in video games are almost universally annoying as fuck.
Hey man, Big is way better with his voice and Omega was way better in Sonic Heroes because he said ANNIHILATE every second.So... what you're trying to say is... a Sonic the Hedgehog character was better without a voice?
Holy motherfucking shitballs.
Hey man, Big is way better with his voice and Omega was way better in Sonic Heroes because he said ANNIHILATE every second.
Thinking about playing Tails' Adventure.
How does it hold up by todays standard?
Cream is cool. Why does everyone hate on Cream?
She was the best character in Sonic Chronicles because she was useful.Cream is cool. Why does everyone hate on Cream?
I want a Tales of Sonic with an OP by ufotable (because ufotable's proven that they're better than Production IG with their work in Tales of Xillia and Fate/Zero), but it isn't going to happen.They should make a game based on the anime.
The OVA and Sonic CD's opening are the way I want Sonic to look, dammit!
I am for thisThey should make a game based on the anime.
The OVA and Sonic CD's opening are the way I want Sonic to look, dammit!
All Vectors are terribleVector too!Well, 4Kids Vector. Current Espio, too.
All Vectors are terrible
None of them except Chaotix Vector are funky enough
To debut Sonic's next ally, Gibberish the Chipmunk
I'm trying to figure out why somebody would do this...
I'm trying to figure out why somebody would do this...
So, like, does LOst have any sense at all?
What a mess.
Cream is friggin' adorable X3
...and am I the only one following the comics ATM or do we not discuss it in this thread anymore?
I keep up with it, but I haven't been able to get the new issue yet. Maybe Thursday, but I'll be busy for the next two weeks....and am I the only one following the comics ATM or do we not discuss it in this thread anymore?
Seems like the Retro forums uses the capital O as opposed to the zero in conversation. Ah well, doesn't matter.It would seem the only sense that L0st (LOst?) possesses is that of self-egotism.
Even if a little flawed, I'd take this over the vanilla final boss theme. I guess I figured the final boss theme would've had more oomph to it in hindsight.Found some interesting mash ups that seem to have the right idea but the execution is flawedhow fitting
Wrapped in Time (Eater)
...and am I the only one following the comics ATM or do we not discuss it in this thread anymore?
I just got into them recently. Only read up to issue 16 (from the Sonic Legacy book), so waiting for the next Volume....and am I the only one following the comics ATM or do we not discuss it in this thread anymore?
I just got into them recently. Only read up to issue 16 (from the Sonic Legacy book), so waiting for the next Volume.
Anyone else read Sonic 235? What're your thoughts of it.
You're already past the high-water mark of the first 159 issues, fyi.