
"kill me now"
In the words of our dear pokecapn: "things change in 12 years, but screen names are forever". I theorized that after CT she ended up losing her mind somehow, and (spoilers for CC and CT DS)there has to be a reason you're called dark schala...
Tonight I was driving down the interstate with my ipod on shuffle, and the track for Sonic vs Shadow in SA2 comes on. Man, I felt just like I was chasing that black and red bitch down.
I'll use your CHAOS CONTROL!
Allow me to rinse out the bad taste of that Sonic 06 Generations mod with this
I really hated how the music drowned out shadow and sonic's dialogue in the cutscene before their big fight.
Like what the hell man.
I'm now convinced someone needs to make a surfing level and disguise the ramps as waves.
lol, waves don't sit in one place. I'd just rather they be ramps.
I honestly don't remember that. Guess I'll pay attention to it when I play that HD rerelease.
True, but now that has me thinking more along the lines of wakeboardinglol, waves don't sit in one place. I'd just rather they be ramps.
I really hated how the music drowned out shadow and sonic's dialogue in the cutscene before their big fight.
Like what the hell man.
Make a level with water running like the snow place in unleashed and it would work, or even a throwback to the intro of sonic 3 surfing to a beach.
I honestly don't remember that. Guess I'll pay attention to it when I play that HD rerelease.
Yeah. After actually playing through the whole thing, Chip is, as ridiculous as his story is, probably one of the most meaningful shitty friend Sonic's ever had outside of the mainstays.And not going to lie, I was legit disappointed after this gamewhen Chip's ring didn't become a part of Sonic's character design going forward when that was clearly what they were setting up.
Yeah I thought the ring would at least stay on his wrist, combining it with his light speed dash ability... bracelet.. thing.. but that got tacked off too. Oh well, Sonic's design works best without him wearing random stuff.
Having recently watched the Runbutton LP of it, its way worse than I remember. One scene in the Final Story has Eggman saying something important, and without subtitles youd never know what it is since the music is cranked up to 11
I sing along to the orchestrated versions. It's a very nice way for the game to come full-circle.Let's Play 20 Years of Sonic Pt.124 - Sonic Unleashed (16/16)
Man I love that trend that Sonic 2006 started of the final phases of the last bosses using orchestrated versions of the main theme. Also I think this episode is the first time I have ever seen anyone actuallyfail the x60 QTE, I was really hoping it would put them back at the start of the Super Sonic boss.
And not going to lie, I was legit disappointed after this gamewhen Chip's ring didn't become a part of Sonic's character design going forward when that was clearly what they were setting up.
But hey, at least after this Kyle and Keith can move on to the good Sonic games...
I agree. Chip wasn't really that bad.Yeah. After actually playing through the whole thing, Chip is, as ridiculous as his story is, probably one of the most meaningful shitty friend Sonic's ever had outside of the mainstays.
You're comparing yourself to me? HA! You're not even good enough to be myfILL MAKE YOU EAT THOSE WORDS
Generations didn't have a theme song, so it's logical that the boss theme would be original (though it's very very very very very good that they added the custom soundtrack feature since the final boss theme in that game was lacklustre compared to the ones that came before. I used What I'm Made Of).
Sonic Boom was the right answer btw
It Doesn't Matter is the only real choice there.
Okaaay. I used Sonic Boom for when I beat the game for the first time. Then Live and Learn as I was learning how to get the no damage trophy. Then What I'm Made Of for getting the no damage trophy.Bad news: you're out the thread. Hand in your badge and your post count.
Sonic Boom was the right answer btw
Okaaay. I used Sonic Boom for when I beat the game for the first time. Then Live and Learn as I was learning how to get the no damage trophy. Then What I'm Made Of for getting the no damage trophy.
Am I redeemed yet? D:
Open Your Heart is also something I've heard way too much.
Can I nominate Live and Learn as the greatest title screen theme in the series? The blast you hear when you reach the title screen instantly gets you pumped. It works so well because you could be on the title screen for like 2 seconds and the music still works perfectly.