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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I'm not sure if I want Fire Emblem: Awakening or not. I mean, I kinda like SRPG I guess? Based mostly on Shining Force, really. I wasn't a huge fan of permadeath, though, since it kinda felt like a board game of sorts, and in many board games, sacrificing your pieces to get into a more advantageous position could be a pretty good idea, and yet here it's a pretty awful idea. Awakening (and some earlier titles in the series) nixes that part, so really, nothing holding me back from getting it. And yet, I'm not really all that interested all the same. Can't even really afford it, anyway. I suppose it means I'll be missing out on free DLC when that comes out, which is a bit of a bummer, but if I'm buying a game just because I want to get the DLC for free, is that really a worthwhile purchase?

Actually, that reminds me... There's this big Fire Emblem fan on my chatroom who likes to link YouTube videos of Fire Emblem, usually gushing over something that happens in it, and when I look at it, I see 30 minute videos of two sides attacking each other and nothing remarkable about it whatsoever. Like, I don't want to rain on his parade, but all at once, it's just not interesting to watch. At all.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
So Square need to get over themselves. Gotcha. :p
They're very stubborn.

I'm losing my patience with people who make excuses for SE regarding the XIII titles, where they try to wave off any guilt in SE's part where "they had no choice to keep making XIII titles" because of XIV. They're the ones that allowed themselves to to be put in that situation, and I'm not gonna give them free money for games I'm starting to just not care about.
...which is why I'm not planning on spending cash on Lightning Returns new. I don't like the direction. There was no point in making more of them in a narrative an design sense. Could've given me FFX : Braska's Final Journey and I would've bought it because guess what? I actually liked the characters in that game. They could have chosen any other game to give a sequel to even if they wanted to get use out of the engine they spent 100 years working on. But they chose FF13. Because they're cheap.

At least Sega dug itself out of its chasm by doing the right thing and trying to salvage the Sonic series to some extent because I guess they realized that there was a split in the fanbase or the games didn't meet a standard they wanted to go for (and thus removed those games from store shelves and digital spaces under a certain Metacritic score).

I dunno. Does Sega pay attention to what people say on multiple sites? (Well, I know that Ruby probably did before he got promoted.)

I've seen more people talk about FEA as "I can't wait until it comes out so I can marry X!" than anything else. Label this as an old man yells at clouds moment, but I hate that this is what it's come to for that series.
That's because that's never ever how I looked at Fire Emblem. I looked at it as one of the tightest and most balanced TRPG series, not as a marriage simulator (which is why I was a little iffy about the idea). It's just weird to peek into an FE thread and not see stat discussions but I see character discussions instead...

I really really really miss the sprite animations, btw.

It says enough that they're still being ultra vague about whether that's a remake or an HD up-port. You could tell me that they haven't even started working on it and I'd believe you.
Pretty sure they haven't because they said KH 1.5 HD would come first.

They'll probably release it on FFX's 15th anniversary.

qq more

Sonic Gaf making an outrage mountain out of the Fire Emblem awakening molehill, bloody hell.

What outrage? We're just disappointed in the weird pandering the series got now.

I played the demo of FE and I'm actually really interested in trying it out because it was really fun from what I've played.


here is a quick list of who will be talking about the history of Sonic on Feb 2nd, with a list of their notable games

Tadashi Takezaki/SEGA

Sonic Adventure (1998) — Public Relation

No further Sonic credits

Takashi Iizuka/Producer

Sonic Adventure (1998) — Director, Character game designer, Field designer, "Chaos" game designer

Sonic Adventure 2 (2001) — Director, Field Designer (Level Designer), Enemy Game Designer

Sonic Heroes (2004) — Director, Level Designer, CG Movie Director

Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) — Director, Lead Game Designer, Level Designer, Scenario Writer, CG Movie Supervisor

Various other Sonic credits, including Colours producer and Generations producer

Jun Senoue/Sound Director

Sonic Adventure (1998) — Lead music composer, Sound director, Music produced by, Guitars, Keyboards

Sonic Adventure 2 (2001) — Music Composer & Lyrics, Sound Director, Music Producer

Sonic Heroes (2003) — Sound Director, Lead Music Composer, Sound Effects, Recording Coordinator

Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) — Sound Director, Lead Music Composer, Sound Effects, Recording Coordinator

Sonic Generations (2011) — Sound Director

Lots, lots more Sonic credits, mostly when working under Iizuka's leadership

Kazuyuki Hoshino/Art Director

Sonic Adventure (1998) — Art director, Lead field artist, Enemy character designer
Sonic Adventure 2 (2001) — Art Director, Player Character Designer, Enemy Character Designer, CG Movie Director

Sonic Heroes (2003) — Art Director, Enemy Designer, Story Board Designer

Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) — Art Director, Character Designer, Enemy Artist, Weapon Artist, CG Movie Supervisor

In recent games like S4, Generations and Unleashed, he's merely been credited under "special thanks". He's not very involved with Sonic games these days


no classic blood invited to talk about the history of Sonic. Should be interesting to see what Sonic Team says :)

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
So... Is Iizuka going to be a producer on this Sonic game, or will he be more hands-on?

Wait, no, that's not the right word.

I'm apathetic!
what, don't you know that gaf hates everything

In all seriousness, would you want a Chrono Trigger sequel from this Square Enix?
Hell no.

Sakaguchi's at Mistwalker, Mitsuda's freelance, everyone who matters from an art side/writing side/other art assets is at Monolith Soft, Horii's busy with Dragon Quest, Good Toriyama's making Dragon Ball stuff, Kitase's busy fueling the Bad Toriyama's lovesick fantasy, etc.

Everyone who I'd want to take part in making a direct sequel to CT have left the company. There is no way I'd take a CT sequel from anyone else.

Schala, I hope you know I'm seething with jealousy.
Is it really not out in the States yet? I just went in to preorder a few things and they said I could pick it up today.


Kokonoe, good LTTP thread on Gaming Side. That's the kinda stuff I like to see. I'm really happy to see you enjoy Radiant Historia as well. I had a friend who called Stocke the "Solid Snake" of modern RPGs, just because I'd briefly said that he wasn't necessarily a character who grew, but rather the player was discovering various layers to his character throughout the game which appreciated a lot. I'm also glad to see you enjoying the battle system.

Now you've got me wondering what my favourite RPG of the generation is. Maybe Sora no Kiseki The 3rd, but I'm only going to say that because it was the last RPG I finished off.

What RPGs have I even played this gen? *thinks*

I know what's not going to make the short list. Sonic Chronicles.

Thank you. I may be lazy with common posting sometimes, but when I create non news threads I always try to put my effort into them.

RTTP: Yoshi's Story
So is it time for Pokemon to go full 3D?
Decent Dubs of Anime?
What are your issues with Sonic?
Things you think Gamefreak shouldn't repeat in Pokemon Gen VI
LTTP: Wario Land 3
How do you feel about 480p and 720p today?

My favorite characters are Stocke and Aht, but I like all the main characters really. Kiel was another one, and
his death I expected to be able to stop with a node, but was kind of shocked he actually just dies without any other option available. Least he dies with purpose, and it was more touching since he was a promising rookie that took the situation into his own hands.

I'm leaving that up to Kokonoe.

qq more will have to wear my masterpiece for a week if he does.

Was that also the controller you used for my game?

It was, but I need to use xpadder to set it up to where dash is A and not on Y. I need my Mega Man X controls here!


FE7 was pretty fun. Haven't checked back in on the series since, but I can't say as I'm too surprised that Nintendo's most anime series finally gave into modern anime trends.

In all seriousness, would you want a Chrono Trigger sequel from this Square Enix?

This line of reasoning is why I'm glad FF6 isn't any more popular than it is. I'd hate to see it go through what 4, 7, and 13 have.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Ohhh, you mean that I had no idea? I had to preorder a few niche games, so...

Thank you. I may be lazy with common posting sometimes, but when I create non news threads I always try to put my effort into them.


My favorite characters are Stocke and Aht, but I like all the main characters really. Kiel was another one, and
his death I expected to be able to stop with a node, but was kind of shocked he actually just dies without any other option available. Least he dies with purpose, and it was more touching since he was a promising rookie that took the situation into his own hands.
You've made more threads than me, though my threads aren't really that meaningful, haha. Still, it's nice to see RTTP/LTTP posts that come from people who aren't 1-2 hours into the game and barely put effort into their OP with respect to what they think of the game they're playing/they've played.

Are you going after the true ending? You just need to do a few sidequests for that. If I can fish up the post I made in the official thread for that, I'll post it somewhere.



Ohhh, you mean that I had no idea? I had to preorder a few niche games, so...

Yeah, FE12 is my most anticipated title ATM, so hearing that you were able to waltz and pick it up makes me ultra jelly.

Hell, even Gamestop stopped taking preorders a while ago. They got it on lockdown.


I really really really miss the sprite animations, btw.

This is part of why I hate the 3DS' main feature being that awful 3D effect. Actively discourages 2D sprites to be used, when the DS was almost a haven for games involving sprites. FE7/8's spritework will always be legendary to me.


This though? This is awful.

I'm not sure if I want Fire Emblem: Awakening or not. I mean, I kinda like SRPG I guess? Based mostly on Shining Force, really. I wasn't a huge fan of permadeath, though, since it kinda felt like a board game of sorts, and in many board games, sacrificing your pieces to get into a more advantageous position could be a pretty good idea, and yet here it's a pretty awful idea. Awakening (and some earlier titles in the series) nixes that part, so really, nothing holding me back from getting it. And yet, I'm not really all that interested all the same. Can't even really afford it, anyway. I suppose it means I'll be missing out on free DLC when that comes out, which is a bit of a bummer, but if I'm buying a game just because I want to get the DLC for free, is that really a worthwhile purchase?

Actually, that reminds me... There's this big Fire Emblem fan on my chatroom who likes to link YouTube videos of Fire Emblem, usually gushing over something that happens in it, and when I look at it, I see 30 minute videos of two sides attacking each other and nothing remarkable about it whatsoever. Like, I don't want to rain on his parade, but all at once, it's just not interesting to watch. At all.

Some of the appeal to Fire Emblem comes from watching the progression of characters I like as they grow stronger. While say, Advance Wars has you as the CO controlling nameless troops, every one of your troops in FE has a unique name and personality, so you kinda grow attached to the ones you like most. You watch them evolve from this clumsy soldier who does rather low damage and average looking attacks to one-man army troops that do incredibly bad-ass looking attacks, like so:



Part of my problem with Awakening is that, right off the bat, we have character that are either greatly exaggerated in an awful way, look extremely unpractical in a battlefield, or they just plain rub me the wrong way cause they don't follow the same method of design as previous games do and rely a lot more on the common, cliche'd tropes like a drill haired ojou-sama, zettai ryouiki with stockings, or just plain what. It's the same kind of thing that happened with Valkyria Chronicles 2, where the characters got basically turned into high school kids while still trying to keep the old wartime uniforms, and they just end up turning me off entirely.

I'm sure the actual writing, gameplay and dialogue is gonna be great as usual, but it still doesn't make the bitter feeling go away.
I don't think the 3D effect on the 3DS is awful... actually, thinking about it, it tends to be better with 2D assets than it does 3D ones. I think the various eShop titles prove my point handily; just look at Mutant Mudds, Mighty Switch Force or VVVVVV to see what I'm getting at.

qq more

2D Metroid? What's that? (laughs)

I'm totally up for a new 2D Metroid, but first I gotta play Super Metroid (GamePad support! YESSSSS!) and Fusion first.


I'm banking on this this E3.

I hope so, but I don't believe in that strange theory about the Super Metroid VC version.

2D Metroid? What's that? (laughs)

Fixed that for ya.

You're going to make me cry.

Really, they need to do a new 2D Metroid for whatever platform they want. I don't care if it has a shitty story. Better, no real story (no cutscenes or elevator monologues!!!). I only want to explore some alien environments while looking for equipment.
Picking up Fire Emblem Awakening when it comes out here in April, but just out of curiosity since it'll be my non-Smash introduction to the series; does this game allow same sex-marriages and polygamy.

this is very important to me


So... Is Iizuka going to be a producer on this Sonic game, or will he be more hands-on?

iizuka-san was definitely hands on for generations, even if hes not credited as such. No one else would of chose so many cities to represent the history of Sonic, and no one else would of remade the GUN truck, or perfect chaos to be even more crazy.

There actually an interview with iizuka where he talked about how generations allowed him to visit his past creations and make them even better.
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