edit : since when Level 5 is a first party studio ?
Insomniac and Media Molecule says hi.
Games published by Sony, not first party only.
edit : since when Level 5 is a first party studio ?
Guymelef said:Insomniac and Media Molecule says hi.
Games published by Sony, not first party only.
Raist said:SOCOM isn't a PSN title anymore ?
edit : since when Level 5 is a first party studio ?
neonglow said:Is SOCOM a disc based game now? I always assumed it would be a PSN title.
Stocka said:Fantastic, I don't have to buy myself a PS3 till sometime in 09.
dsmoke1986 said:Is the PSP a dead console??
since when Level 5 is a first party studio
Jonnyram said:So why is Siren episodic in the West when it is one single BD in Japan?
And more importantly, how did Wollan know about this weeks ago?
Man, I remember when people used to argue about second party on gamefaqs. That was some messed up shit.Shikamaru Ninja said:Semantically you can argue what is a first-party studio. But a first-party game is clear cut.
Jonnyram said:So why is Siren episodic in the West when it is one single BD in Japan?
And more importantly, how did Wollan know about this weeks ago?
Japan Studio has an okay pedigree (Popolocrois series, Legend of Dragoon, Legalia series, Alundra 2, Wild Arms 2)... but they haven't really been active in RPG making for a sold half decade now. :/Paracelsus said:Do they have any other first/second party developer (beside Level-5) specialized in RPG making? That's the issue.
Man, I remember when people used to argue about second party on gamefaqs. That was some messed up shit.
Shikamaru Ninja said:30 years in the game and still people want to argue when a publisher announces their first-party line up for the year. Anything published by the hardware maker is a first-party game. Doesn't matter if it was developed by some Bangladeshian monks or Vikings in a third world country.
Semantically you can argue what is a first-party studio. But a first-party game is clear cut.
dionysus said:Welp, that about wraps it up for me and my Sony loyalty. Whatever console delivers the best rpgs has my loyalty, and Sony just doesn't care anymore about appealing to an audience that enjoys traditionally japanese genres. Waiting 3+ years for any first party rpgs is sickening.
UntoldDreams said:"Mybuzzquiz.com will provide a global community for players to create and share their own quizzes online and make available to download on PS3."
Sales-wise, not at all. It outsold both PS2 and PS3 here last month, and it's probably been doing so even more consistently in Japan.dsmoke1986 said:Is the PSP a dead console?? I'm thinking of buying the God of War pack, but there seems to be withering support for it.
Kowak said:Resistance2
All buys. Hopefully NBA 09 is decent.
boco77 said:lame list. no FFXIII or Tekken 6 or RE5. I know they're not Sony but still.
Shig said:Sales-wise, not at all. It outsold both PS2 and PS3 here last month, and it's probably been doing so even more consistently in Japan.
But you sure as hell wouldn't know it by the way publishers, Sony especially, are acting towards publishing games on it. It's almost like they're trying to starve it to death.
Shig said:Sales-wise, not at all. It outsold both PS2 and PS3 here last month, and it's probably been doing so even more consistently in Japan.
SpokkX said:Ouch. Imo the lineup for 2008 from Sony really is awful
The only ones for me will be
PixelJunk(TM) Eden PSN (Available Summer 2008 / Not Yet Rated)
LittleBigPlanet(TM) PS3 (Available October 2008 / Not yet Rated)
Possibly Resistance 2, but since I didn´t like the first game it is doubtful