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Sony Announces 2008 / Early 2009 PS3/PSP Line-up


boco77 said:
I dont get it :p

Well, if it's a Sony published list, and you know it is, why the hell are you sad that non-Sony published games aren't on there?

It's a neverending loop, and you'll die trying to solve it. Best get out whilst you can.


UntoldDreams said:
People people!

Buzz PS3 community features: upload and share quizes

We can make a custom NeoGAF Buzz Game or whatever we want.

You a student? You can make a quiz game about class homework and share it with the community so all your chemistry friends can share.

Language studies? Also possible. I hope they can do Asian characters.

Classic Video Game Quiz Game
Bald Space Marine Quiz Game

"Mybuzzquiz.com will provide a global community for players to create and share their own quizzes online and make available to download on PS3."

making your own questions has me prety excitd too. Could be fun thing to do with my fellow GAFers.


Distinguished Air Superiority
nofi said:
Well, if it's a Sony published list, and you know it is, why the hell are you sad that non-Sony published games aren't on there?

It's a neverending loop, and you'll die trying to solve it. Best get out whilst you can.

They gotta downplay it somehow nofi.


mentalfloss said:
Looks decent, but it seems like a lot of these will be delayed.



I don't understand why people even hope to get Infamous this year. We haven't seen anything since its original announcement. Surely that's a sign.


"industry expert"
Here is my list of reactions:

Will Buy Day One:

Might Buy Day One (Otherwise, Used Or RLS):
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2
Secret Agent Clank
Resistance 2

Will "Buy" Off Of RLS:
BUZZ! Master Quiz

Curious To See More Of Before Deciding:
wipEout HD
PixelJunk Eden
MotorStorm Pacific Rift
Killzone 2

The others don't really do anything to pique my interest.

Edit: Singstar PS3 also belongs on the RLS list, but that wasn't in the OP.


Strap on your hooker ...
jjasper said:
The PSP is outselling everything (including the Wii) in Japan right now.
Well hot damn.

That makes the lack of new original stuff even more baffling.

I'll cross my fingers for E3, but it's almost unprecedented for a 1st party to allow even a small window where there appears to be no notable core games on the horizon. That shakes confidence.


Shig said:
Sales-wise, not at all. It outsold both PS2 and PS3 here last month, and it's probably been doing so even more consistently in Japan.

But you sure as hell wouldn't know it by the way publishers, Sony especially, are acting towards publishing games on it. It's almost like they're trying to starve it to death.
Publishers are reacting to software sales, not hardware sales.


My Sony purchases:

Killzone 2
Resistance 2
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
SOCOM: Confrontation
Siren: Blood Curse
Wipeout HD

Wheres Flower???? ;_;
Where's The Agency?

My third party purchases:

Metal Gear Solid 4
Silent Hill Homecoming (lol)
Mirror's Edge
Fallout 3
Bionic Commando Rearmed

Probably some others I've forgotten.


"industry expert"
Firewire said:
Whats taking you so long? :D

You know, every time you pretend that I work for them, it just makes me sad that I don't

It is the most strangely effective form of teasing EVAR.


Worships the porcelain goddess
There's seven games there I'm buying. I'm trying to figure out why that's a bad list exactly...it's not even complete (missing Singstars and PS2 games).


EA Employee
Kintaro said:
There's seven games there I'm buying. I'm trying to figure out why that's a bad list exactly...it's not even complete (missing Singstars and PS2 games).

This is GAF bro. Someone will always downplay a Sony lineup or MS lineup and even the wii. Socom is huge for me and a lot of other folks down at EA. The lineup is great and there is still some games that are not on the list because SCEA only list exclusive titles for its own region.
I'm looking forward to many of these games, but I think that Sony 1st party will have the same trouble reaching mass market with this lineup as they had last year. In the future, I see a lot of critical acclaim for this list but mediocre sales of everything except Resistance 2 (and possibly Killzone 2).

Sony really needs more God of War, Gran Turismo, and other big names in its lineup to have any shot at all of catching the 360 in the US.
This list definitely looks a little anemic. I'll be happy enough with Wipeout, LBP, and R2, but this certainly isn't the type of lineup that's going to vault sony out of its wii induced niche.
I think their only chance is if LBP really explodes but I highly doubt that creating levels will ever be seen as anything but hardcore.

I assume this list is coming out of SCEA's E3 Judges event today. Do we know anything else about what's going on? Embargoes?


Why are people mentioning MGS4? You know the date of the game :-\

Every PSP release list without a LocoRoco 2 only makes me angrier Sony. Hurry it up dammit!


Wipeout HD
PixelJunk Eden

That's about it for me, unless Killzone and Resistance improve dramatically over thier predecessors.
The list does look kinda weak but I expect more will be announced/discussed come E3 period, at least I hope so.



Where is all of this supposedly strong 1st party support Sony has been going on about? Making Ludicrous statements such as 3rd party isn't as relevant b/c of their superior 1st party.

Heck if it weren't for LBP and Resistance (the rest is filler this year) I'd be a really disappointed PS3 owner

I really hope Nintendo has some surprises for E3.


TONX said:
Lets read the OP together, shall we?
I did, kinda.
EDIT:- Wait I'm confused :/

It says "demonstrate SCEA's passion to lead the market" but the list has SCEE titles in there too :/


An blind dancing ho
batbeg said:
Why are people mentioning MGS4? You know the date of the game :-\

Every PSP release list without a LocoRoco 2 only makes me angrier Sony. Hurry it up dammit!

It Won't Happen , the first bombed so hard the PSN title too , i guess Kouno and his team will move to PS3 and new stuff now , maybe a 3D platform or some PSEye titles ( since he was too impressed by the Eye ) .

What about PS2?

Nothing outside Daxter? Secret Agent Clank maybe?

it's PS3/PSP list

and for PS2 we already know about Wipeout Pulse and Daxter for the summer and the new Eyetoy titles from SCEE for this year .


Worships the porcelain goddess
This thread confuses me. Is all that people see is "sales" when they look at that list? "This might sell. This won't. This won't. This may. Shitty list!"


More than a member.
Wipeout HD / Resistance 2/ Motorstorm 2 / Little Big Planet / Metal Gear Solid 4 / Gears of War 2/ Ninja Gaiden 2 / Fable 2 / Dragon Ball Z Burst limit / Soul calibur 4 / Socom confrontation /

-Wipeout HD
-Resistance 2
-Motorstorm 2
-Little big planet
-Metal gear solid 4
-Socom confrontation
-The Agency

-Ninja gaiden 2
-Fable 2
-Gears of war 2
-Tales of vesperia
-Left 4 dead

on 360

and many multi game i dont know yet
-Mirror Edge
-Sonic Unleashed
-Alien colonial Marines
-Bionic commando reamerd
-Star Wars Forces Unleashed
-Street fighter 2 Turbo HD
-Fallout 3
-DBZ burst limit
-Soul calibur 4

fukin' good year!


Totobeni said:
It Won't Happen , the first bombed so hard the PSN title too , i guess Kouno and his team will move to PS3 and new stuff now , maybe a 3D platform or some PSEye titles ( since he was too impressed by the Eye ) .


We had a chance to speak with Loco Roco's director Tsutomu Kouno at the Develop conference and, when asked if there will be a Loco Roco 2 for the PSP, he responded, "Yes, there will. I'm thinking about a sequel for the PSP right now. I got a lot of feedback from players that they bought a PSP just to play Loco Roco so I feel like I have to make a sequel for them.

:mad: It's coming you blasphemer.

Just... slowly.


Pretty damn good, I have 9 things to purchase off that list alone. 10 if you count that I'll be buying the DLC and boxed copy of SOCOM.


An blind dancing ho
batbeg said:

uh , yeah i know about this , but it mean nothing , same thing with GT mobile and DMC Oblivion..ect , games that are confirmed but not coming at all , Get use to it and you'll love it .

i also read about Legend of Dragoon 2 for da PSX2 on some issue of Gamesmaster ( UK magazine ) back in 2000 so when i get my Dragoon 2 you will get your LocoRoco 2 , win win situation in some funky wonder land :lol


dammitmattt said:
I'm looking forward to many of these games, but I think that Sony 1st party will have the same trouble reaching mass market with this lineup as they had last year. In the future, I see a lot of critical acclaim for this list but mediocre sales of everything except Resistance 2 (and possibly Killzone 2).

Sony really needs more God of War, Gran Turismo, and other big names in its lineup to have any shot at all of catching the 360 in the US.

Socom, Wipeout, Killzone, Resistance, Motorstorm, Buzz, Singstar are all multi million sellers series (even if Wipeout is a bit old).

el Diablo

RPGs? *crickets*

Oh well, PS3 is still the greatest RPG system of all time. You know when you take into account BC and the smoothing/upscaling option :lol. Do love me some HSG:OT2 though. That and MGS4 should be enough to tide me over through the summer (don't have as much time to sit and actually play games heh).


Bit of a paltry list there. PJ Eden, LBP and Wipeout are the only day one purchases for me.

Where's my Afrika, Sony?


An blind dancing ho
Classic_Gs said:
Yea the PSP line up is seriously lacking.

seriously you want Sony to spend millions of millions of dollars on new PSP games that everyone will download it for free anyway ?

piracy killed that poor system , they should shift PSP current projects ( if there any ) to PS2 or focus on PS3 till they made PSP-2 with some PS3-ish anti-piracy/hack-proof .


kylej said:
Bit of a paltry list there. PJ Eden, LBP and Wipeout are the only day one purchases for me.

Where's my Afrika, Sony?
I don't think this list is complete, just what they finalized and what they want to announce now. Afrika has been dated for August 28th according to play-asia so it should be coming close to that date, it hasn't even been announced for the US yet though. http://blog.livedoor.jp/od3/


Wipeout HD not coming in May :\

What is the word on the Secret Agent Clank demo? I haven't tried it. I thought Ratchet PSP was kinda shitty but the console ones were good. Is this going to be more like PSP or Console?

Also I'm a little afraid Siren is an excuse for them not to release other PSN games. "Nothing new on the PSN store this week? What are you talking about? We released Siren ep5!" sorta like the Rock Band weekly downloads that pad the list.

I mean Wipeout, Elefunk, Pixel Junk, Siren; Are those really the only 1st party PSN games coming for the rest of the year?! There's hardly any 3rd party PSN support.
wazoo said:
Socom, Wipeout, Killzone, Resistance, Motorstorm, Buzz, Singstar are all multi million sellers series (even if Wipeout is a bit old).

Here's my line of thinking:

SOCOM - It should sell okay, but the fans know it's not the true sequel

Wipeout - Hasn't been relevant in 10 years if you're talking sales

Killzone - It was really a multi-million seller??? Besides, I said it will probably sell

Resistance - I said it would sell

Motorstorm - I'm sure it will do okay, but the first was by no means a blockbuster

Buzz - Bigger in Europe and the PS3 doesn't have the sales base of casual gamers to help support it

Singstar - See Buzz


dammitmattt said:
Here's my line of thinking:

SOCOM - It should sell okay, but the fans know it's not the true sequel

Wipeout - Hasn't been relevant in 10 years if you're talking sales

Killzone - It was really a multi-million seller??? Besides, I said it will probably sell

Resistance - I said it would sell

Motorstorm - I'm sure it will do okay, but the first was by no means a blockbuster

Buzz - Bigger in Europe and the PS3 doesn't have the sales base of casual gamers to help support it

Singstar - See Buzz

I'm not sure about US, but this is quite a big lineup for europe.

As for numbers, Motorstorm sold 3M copies, Killzone 1 sold 2M copies, Buzz and Singstar are 5M+ series, Resistance sold 2M copies

As for Socom and Wipeout, they are PSN titles, so they will not sell consoles unless they get a BR release, but they should be okay depending on price (because people do not like as much to pay for download games)

el Diablo

Totobeni said:
seriously you want Sony to spend millions of millions of dollars on new PSP games that everyone will download it for free anyway ?

piracy killed that poor system , they should shift PSP current projects ( if there any ) to PS2 or focus on PS3 till they made PSP-2 with some PS3-ish anti-piracy/hack-proof .

Sadly you're right about piracy killing any hopes of getting a steady flow of games. Ironic that they have a system that sells so well yet has such little dev support. If it hadn't been so easy to hack i'd imagine you'd see a level of support just below what the DS gets as opposed to the scraps it gets now. Sony has no one to blame but themselves though, hopefully if anything it'll force them to kill the PSP sooner and move onto a new bulletproof PSP2. Could care less if they lock it down to all hell as long as we get a steady flow of games.

I'll take random games here and there but personally my biggest hope at this point is that they make the PSP DIVX/XVID compatible sometime soon. If they do that at least if i can't use the PSP for games i'll be able to use it as a pretty slick portable media player.


sex vacation in Guam
Moving Killzone to next year was the worst thing to happen to Sony. Every other company is already pushing out their second or third next gen game and GG cannot even get their first out. Its going to get slaughtered by Critics. R2 for sept and Killzone for nov would have made this holiday season a huge win for SONY.

Anyway where the fck is my infamous? is going to be 3 years in development already. WTF? Hopefully they will show something @ E3. White Knight also needs to be released ASAP!


White Knight will be at TGS.

Sony is clearly lacking in RPG now, which is not a surprise from a 1st party point of view. Blame Square.

KZ2 is late, because it can not be rushed. Any fault will send it to death. And of course, they want Resistance2 to sell


PistolGrip said:
Moving Killzone to next year was the worst thing to happen to Sony. Every other company is already pushing out their second or third next gen game and GG cannot even get their first out. Its going to get slaughtered by Critics. R2 for sept and Killzone for nov would have made this holiday season a huge win for SONY.

Anyway where the fck is my infamous? is going to be 3 years in development already. WTF? Hopefully they will show something @ E3. White Knight also needs to be released ASAP!
Agreed. Killzone 2 missing 2008 pretty much destroyed any hype I had for PS3's line-up this year. There's still Resistance but Killzone was the main draw for me on PS3. Infamous missing '08 was another big disappointment... I love these open world games like Crackdown , GTA, Prototype, etc.

Yeah, really. This has to be brought here.

And the boxart should not be echochromed in the process.


Totobeni said:
seriously you want Sony to spend millions of millions of dollars on new PSP games that everyone will download it for free anyway ?

piracy killed that poor system , they should shift PSP current projects ( if there any ) to PS2 or focus on PS3 till they made PSP-2 with some PS3-ish anti-piracy/hack-proof .

I spent money on the system, so yes, I want games. And if we're going to bring in the piracy argument, then just make the games fully digital and downloadable via PSN.
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