Sony wasn't even particularly good with MP titles so far. GT seems to be the only title with a constant update stream currently? For some reason they don't even lock the updates to Plus, which would make sense, imho, but so far it is a one time purchase and no season passes or whatever. At least I think. I dont own it.
Even imho good ones did not really turn into hits. Helldivers, Fat Princess or MAG, Driveclub, Motorstorm, Wipeout, Destruction Allstars and any Resistance, Killzone, GoW Ascension, or Uncharted. I am not sure with Factions either. People liked it, but were the numbers there ever actually good or similarly to MAG and Helldivers a few vocal fans but not really a huge success?
So upgrading to full blown GaaS is jumping over that necessary step. If they ramp it up adequately they need 12 studios with a huge workforce to pump out content for those. Practically several Bungie sized studios. It's nice to want things, and the success of the megahits attracts of course, but finding the idea that is missing in the market and finding the talent to support all of these is dellusional, unless the plan was to throw 12 on the wall and hoping for 1 or 2 to stick and direct the full focus and ressources only to those hits. That would be reasonable, but if anyone at Sony thinks 12 or say just 8 will stick the landing than they succeed Square in being insane with their expectations.
Getting rid of their Sony Online Entertainment group in the past was in hindsight with this current plan, probably also not the wisest. Overall hardly a hit group, otherwise they would not have abandoned them, but also not producing shite and certainly some talent there they could need now.