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Sony E3 2014 Conference Thread


i just watched it now...(the live streaming was at the 3 of night here in italy) ..honestly i was expecting at least to be on par with the ms one...

to me was the most underwhelming of all the conference...a part of the uncharted 15 sec trailer...and some multiplats....
nothing too big on the exclusive part :(

To be honest , though , there isn't actually anything Sony could show to impress you.


I thought Sony had a great collection of grounded, fun, real presenters. Adam Boyes (especially), Shuhei, No Man's Sky presenter/dev (name escapes me atm), etc. They also had the best live multiplayer dialogue (LBP3) because it was off-the-cuff for the most part.

The deviation from games in the middle was definitely strategic, but still left a lasting sour note, and affected the last batch of games they had left to show.

They showed the most games I'm excited for though, including multiplats and exclusives.

I would say so far its the best conference but it was nothing spectacular imo.

One thing though, which I found weird, was the crowd cheering for the weirdest things.

For instance apparently the white PS4 bundle got a massive uproar in cheer both in the conference and theatres.

I know guys, white PS4 is superior but damn

I dunno, I lost my shit when they announced it and I was by myself lol

And sony gave you a vision of cinematic shitsperiences, artsy indie crap and a bunch of third party "better on PC edition" games.

What is this garbage
I wish they would let more average people into the crowds. Let them cheer and be excited they're there instead of people who are cynical about the whole experience.


I'm totally conflicted on this one: it wasn't "bad", but it had many lows (Bendis showing up and TV talk, Entwined, Shawn Layden is nowhere the awesome level Tretton was, no new ps+ games), and its highs were little and compromised (basically 0 gameplay for the most awaited titles and no real "megaton" like Sony didn't care if we knew of BloodBorne months before).
I still get the "we're on a dominant position and don't need do blow our load" but man at least give us something to talk for a while.
And while they're good, please tone down all those indies.

Why did you expect plus games on an e3 stage?, there were more surprises on sonys stage than ms I thought the big ms one we already knew.


And sony gave you a vision of cinematic shitsperiences, artsy indie crap and a bunch of third party "better on PC edition" games.

After Layden came on it turned into a bit of a shit show.
Sony played it too safe, and again, are holding back.

I scored MS 7/10

E3 overall has been super disappointing to me, just no real excitement, and I still have no desire at all to purchase PS4 or One.
Hopefully Nintendo can deliver some X goodness later on today.


i just watched it now...(the live streaming was at the 3 of night here in italy) ..honestly i was expecting at least to be on par with the ms one...

to me was the most underwhelming of all the conference...a part of the uncharted 15 sec trailer...and some multiplats....
nothing too big on the exclusive part :(

Thekayle preferring MS show? I'm completely shocked!


BloodBorne and Abzu looked cool. I didn't last all the way through the interminable Layden speech. I hope I only missed Uncharted.


I liked what I saw. A lot of exclusives and surprises. I'd rate it 8/10, while MS conference was a 6/10 in my book due to the lack of new exclusives.

Overall, those were pretty decent showings because both conferences were mostly focused on games and not about sales or TV.
It's interesting how much flow and perception color people's judgments.

Microsoft had a 90 minute show.

Sony had a 130 minute show, of which 100 minutes were of games.

Yet because of the other 30 minutes Microsoft is winning in the perception battle of being focused on games.


After reading the summary in the OP,did they really announce zero new Vita exclusive games? I just bought one before E3 :(

Vita is for remote play at home and playing some HD collections, PSP/PS games and a great collection of Indie games on the go. Plus a handful of really good retail games, if you are new to it.

If you know that and can accept it, the Vita is great.
People are talking crazy about Layden.

PS Now
interactive Streaming
25 Free 2 Play titles
Vita TV US release
and end with a Mortal Kombat gameplay.


BloodBorne and Abzu looked cool. I didn't last all the way through the interminable Layden speech. I hope I only missed Uncharted.

brian michael bendis came out for a really awesome announcement. i don't want to spoil it, and i really recommend you watch it for yourself.


It was sleep-time here in the UK when Sony was on (2am).

Can someone give a couple of the highs & lows of the Sony Conference please ?


I just watched both Uncharted and Last of Us Gamersyde 60fps trailers

Ah man, they're insane, so cool, there's only a few scenes in TLoU trailer where I found 60fps slightly jarring, but I'm really looking forward to seeing what it's like when you're playing.

Tomb Raider DE was fantastic and the in engine cut-scenes where all HFR, I think once you have the controller in your hand and you've been playing for a little while you get into it, I don't know haha!
People are talking crazy about Layden.

PS Now
interactive Streaming
25 Free 2 Play titles
Vita TV US release
and end with a Mortal Kombat gameplay.

It's more his delivery I had an issue with
Zero charisma, far too long pauses, monotone voice. He was like a black hole, all of the previous excitement was sucked out of the room.
I think Sony's was better overall. The pacing of it was horrendous (Thy could have suppressed the infamous 30 blabla segment, which was there to stress the possible synergy between the different branches...but still), but the content was better. They had the most impressive bits of footage, including multiplats.
Neither MS nor Sony had a spectacular showing though. But this is the problem for MS. Contrary to Sony, solid just can not cut it. Nothing at their stage could really make a dent in the current configuration. Nothing there could sway things in their favour. PS4 will continue to outsell them healthily, imo, well into next year (The White PS4 Destiny bundle is gonna be tough to beat). Perhaps Novembre with the Halo compilation could be the exception, but I honestly doubt it.
Sony has strategically won. They are pretty comfortable, having so much content they have not shown (Guerilla, Bend, Polyphony, MM, SSM, Studio London, Guerilla Cambridge, Housemarque and other second party new stuff...). If MS does not correct course in the next months, it is not them who will be rumoured to present exclusive third party games at the next E3...


Sony showed a couple interesting things but man, for me this is their worst conference in years. I am nintendo-level disappointed in Sony right now. Before I hurt anyone's feelings I just want to stress the fact that this post is my opinion, and I'm very happy for everyone that is eagerly anticipating game x,y, or z that looks like shit to me.

Sony kept talking about their grand vision of connectivity and artistic, expressive games, but the only coherent vision that I saw was the vision of cinematic first and third person shooters. GTAV, The Order, Uncharted, the Last of Us, Far Cry 4, Battlefield Hardline, Star Wars Battlefield, MGS V, Destiny...

There was the odd outlier. No Man's Sky is my GOTS so far. It looks phenomenal. Grim Fandango on my Vita was an amazing surprise. Abzu is definitely a TGC game. Cool. All of these are (apparently) multiplat though.

As far as exclusives, I'm more than sick of Uncharted games, The Order looked completely boring, LBP3 looks even less necessary than LBP2, Morpheus is totally aimless... Then, of course, there's Bloodborne (terrible name), which they couldn't show us any gameplay of for some reason? The game will no doubt be amazing, but they needed to show us that it's not just DeS with guns and Zombies (please don't just be DeS with guns and zombies). I feel bad for Sony on BB though - this would have been by far the biggest megaton today if it hadn't leaked.

No TLG again
. Well, that's OK, I had my expectations in check. I didn't really expect it to be there. But nothing from SCEJ? (I mean internal studio, assuming here that From is doing the heavy lifting on BB, as they did on DeS). What the fuck are they doing? I thought Alan Becker had supposedly turned them around?

Then vita. Why does SCEA hate vita so much? The crazy thing is that there are actually plenty of good looking games coming for it soon, yet they couldn't be troubled to make it look like the vita has any use beyond a PS4 extender at all. Even a montage of already announced vita games ending with the Grim Fandango announcement would have been better. A date for Freedom Wars? More info on Gravity Rush 2? Anything?

Again, JUST MY OPINIONS, I don't mean to shit on anyone's parade here. Sony had a few interesting games to show, but couched in neverending cinematic third and first person shooters, with a disappointing amount of exclusive content. It seems like SCE is finally accepting the fact that the average gamer just wants to shoot at shit and check their gamerscore, which saddens me greatly.

EDIT: Want to elaborate a little further here. I actually think that, from an objective standpoint, the conference was really pretty decent. From my viewpoint, and from the viewpoint of a person who has come to expect certain things out of SCE over their 20 year existence, I couldn't help but be disappointed.


I give a slight edge to the MS conference. Not from exclusives counting but overall feel of someone who doesn't care what was leaked before or how much was prerendered or not.

It felt like a good mix especially catering to current xbox owners and having Tomb Raider & AC Unity in their show was nice for the casuals.


It's more his delivery I had an issue with
Zero charisma, far too long pauses, monotone voice. He was like a black hole, all of the previous excitement was sucked out of the room.

He wasn't that bad, he just had really shit material to work with that went on for far too long. He seems like a pretty well spoken guy and should figure things out over time.

He doesn't strike me as a Mattrick who was always super awkward on stage and had no personality whatsoever.


Surprised we didn't see much in the way of Rime or DriveClub. Show was good, but I felt it got dragged down by all the CGI trailers promising 2015 titles. I mean, great to hear these new titles, but if all you have is some obscure CGI trailer and a lofty 2015 date then it kinda of makes me feel like you are still far in development.


I give a slight edge to the MS conference. Not from exclusives counting but overall feel of someone who doesn't care what was leaked before or how much was prerendered or not.

It felt like a good mix especially catering to current xbox owners and having Tomb Raider & AC Unity in their show was nice for the casuals.

MS would take it easily for me if they just showed some freaking gameplay. CG trailers everywhere. It's like 2006 all over again.

Scalebound, Below, DR3 + DLC, Phantom Dust and Halo Collection have me considering xbox one seriously for the first time ever. Hopefully these games pan out.


Then vita. Why does SCEA hate vita so much? The crazy thing is that there are actually plenty of good looking games coming for it soon, yet they couldn't be troubled to make it look like the vita has any use beyond a PS4 extender at all. Even a montage of already announced vita games ending with the Grim Fandango announcement would have been better. A date for Freedom Wars? More info on Gravity Rush 2? Anything?
That's because Vita doesn't have a future.
Seems Playstation TV is their last bet to keep alive the ecosystem.


And sony gave you a vision of cinematic shitsperiences, artsy indie crap and a bunch of third party "better on PC edition" games.


Anyway moving on...

I think It was the best of the conferences, as Xbox was filled with to much 3rd party and CGI, Sony had more ACTUAL 1st party games as other than Forza Horizon 2 and Halo HD collection Xbox was big on 3rd party.

Sony have more 1st Party this year but The Order, TLOU and basicly ND just prove again they are just GODS and above all other devs...cannot wait for UC4 but it does look UC2 and bleaker..but it could be the Empire of the saga!
People expected anything to do with Vita... why? Or the now legacy PS3 which is on its last legs?

They showed the future of Vita... it's a microconsole accessory now.
And while they're good, please tone down all those indies.

Why do they need to tone down on the indie games? They are still video games just because they are not big budget games does not make them lesser games then the big budget games. Sony giving all the indies games spotlight is a good thing it gives people a chance to check out games they otherwise might not have known about or tried.

As for the press conference I was kinda shocked by the lack of Sony Santa Monica but, I remembered they are helping Ready At Dawn with The Order 1886. As for the rest of the press conference it was about what I expected since Sony tends to spread their game announcements between E3, Gamescom and TGS. It was a decent press conference overall lots of games. They probably should have saved the powers announcement for Comic Con.


Bloody hell you lot are a tough crowd. Enjoyed the conference. Lot's of interesting stuff. No Man's Sky looked unbelievable. There was a dip with the TV series stuff etc but other than that I thought it was cool.


Didn't stay up last night 2am in the UK, and in work today

What was announced for the Vita gamewise
Besides grim fandango?
Not including indies
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