I don't want to giveBryank75 a heart attack, but PC sales are in the "Others" category and that category grew by 90% and is twice as big as the physical software category (which gets hotly disputed weekly threads on here). Sorry Bryan!
So what? That is a hodge podge of things and Physical sales are massively down due to covid.
The point of exclusives are to drive hardware sales....not to actually make profits on their own. So your approach to this is flawed from the beginning.
It's like me saying...look at the hardware +116.9%, why do they need PC at all when their hardware is so popular!?
Also the increase in 'others' does not make up for the fall of nearly 20% in digital software and add ons......... they could have bought a real studio that makes and sells great games like MiHoYo and made massive gains instead of investing in a PC porting studio.
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