Yes but after Hot Coffee the ESRB made it perfectly clear that this sort of non-disclosure can never happen again:
Going forward, the ESRB will now require all game publishers to submit any pertinent content shipped in final product even if is not intended to ever be accessed during game play or remove it from the final disc. Furthermore, the ESRB calls on the computer and video game industry to proactively protect their games from illegal modifications by third parties, particularly when they serve to undermine the accuracy of the rating.
And the ESRB guidelines state that any non-disclosure will be punishable:
where the ESRB enforcement system allows for the imposition of harsh sanctions (e.g., fines up to $1 million, product recall, the stickering of product throughout all retail outlets) for instances of significant or egregious content non-disclosure. Less serious violations of ESRB content disclosure guidelines can result in the assignment of points, fines, and mandated corrective actions, and are effective disincentives for noncompliance.
No matter which way you look at it, Sony should in theory get fined or at least slapped on the wrist for this (according to ESRB policies).
Why would they even create a nude model if they were never going to use it. Did they seriously think it would never leak out? Dumb asses.
I think it's a publicity stunt to get people interested in that sorry ass of a game.
Why would they even create a nude model if they were never going to use it. Did they seriously think it would never leak out? Dumb asses.
I think it's a publicity stunt to get people interested in that sorry ass of a game.
Those articles seem like bullshit retrospectively, because they claimed the US version had less nudity, and neither of them have any.We know that Sony definitely censored it from a few articles a month ago, we just don't know which parts for sure.
Now the real question is.... does the child version of Ellen page /Jodie Holmes have the same details?Without the texture her clothes would move differently.
I'm reaching here.
You guys seriously believe Sony thought the pics would never leak out? Are they that naive, I mean what in gamings history lead them to believe the nude pics would never be seen by the masses? If it's made it will be seen. They only have themselves to blame.
Does this mean it's going to get upgraded to an AO rating?
You can have bare breasts in games.Does this mean it's going to get upgraded to an AO rating?
Man, that's pathetic!Anyone know a good place to buy a hacked PS3?
I kid, I kid
Why would they even create a nude model if they were never going to use it. Did they seriously think it would never leak out? Dumb asses.
I think it's a publicity stunt to get people interested in that sorry ass of a game.
Does this mean it's going to get upgraded to an AO rating?
How do you know Sony didn't submit this content? I don't think it would change the ESRB description.
but in this case you need a debug unit,something that is not avaiable to public,at least not normally
also,didn't we already had something similiar in the last game made by Cage?
It doesn't matter, the rating is for inaccessible content too since the Hot Coffee drama. In fact, the rating is even for DLC that's not on the disc.You can't access the stuff in the game with a regualr unit. You need a debug unit.
You guys seriously believe Sony thought the pics would never leak out? Are they that naive, I mean what in gamings history lead them to believe the nude pics would never be seen by the masses? If it's made it will be seen. They only have themselves to blame.
Who wears pasties or bikini in the shower?
It doesn't matter, the rating is for inaccessible content too since the Hot Coffee drama. In fact, the rating is even for DLC that's not on the disc.
Regardless, boobs don't warrant AO.
I too, would like to take part in this scientific endeavour.can somebody PM me a link to the video which shows the full nudity?
i need to watch it. for science.
Why would they even create a nude model if they were never going to use it. Did they seriously think it would never leak out? Dumb asses.
I think it's a publicity stunt to get people interested in that sorry ass of a game.
but in this case you need a debug unit,something that is not avaiable to public,at least not normally
Actually a regular unit hacked to play pirated isos will do just fine. It's not some mighty hack on steroids, it's one line to change in a text config file to enable the in-game QA menu.You can't access the stuff in the game with a regular unit. You need a debug unit.
As mentioned several times already you're assuming it was never meant to be seen, while the reasonable assumption would be they considered having nudity and changed their minds late during development, at which point everything was already modeled.Yeah that's another thing that was fof to me. Why add nipples and fully modeled breasts if they were never meant to be seen?
Yeah that's another thing that was fof to me. Why add nipples and fully modeled breasts if they were never meant to be seen?
At least in Mass Effect when you glitched to see Liara's boobs they didn't have nipples or anything
LOL@ "trying to stop"
LOL@ that game, looks just as boring as Heavy Rain.
Actually a regular unit hacked to play pirated isos will do just fine. It's not some mighty hack on steroids, it's one line to change in a text config file to enable the in-game QA menu.
I take it you haven't played neither?
I try to respect every opinion here, but shitting on a game you haven´t played makes you look stupid.
I haven´t played Beyond yet, but Heavy Rain is def. not boring.
So in your opinion, sony should have anticipated that the game would get hacked?
They also should not have digitally created the whole character, just the part that we can see?
I'm not downplaying your opinion, I'm actually curious about what you think should have been done during development here.
Wow, just saw the pics. Her nipples.
That is what should be offensive, the dodgy modelling.
They should have put david cages face on her nipples
Lol yeah. Remind me not to buy this game. I don't know what demographic they're shooting for but it ain't me.QT for drying off after a shower.
This is why I don't play this Cage bullshit.
The boobs are kinda meh, which is doubly insulting to Miss Page.
Seriously though, I just feel sorry for the gal - regardless of whether it's her body or not, she trusted the devs, and they did something that was damaging and insulting to her.
It is, in fact, ESRB's very official opinion on those kind of incidents since the hot coffee case, yeah - if it's on the disk, assume it's viewable, so if you don't want it to be seen don't include it.So in your opinion, sony should have anticipated that the game would get hacked?
They also should not have digitally created the whole character, just the part that we can see?
If they created nude scenes I am guessing Ellen gave them permission? Then it was really pathetic of them to not include it in the game just to reach a bigger audience. And this decision can't be made in a day. They may have known it was going to get cut months in advance, so why didn't they take proper measures, even cut/delete these scenes outright? It's just really fishy.
I enjoyed Heavy Rain, but if any game could ever be called "boring", it would be it. If it didn't compel me with its mystery, I would never touch it. The games "gameplay" was terrible and to anyone who did not enjoy the story, would likely have been boring as hell to sit through.
Only topped by the toilet scenesYou know what is unecessary and in all of David Cages crappy games? A shower scene. He acts like it's some sort of necessity.
Raiden didn't have a dick under those hands either !