Man, that snow sex scene was ridiculous lmao.
Gannicus ain't afraid of no frostbite.
Man, that snow sex scene was ridiculous lmao.
thats how i feel. i hated her last season. she needs to goRaging Crixus was by far the best part of this episode. Goddamn. Also liking prep time Crassus.
Only disappointment of the episode? Navea not dying during the failed night attack. Very disappointing.
i bursted out laughing. it made no sense, but i dont take this show serious and i hope the writers don't eitherMan, that snow sex scene was ridiculous lmao.
Not her, the girl she was praying next to.
I get sadder with each episode cause I know what's (eventually) going to happen...![]()
Anyone else disappointed that Gannicus cheated on Saxa?
Anyone else disappointed that Gannicus cheated on Saxa?
That was a boring episode.
I'd guess they'll wait until the penultimate episode to start killing some of the bigger people.
Anyone else disappointed that Gannicus cheated on Saxa?
Was the girl that got zoomed in on on the "bridge" of bodies at the end anyone we were supposed to recognise? I felt like the camera lingered there for quite a while but I haven't been able to go back and rewatch it.
wasn't it that woman that froze doing the whole praying thing?Oh, she was just a corpse. Directors sometimes zoom into the faces of 'background' characters when they've been killed to create a dramatic moment
Man, that snow sex scene was ridiculous lmao.
Fuck that was a fanfastic episode.
How many episodes to go?
I don't get why Kore went with the rebels. Let alone how did she just walk into camp like it was nothing.
As much as I love this series, there some parts that are just so butt-fuckingly stupid that I have to visibly facepalm in disbelief, like the dudebro slaves strutting around half-naked in SUB-ZERO temperatures. Seriously, WTF? They're not even trying to make this series believable anymore. And what the hell was up with showing at the beginning that it was nearly impossible to scale the wall that was blocking the pass, and then at the end where all the dudebros climb up and slaughter all the guards with no problems whatsoever? I had to fight the urge to laugh at how bad it was. This show is becoming comical in how ridiculous it is.
I really wish HBO would make a Rome 2.
As much as I love this series, there some parts that are just so butt-fuckingly stupid that I have to visibly facepalm in disbelief, like the dudebro slaves strutting around half-naked in SUB-ZERO temperatures. Seriously, WTF? They're not even trying to make this series believable anymore. And what the hell was up with showing at the beginning that it was nearly impossible to scale the wall that was blocking the pass, and then at the end where all the dudebros climb up and slaughter all the guards with no problems whatsoever? I had to fight the urge to laugh at how bad it was. This show is becoming comical in how ridiculous it is.
I really wish HBO would make a Rome 2.
The trench hadn't been filled with dead bodies at the start, therefore it would have been much harder to scale the wall, once they filled the trench with the dead, it was much easier to climb.
Gannicus won a fight blindfolded in the prequel. This series has always been ridiculous and over the top.
Okay, I now officially hate the way the show portrays the Roman army. Seriously, even an army comprised of children wouldn't be this incompetent. Twenty gladiators/slaves shouldn't be able to kill "a few hundred" trained soldiers without taking as much as a scratch.
It would be interesting to see if Kore and Laeta interact. They are both Romans who opposed Spartacus but now see first-hand the chains of slavery and his cause.
and Spartacus & Friends have been super heroes for two seasons now, why is it an issue now?