If this show doesn't win any technical awards at the Emmy's I will riot.
I cried so much. Andy made me cry all over again.It was so good, and sad.
I just finished that review actually. Completely agree. And that was an excellent reminder about starting the pilot and being "Eh?".The entire article is worth a read, plus there's a 75+ min podcast w/ DeKnight linked, but I just wanted to post the intro to Maureen Ryan's writeup on the show and the finale:
Fuck the emmys they have no credibility and their opinion doesnt mean shit
Ending sucked tbh. Spartacus vs. Crassus was too brief and concluded poorly, Gannicus didn't escape and didn't even get a worthy death scene (Caesar should have bested him in one-on-one combat), and the big battle just sort of tapered off without a proper sense of resolution. I guess it's cool Agron and Nasir survived, but who didn't see that one coming after all the complaints about the earlier seasons' gay couples meeting tragic ends? I discovered that I still can't reconcile Liam's Spartacus with Andy's. As a result, the Sura flashbacks fell flat for me. (Incidentally, I wonder why she was covered up with CG cloth in the flashback where she was taken by the Romans.) Overall the finale felt like one of the weaker season 2 episodes.
A very unsatisfying note for a once great series to end on. I liked the credits so I guess that's something.
Haha, me too. I remember watching the first episode and I thought it was such a shitty, lower budget, ripoff of 300 it wasn't even funny.I am so glad I stuck with this show. I am surprised how this kind of show was able to draw emotions from me. If the Caesar spinoff does not happen, I hope they at least release a Blu-ray box set.
It seemed to me that a bunch of story threads were building throughout the season toward a grand conclusion, and the only one that really ended with appropriate gravitas was Crixus's arc, thanks to the excellent funeral scene. In that sense episode 9 was a better cap for the series than episode 10. There's a big problem when a secondary character like Lugo (great though he was) gets the best death in an episode where so many of the season's leads kick the bucket.May you die on fire, to lugo's hammer.
not sure where this is from. thought it might cheer everyone up. pretty sure that's Sibyl (Gwendoline Taylor).
Still, the absolute genius, the evil fucking genius, of Victory is that DeKnight and company make us think that maybe, just maybe, history wont unfold before our eyes. A sense of dread and hope co-exist throughout the hour, as history and fiction merge into a single point at which anything is possible. Surely, the show wouldnt go Inglorious Basterds on us now. Right? And yet, right off the bat during the series climatic battle, Spartacus shows incredible guile and trickery. And yet, look at the horde of Rome. Trickery can only delay the inevitable. And yet, theres Gannicus, leading the cavalry onto this shows Pellenor Fields, flinging spears past the ears of Crassus and Caesar. And yet, one by one Spartacus primary soldiers fall to superior numbers. And yet, there goes Spartacus, knocking Crassus off his horse. And yet, Caesar distracts Gannicus long enough for the legions to surround him. And yet, there goes Spartacus up the hill to confront Crassus one-on-one. And yet, even though hes badly wounded, and even though it seems like Crassus rope-a-dope technique learned in the season première will finally end a wounded Spartacus and complete the inevitable circle of history, Spartacus blocks the damn move with a counter that not even Crassus could expect.
Who else needs a fucking cigarette?
His first wife was an oracle of the gods. She saw a red serpent in a vision, and had told Spartacus its meaning: that he was destined for "great and unfortunate things".
Manly tears, holy shit. That finale...
the credits were amazing
RIP Andy, RIP Spartacus
It really shouldn't have been this good. Which is clearly evident when you've seen other shows/creaters on stars and other networks try and duplicate the formula.
That was some God-like Finale. It fucking played with my emotions.
Spartacus vs Crassus was very well done.
Would you guys honestly root for Ceaser or Crassus in a spinoff? I mean, both characters have redeeming qualities, but they've ultimately been portrayed as bad and aren't really protagonists.
Rome had Vorenus and Pullo as anchors since the other Romans were kind of dicks.
Would you guys honestly root for Ceaser or Crassus in a spinoff? I mean, both characters have redeeming qualities, but they've ultimately been portrayed as bad and aren't really protagonists.
Rome had Vorenus and Pullo as anchors since the other Romans were kind of dicks.
it's Caesar, one of the greatest men in history, of course I wouldWould you guys honestly root for Ceaser or Crassus in a spinoff? I mean, both characters have redeeming qualities, but they've ultimately been portrayed as bad and aren't really protagonists.
Would you guys honestly root for Ceaser or Crassus in a spinoff? I mean, both characters have redeeming qualities, but they've ultimately been portrayed as bad and aren't really protagonists.
Rome had Vorenus and Pullo as anchors since the other Romans were kind of dicks.
superb ending. 5/5 jupiter's cocks with an additional 2 cocks of mars