
Update 10: Thief story trailer
Update 9: The Witcher 3 gameplay trailer
Update 8: Quantum Break gameplay trailer
Update 7: No Man's Sky trailer by Hello Games
Update 6: Game of Thrones by Telltale
Update 5: A look at the Snowdrop engine behind The Division
Update 4: New Destiny trailer
Update 3: Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition trailer
Update 2: Cranky Kong in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze- Video 1 Video 2
Update 1: Tales from the Borderlands trailer

While its roots lie in the Video Game Awards, VGX is a 3 hour long game bonanza that will continue the tradition of showcasing world premiere game trailers but for the first time ever, the show will offer extended demos of the next generation of games, 1-on-1 interviews and panels.
The new format allows VGX to dive deeper into the world of gaming and extend its coverage beyond award presentations in a more intimate studio setting. VGX will be an interactive experience with Twitter as the exclusive social media platform enabling viewers to have a direct impact on the stream by voting on show order and unlocking additional content. Fans will also have unprecedented access to the industry’s top developers and talent with LIVE Q&A interviews powered by Twitter. We'll also get new looks at gaming culture, one-on-one interviews with the industry’s most visionary creatives and expert panels digging into what’s coming to consoles in 2014 and beyond.

VGX Live
Polygon stream
Game Informer
Destructoid Reaction Livestream
Yahoo Screen App
Yahoo Screen
*Also available to watch on your Xbox One (Twitch app), Xbox 360, PS3 (via Live Events Viewer app), Twitch, iOS, and Android devices (via the Twitch app->Gametrailers). Stream available on PS4 via Twitch in the browser*

Pre-Play: Best Voice Actor & Voice Actress
Troy Baker as Joel and Ashley Johnson as Ellie in The Last of Us
Pre-Play: Best Xbox game
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Pre-Play: Best Fighting Game
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Pre-Play: Best Racing Game
Forza Motorsport 5
Pre-Play: Best RPG Game
Ni No Kuni
Pre-Play @ 2:45PM PST/5:45PM EST
- Get an exclusive look at Thief - The VGX Preshow kicks off with a trip to Eidos Montreal to get a look at the next installment of the Thief franchise.
Hour #1
- VGX Start - The big show kicks off as hosts Joel McHale and Geoff Keighley take us through what kind of surprises are in store at VGX.
- Our first secret world premiere - We cant divulge all of our secrets, but trust us, you're going to love this one.
- Smosh reveals the future of video games - What will video games be like in the future? The game at Smosh reveal all at VGX.
- Tomb Raider announcement - Get a Tomb Raider announcement, exclusively at VGX.
- Lara Croft in the flesh - Camilla Luddington, the voice behind Lara Croft, appears at VGX.
- The Vector Monkey finds a home - We're revealing the winner of either Best Action Adventure or Best Sports Game categories. You tell us which you want to see.
- Reggie takes the stage - Nintendo of America's fearless leader, Reggie Fils-Aime takes the stage for a demo.
- Another Vector Monkey is awarded - VGX honours another of this year's best games.
- Quantum Break revealed - VGX is the only place you can get a look into the world of Remedy's next epic title.
- Get even more Quantum Break - Remedy's Oskari Hakkien stops by VGX to take you deeper into Quantum Break.
- Bonus world premiere - Another surprise Bonus World Premiere.
Hour #2
- South Park and the Stick of Truth - Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny set out on their most epic journey ever.
- Game of the Year Award - The creators of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, award this year's top honours.
- Mega 64 - Rocco and Shawn thought we left some awards out, so they filled in some of the gaps.
- Destiny arrives at VGX - Bungies latest title shines in this exclusive premiere.
- VICE's Motherboard takes on Donkey Kong - Go behind the scenes and see the biggest rivalry this year's Donkey Kong world championships.
- A new look at Broken Age - Double Fine's Tim Schafer helps pull back the curtain on his next creation.
- Rooster Teeth present the pick for Cameo of the Year - You're never going to guess who wins.
- World premieres as chosen by you - You tell us which world premiere you want to see next: Tom Clancy's The Division or The Withcher 3: Wild Hunt
- Who will be crowned best indie game? - Find out which little studio takes home the big award.
- Secret world premiere #2 - Another all-new game, brought to you by VGX.
Hour #3
- Zombies infect VGX - See if you can survive this demo of Dying Light.
- VGX welcomes PEWDIEPEW - One of YouTube's biggest names visits VGX.
- Thief steals the show - Get an exclusive world premiere for the latest entry in this beloved franchise.
- You choose the award - We're revealing the winner of either Best Shooter or Studio of the Year categiories. You tell us which you want to see.
- We name the character of the year - You voted, now find out who you chose as your Character of the Year.
- Another awesome world premiere - We've got some of this year's biggest trailers - only at VGX.
- One final VGX award - You decide which award you want to see handed out.
- Titanfall world premiere - VGX welcomes Respawn Entertainment's Vince Zampella for an exclusive look at one of next year's biggest games.
- Rockstar rocks the house - An exclusive one night only performance of the music of Grand Theft Auto V

VGX Nominees are determined by the VGX Advisory Council, which is made up of a group of some of the most well-known game journalists from media outlets such as Entertainment Weekly, Game Informer, Joystiq, Kotaku, Polygon, IGN, GameTrailers, Gamespot,, USA Today and Associated Press.


While these are speculation, we can't rule them out. Certainly possible. We'll find out!