I'm just gonna start deliberately tanking games since that's what it seems like my teammates do. They deserve nothing but the worst in life.
I like the sloshing machine but the sting ray is such a weird special choice. I have to backtrack into my own territory to actually use it.
If you're fine with it, I don't see why you should force yourself using something else... As far as I know, it's a perfectly fine weapon.I was a big fan of the Splattershot Pro in the first game and this time I SWEAR I tried other weapons but I quickly came back to it.
Is it good enough for all the ranked modes? I think so but I'd like to hear more opinions on that. I can switch to something else but I'd rather stick to my main. Thoughts?
Don't tell me... Yesterday in splatzones, I fill the whole B+ bar without a single loss and reach A-, today I lose 6 out of 7 matchs in A- and I'm back in B+...I'm B+/A- crap FYI. =P
You usually want a balanced team, not all brushes... The tri slosher is powerful and has range and wide attack, so it's popular, but you don't have to jump on the most popular weapon, fortunately...Yeah I guess I'll be fine but I see a lot of brushes and sloshers so sometimes I wonder if I'm playing some crap weapon XD I don't really follow meta stuff.
Not sure it's that different... If that helps, remember that you keep a part of the bar beyond the mark, so no, it's not for nothing.pila said:Gotta say I'm not really a fan of this new rank bar, sometimes I play badly at the start of a new rank, get myself couple of lovely cracks, then I feel like I'm just waisting my time because it's gonna be too hard to rank up... I liked better the pretty simple thing we had before..
Pro is my most used gun very solid. Got 31 kills with it in tower control.@Koren
Yeah, the bar hasn't dramatically changed, you're right. I'll even admit it's way easier now to keep your rank, I just need to adapt I guess. ^^
I love it <3 you just keep some distance from the messy heat and you'll find yourself shooting at people who just can't shoot back. Big fan of this new cloud special as well, I don't play a lot of turf war but it's pretty good in ranked.
Gonna try out the Forge Pro as well, thanks for the info.
It might be because it had the splat bomb rush special, and that was the conversion for most weapons.Yeah, it's pretty great if you can manage to get 2HKOs every time.
Special sucks though. Sting Ray makes sense on backline weapons like chargers and the Heavy Splatling, but this? No way.
The nozzlenose is Godlike in its ink to kill efficiency. It can tear bosses to shreds.I want to like Lost Outpost, but the current weapon set is aggressively shitty and it's there for another few days. What's with all these fucking click to fire weapons? I've literally gone down TWO ranks
Bwuh? The only "click to fire" weapon in the set is the L-3, which does just fine in a lot of salmon run situations. The only real downside of the current set is the Splash being the only full automatic, so keeping turf covered can be rough for the blaster and charger. More of my issue is with the map itself rather than the weapon set.I want to like Lost Outpost, but the current weapon set is aggressively shitty and it's there for another few days. What's with all these fucking click to fire weapons? I've literally gone down TWO ranks
It might be because it had the splat bomb rush special, and that was the conversion for most weapons.
I have no idea how that would make any sense but there you go.
I'm impressed
Thanks!Nekketsu Kõha;247188609 said:I'm impressed![]()
To convince people using charger to change their weaponsSo what the fuck is the matchmaking even for?
Since I need to say it again.
Team selection in turf war is entirely randomized once the lobby is full. There is no "matchmaking" there to complain about.
If team balance is that big of a concern, then play ranked, or play league and take team comp into your own hands. Turf War matches people into the lobby but ping or whatever else has thrown that off really badly from what it used to be...but that's where the matching ends. Once the lobby is full, the game just rocks it. It doesn't make things even, but it does keep them varied, particularly when you can have friends join into a room that might otherwise stack the odds a bit.
A little over a month, which maps do you guys hate? For me Morey Towers, mussleforge fitness and mainstage.
Every time I lose because it's three vs four or I have a useless sniper on the team a.k.a three vs four.
Some of you seem to take turf wars way too seriously. I want weapon switching in the lobby but not because of weapon balance. That's just silly to me. It's not meant to be taken so seriously. You can't tell who will win by the weapons used. Come on. Yeah it can give one team an advantage but its not some gg why even try thing. You just might have to adapt and play a little differently. Oh the horror! Will you win them all? No. But it's 3 minutes long and then you're back in the lobby and the teams are all mixed up again.
A little over a month, which maps do you guys hate? For me Morey Towers, mussleforge fitness and mainstage.
A little over a month, which maps do you guys hate? For me Morey Towers, mussleforge fitness and mainstage.
Bwuh? The only "click to fire" weapon in the set is the L-3, which does just fine in a lot of salmon run situations. The only real downside of the current set is the Splash being the only full automatic, so keeping turf covered can be rough for the blaster and charger. More of my issue is with the map itself rather than the weapon set.
Whatever the blaster is I can't hold it down and fire more than 1 shot with it
lost outpost is such a great map. every phase is awesome.
A little over a month, which maps do you guys hate? For me Morey Towers, mussleforge fitness and mainstage.
The blaster only fires one shot at a time and it's rate of fire is extremely slow, but if you hold the button down you'll still get more than one shot out of it. That's just the way the blasters are in general. They were buffed for Salmon Run in the last patch to deal more damage (and, I think, this is also when they added the ability for it to topple multiple Stinger pots at once as was just mentioned). Still not exactly great to have since they're just so slow to spread ink but they're not unusable. Stick with the quick-inking-but-weak weapon users and they can give you room to move while you destroy the enemies.
I've seen teams with three aerosprays lolstomp all over everything with turf coverage everywhere. I've also watched them get entirely out-fought and fail miserably. Multi charger games don't usually work out well, but if they're good and cover the middle of the field well, it can also be a total nightmare to try and break through against. Anyone from the first game facing two competent E-liters on Moray Towers ought to have some memory of this.
If you feel frustrated because you personally aren't playing well, or are using a weapon that requires more support to flourish, I kinda get it. But the amount of "wah I did so well but my team is morons so we lost, fuck this matchmaking" that gets thrown around has honestly become pretty tiresome, and tends to overlook the times that you stomp on the other team while they're probably claiming the same thing.
Even games with much more sophisticated matchmaking than Splatoon comes with plenty of bitching and moaning about bad matchmaking or useless teammates. Some of this I think is just the nature of competitive team-based games.
I already mentioned it a page or so back but Moray Towers is my most hated map in the game, just as I felt it was amongst the worst in the original Splatoon. I don't personally dislike Mainstage as much as many others seem to, although it has some room for improvements. I'm not hugely fond of Musselforge either. It kind of feels like a squished-down Flounder Heights to me. I want to like Manta Maria but after some play on it yesterday, I'm becoming a little bit worried about its avenues for flanking or the losing team getting back into mid being a little too cramped together, leading to easy defensive lockouts. I hope some of that is my impression being wrong but I have to admit it worries me a little.
Mainstage is actually the only arena im tired as fuck over. For some reason i seem to get this stage a lot in my rotation when i get the chance to play. So im just sick of it.
I also find it claustrophobic as well.
I hated Moray when i first started playing. But i kinda dig it now. Its grown on me.
Good responses! Let's hear some more.I mostly play casual Turfs, but for me...
1. The Reef. I mostly dislike how lopsided games often get on this map. It's a little too easy for one team to totally lock out the other team. Starfish Turf is like this to a degree as well, but the visibility is a bit worse and therefore has a better flank option than The Reef. I also find a lot of the same boring patterns on this map, the same kinds of weapons parking themselves on the bridge and the railings and stuff.
2. Musselforge Fitness. I find this map to be a little comp-dependent, sometimes, where it is just too hard to beat certain groupings of weapons with what you have. A good Splatling or Splattershot Pro enemy can make this map kind miserable. Like The Reef, I find this map a little too easy to lock down as well when you're in the lead.
3. Moray Towers. I go back on forth with this. Because my old complaint was that Moray was too tightly-wound, too many chargers holding court in these defensive struggles. But now I feel like Moray is the most aggressively-oriented Turf map in the game. It's kinda leaky now, with all the potential flanking opportunities. I kinda like the balls-to-the-wall aggressive mentality of it now (where trying to win 50-40 is an extremely dumb strategy)... The map is just a little exhausting to play sometimes. No matter what Nintendo does to this map (to be fair, it is way better now), I will still nitpick it in my mind. They can't win.
I have made my peace with Port Mackerel, finally.
Every time I lose because it's three vs four or I have a useless sniper on the team a.k.a three vs four.