Yeah! 8 wins for team invisibility.
Maybe keep the gear on for the Turf Wars though. Those abilities are valuable in battle! =P
Need 2 more for Splatfest 2.0 Group!!!
FC: 2676-5948-6380
Count me in!
I've had maybe one disconnect in like 15-20 hours of online play.... and today I've had 3 in row... WTF
Edit: 4th time in a row!!! wtf! Is anyone else having these issues??
That's splatfest for ya!
Vacay in Honolulu, trying to get a couple Splatfest matches in before dinner reservations. Hotel wifi not playing nicely with Switch, tried using laptop as mobile hotspot, can connect to internet, see friends online etc. but matchmaking always fails.
I even had a warning pop up that my behavior was suspicious! How long until I get temp blocked?
Looks like Shifty Station is differently crafted for each Splatfest.
Oh, what a tragedy. Jesus H. Christ - stop humble bragging and go the fuck outside and walk on the beach!
Nah. I liked the transition from peaceful into chaos.This version of Shifty Station is awesome. Way better than the last one.
Got alizar. Need one more for team invisible
I'll join in a moment. Added friend request.
Nah. I liked the transition from peaceful into chaos.
This is just a shit ancho V.
Lol yeah man ggs!!!YO BEN CARSON! GG! Love that we ended with a trade! XD
I swear to god every time splatfest rolls around it's like I'm set to be permanently one-hit KO'd and everyone else suddenly needs to be full on sprayed for 10 seconds before taking damage
story of my night