The bowcaster part.Which part?
The bowcaster part.Which part?
That seems to be JJ's typical lack of understanding of space and distances. It works for turning back Finn, but it's not really a smart moment.
Different Republics.Let's be honest. "Hosnian system" is the filmmakers not having the balls to destroy Coruscant.
It is a weak excuse of a show of power for the First Order.
"A republic that has stood for a thousand generations..." and then changed their whole makeup cause the prequels apparently sucked.
He's right though.
It was a great show of force just like the Death Star destroying Alderaan was a great show of force. But it seems that throwing the political system in the galaxy into chaos is being put off to the next movie when it should directly affect the movie it occurs in aside from removing the ghostly presence of the Republic fleet.
lol no the saber duels in this film where terrible... smh
I mean WHAT over half the people in the film didn't even know how... and Ren was just decent....
lol no the saber duels in this film where terrible... smh
I mean WHAT over half the people in the film didn't even know how... and Ren was just decent....
"Great movie"? Okay, average, decent, and maybe even good. But "Great"?
Look it's better than Jedi, but come on, this is probably how most people rank it right now...
1. ESB
2. SW: ANH
3. TFA
lol no the saber duels in this film where terrible... smh
I mean WHAT over half the people in the film didn't even know how... and Ren was just decent....
Nah it was one the best. Better than the prequels at least. What did you think about the ESB and ROTJ duels?lol no the saber duels in this film where terrible... smh
I mean WHAT over half the people in the film didn't even know how... and Ren was just decent....
Which is logic. Because TFA is the set-up movie for the trilogy. There was no time to work with the chaos as what happens next is in a very short amount of time afterwards. The movie practically ends when the New Republic and the First Order are heavily damaged in a matter of days (a day?).
Let me guess, you've seen the movie just once. I hope.
lol no the saber duels in this film where terrible... smh
I mean WHAT over half the people in the film didn't even know how... and Ren was just decent....
lol no the saber duels in this film where terrible... smh
I mean WHAT over half the people in the film didn't even know how... and Ren was just decent....
"Great movie"? Okay, average, decent, and maybe even good. But "Great"?
Look it's better than Jedi, but come on, this is probably how most people rank it right now...
1. ESB
2. SW: ANH
3. TFA
it wouldn't matter.... the ending saber fight in the snow forest wasn't anywhere near the best.. lol. The film barely had any lightsaber's, Ren's temper tantrums don't count... you guys should watch the older movies.. literally every other movie has a better one... ep1-3's were waaaay flashy and over the top but thats the point... I like in this one they're more faster fights but they are to fast(end to quick)....but it makes sense though because even Ren wasn't completely trained, and the other two had no training at all... but whateves
Seems weird. Could've used it to wrangle up the Rathtars.The bowcaster part.
It is dehumanizing, but it's also very human. "One man is always dead -- And two million is always just a statistic."Those are very dehumanizing reasons to care about Alderaan.
Leia is our in to Alderaan. It's also the stated goal for our heroes. Once it's destroyed, we're left thinking, "Oh man, what are they going to do now? How are they going to stop that thing?" For Hosnian, it's just "How are they going to stop that thing?" I didn't find myself caring about the political upheaval. ( I still don't care.)Leia, the only person who did, wasn't actually shown mourning the tragedy either. If the reason you care about Alderaan is because it's destruction makes things inconvenient for the protagonists, then you don't really care about it at all.
If it works for you, that's great. But for me, it took me out of the movie. When it showed those people, I was sitting there thinking "Why the hell should I care about any of these people?"The fact that we were shown the actual people living on the Hosian system before they met their end was a more human reason to care, since we atleast see the actual people about to die.
Which is logic. Because TFA is the set-up movie for the trilogy. There was no time to work with the chaos as what happens next is in a very short amount of time afterwards. The movie practically ends when the New Republic and the First Order are heavily damaged in a matter of days (a day?).
Setting up the next movie shouldn't come as a detriment to the current movie, in my opinion. If we got more time with the Republic -- hell, if the Resistance was the Republic, I could see it working better.
I thought the lightsabre duel was fine at the end of TFA. It didn't seem heavily choreographed like the awful shit in the Prequel Trilogy, but it had a similar feel to the battles in TESB or ROTJ. I would need to watch it again to see how it stacks up to them though.
See I do agree with this but for first time viewing in the theater it WAS fucking epic...and was the point... the more to the point fighting is better, but it wasn't as epic as the others at all...Ren was bashing his stomach(lol) I was like what the fuck is his doing. fighting two people thats never lightsaber dueled of them not even a jedi.
What's TSB?
See I do agree with this but for first time viewing in the theater it WAS fucking epic...and was the point... the more to the point fighting is better, but it wasn't as epic as the others at all...Ren was bashing his stomach(lol) I was like what the fuck is his doing. fighting two people thats never lightsaber dueled of them not even a jedi.
If the duel in this was terrible then everything sans the Luke/Vader fights were downright no the saber duels in this film where terrible... smh
I mean WHAT over half the people in the film didn't even know how... and Ren was just decent....
What are you talking about? The lightsaber duels in TFA were amazing! They are raw and powerful yet well choreographed at the same time, perfect balance of OT and no the saber duels in this film where terrible... smh
I mean WHAT over half the people in the film didn't even know how... and Ren was just decent....
See I do agree with this but for first time viewing in the theater it WAS fucking epic...and was the point... the more to the point fighting is better, but it wasn't as epic as the others at all...Ren was bashing his stomach(lol) I was like what the fuck is his doing. fighting two people thats never lightsaber dueled of them not even a jedi.
Sorry, I meant ESB lol
See I do agree with this but for first time viewing in the theater it WAS fucking epic...and was the point... the more to the point fighting is better, but it wasn't as epic as the others at all...Ren was bashing his stomach(lol) I was like what the fuck is his doing. fighting two people thats never lightsaber dueled of them not even a jedi.
been doing some reading and apparently the new republic's government rotates between systems and they pursue a disarmament policy as a sign of goodwill towards potential members and to not repeat mistakes of the past. Apparently they thought the imperial remnants to be not dangerous.
Leia disagreed and broke from the new republic to continue the fight, hence "resistance"
interesting but should defo have been explained in the movie imo
been doing some reading and apparently the new republic's government rotates between systems and they pursue a disarmament policy as a sign of goodwill towards potential members and to not repeat mistakes of the past. Apparently they thought the imperial remnants to be not dangerous.
Leia disagreed and broke from the new republic to continue the fight, hence "resistance"
interesting but should defo have been explained in the movie imo
General Leia and the New Republic
In the film, General Leia’s appearance is saved for late in the film. Leia first shows up as Han, Chewie and Finn outside Maz’s castle following the First Order attack. But originally she appeared much earlier in the film. Her appearance set up the Galactic senate, with Leia having a conversation with Korr Sella (played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers), the dark-haired woman who is featured in the balcony scene when Starkiller base blows up Hosinian Prime. The Visual Dictionary features the above screenshot (right) of Korr, which appears to be a shot from this sequence in the movie. The book also explains that Leia, with a reputation twisted by corrupt politicians, relies on the young envoy to “make her case for the Senate to take direct action against the First Order.” While I don’t know the exact extent of what was filmed, the scene is described in the novelization as follows:
As usual, Leia did not waste time on small talk: “You need to go to the Senate right away. Tell them I insist that they take action against the First Order. The longer they bicker and delay, the stronger the Order becomes.” She leaned toward the other woman. “If they fail to take action soon, the Order will have grown so strong the Senate will be unable to do anything. It won’t matter what they think.” Sella indicated her understanding. “With all respect: Do you think the senators will listen?” “I don’t know.” Leia bit down on her lower lip. “So much time has passed. There was a time when they were at least willing to listen. And of course, the Senate’s makeup has changed. Some of those who were always willing to pay attention to me have retired. Some of those who have replaced them have their own agendas.” She smiled ruefully. “Not all senators think I’m crazy. Or maybe they do. I don’t care what they think about me as long as they take action.” The emissary nodded. “I’ll do all I can to ensure the Resistance gets the hearing we deserve. But why don’t you go yourself, General? An appeal of this nature is always more effective when delivered firsthand.” Leia’s smile thinned. “I might make it to the Senate, yes. I might even be able to deliver my speech. But I would never, never get out of the Hosnian system alive. I would have a terrible ‘accident,’ or become the victim of some ‘deranged’ radical. Or I would eat something that didn’t agree with me. Or encounter someone who didn’t agree with me.” She composed herself. “I have total confidence in you, Sella. I know you will deliver our message to the full extent of your considerable abilities.” The emissary smiled back, grateful for the confidence the general was expressing.”
I don’t know why the scene was cut, as it probably provided clarification about the relationships between the Resistance, the New Republic and the First Order, while also setting up Korr and the Senate for the explosive sequence later in the film. I’m guessing that saving Leia’s appearance for later gave the former Princess a better introduction and didn’t slow down the momentum of the first act.
See I do agree with this but for first time viewing in the theater it WAS fucking epic...and was the point... the more to the point fighting is better, but it wasn't as epic as the others at all...Ren was bashing his stomach(lol) I was like what the fuck is his doing. fighting two people thats never lightsaber dueled of them not even a jedi.
...Ren was bashing his stomach(lol) I was like what the fuck is his doing.
I love it. Its not about being highly-skilled with a light saber but more of just being much more "real". Brutal and emotional attacks as opposed to highly choreographed fast paced saber fights.
Out of curiosity what movie has your favorite light saber battle?
But I'm still confused as in that case you're listed ESB twice!
Leia is our in to Alderaan. It's also the stated goal for our heroes. Once it's destroyed, we're left thinking, "Oh man, what are they going to do now? How are they going to stop that thing?" For Hosnian, it's just "How are they going to stop that thing?" I didn't find myself caring about the political upheaval. ( I still don't care.)
Man im afraid you're missing the entire point.
You may have thought those were epic lightsaber fights in the earlier films but ultimately they were completely void of any real emotion. Its no longer a brutal real emotional fight when they are doing 20 hit combos in a perfectly choriographed fight sequence. Its just not right.
Take for example this fight with Luke and Vader:
This is as basic as it gets but its so powerful. You can feel the emotion from Luke being SO angry and just wailing on Vader. Its perfect.
Then you have Obi Wan vs Darth Maul MOMENTS after Qui gon jin is KILLED and you get this ballet.
Its emotionless and obnoxious.
So again, I think you're missing the point and purpose of the fighting style in TFA.
Watch The Phantom Menace again, maybe that'll change your mind.
the over the top ones.... TPM and ROTS.... both I agree are over the top and a little too long but JJ should have found a middle ground and had the ending duel in the forest be a little longer... I love JJ's realness in his films IM3 is still my favorite of all the IM movies...but he fucked up alot of stuff in this one playing it too safe. He was more than likely given less control over the film than his other ones..
The love for George Lucas is a serious thing. So serious that people feel the need to piss on a great movie just to redeem the prequels. Ignoring all the horrendous writing, acting and filming in the latter.
There's actually a deleted scene explaining some of that. JJ presumably cut it because Leia would appear earlier in the movie before the big reveal between her and Han...
IMO he should have left it in because the New Republic/Resistance/First Order stuff needed a bit more explanation so we could get some grounding in this new world and the payoff seeing the New Republic exploding would have had more weight.
Honestly, and I'm not excusing TFA, but I think the next two movies are going to be filled with duels and lightsabers that I believe this film was more ment to introduce characters than to get right into dueling. If anything having lightsabers in this movie was a little forced.
Lol please get a grip. I couldn't give a crap who helms the projects. I was excited about what JJ would do after the Star Wars reboot, I thought he could get that Star Wars Vibe, turns out I was wrong. It was a mediocre film. You can enjoy it without shitting on other peoples opinions. If TFA is so great it will stand up on its own without the crap from its fans.
TFA was a middle ground.the over the top ones.... TPM and ROTS.... both I agree are over the top and a little too long but JJ should have found a middle ground and had the ending duel in the forest be a little longer... I love JJ's realness in his films IM3 is still my favorite of all the IM movies...but he fucked up alot of stuff in this one playing it too safe. He was more than likely given less control over the film than his other ones.
plus just because the second trilogy was bad, the context of the fights matters also... not just if its more real and less choreographed...its not the best because he is fighting to untrained fighters that haven't even dueled before, and he still doesn't kill them in seconds because he himself isn't fully trained... plus even though he was doing for adrenaline bro pounding his wound was funny to me...
Yeah, you don't care about Alderaan. You just care about the heroes. You're framing the destruction of millions of lives as a pragmatic inconvenience, not a loss of humanity. Which might be fine, but the situation of the Hosian System was a humanistic loss as far as the movie was concerned. The reason you should care is out of basic human empathy. Their loss wasn't terrible because of any political upheaval or loss of destination for the characters. It was terrible because people died.
having lightsabers in this movie wasnt the problem, characters being able to duel without any training is
So..."this thing is good, except the bad parts"?
Being busy handling the bowcaster wound in him?
Edit: also, have you just said that the prequels saber fights were better than TFA? Because now it all makes sense. The pattern.