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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Thread #3) - That's Not How the Force Works




Wrong again.



It was said Ren was always troubled. He might not have ever been skilled at perceiving such things.

doesn't it raise other questions? Why he was already troubled, he had both loving parents, his uncle and well-being in general. Or is it a flaw of a character something he was born with? If yes, it kinda makes him innocent by default, what I don't particularly like and it makes grownups around him failures at rising a child too.


Yea I hate the prequels as much as anyone, but the only good part of that fight was the power going back and forth in that little room with Maul and Quigon, then Obi-Wan screaming in anger and then Jumping into him with all sorts of speed.

That section was the best part of the movie.
Plus the Awesome 'Duel of the Fates' song from Williams.


So TFA is worse than Episode I even though Episode I is so bad that you had to watch an edit that removes 46 minutes from the movie?

lol wut

No, the edit made a great movie better because it cut off unesessary bits of that was in my opinion obsolete. My problem my TFA has nothing to with the amount of content but simply the content itself. See, two movies with their own different problems.
How could Snoke reach Ben though ? That's weird.
Maybe he was one of the coold dudes before and then turned out to be evil (a la palpatine) ?


How could Snoke reach Ben though ? That's weird.
Maybe he was one of the coold dudes before and then turned out to be evil (a la palpatine) ?

Need more Snoke backstory.

Apparently he's been around since the days of Palpatine. And he's powerful with the dark side but is not a Sith. Makes me wonder if he was a former Inquisitor (as seen in Star Wars Rebels in case you don't know what that is).


Rey grabbing the lightsaber is the best moment in the SW franchise.

I'd probably also have to go with "I am your father!" as my #1.

Vader lifting the Emperor as the Force lightning fries them both is probably my 2.

The lightsaber flying past Kylo might be my third tho.

The Chef

I liked Kylo Ren, I liked that he was being torn between the Light and the Dark, but man, it would've been nice to see what turned him to the Dark.

There is a lot more I'd love to know about Kylo.
This is the first movie of many so I am sure we'll get all the backstory we want...i hope.
I really love how they made Kylo Ren's voice sound while wearing the helmet. Can't wait to get my hands on the blu ray and listen to this film with some nice headphones.


Rey grabbing the lightsaber is the best moment in the SW franchise.

If it weren't for the music and cinematography in that moment being genuinely spine-tingling, I would disagree with you.

But the wide shot of the forest, her clutching it and Kylo staring at her, coupled with the iconic 'the force' theme hitting home over the top... Legit gives me shivers at how powerful it was. The fact that the shot is held for a good 5-10 seconds, too. Perfect.

In terms of actual story, it was an almost meaningless moment. 'No, I am your father' is definitely better.

But in terms of execution... Rey's scene is so much more powerful

Imagine the kind of shit that's going to happen in Ep 8 and 9...
I really liked Ren jabbing his wound. I just wish they didn't totally forget about it halfway through the fight.

Obi Wan v. Vader in ANH is just more impactful because of the stakes and Obi Wan's sacrifice. By the time of the fight in TFA, the Star Killer was already disintegrating. It's too bad they couldn't have tied in Han's death to it more meaningfully.

The Chef

I really love how they made Kylo Ren's voice sound while wearing the helmet. Can't wait to get my hands on the blu ray and listen to this film with some nice headphones.

Totally. And I'd like to think Kylo loves it too since he is the most powerful and menacing with the helmet on. Without it - he feels a bit weaker I think.


semen stains the mountaintops
No, the edit made a great movie better because it cut off unesessary bits of that was in my opinion obsolete. My problem my TFA has nothing to with the amount of content but simply the content itself. See, two movies with their own different problems.

So the movie has 46 minutes worth of obsolete scenes? You can't really pretend that doesn't exist because a fan edit removed them, they're still there. A fan edit isn't the movie, the movie is.

Can you imagine if you removed 46 minutes from the TFA? It couldn't be done, pretty much every scene is important.
..what? I mean, it's a cool scene and maybe my favorite part of the movie. But better than the "I am your father" moment!? You're out of your mind.
Yeah, better than that.

I've seen the movie three times. Not only is it so badass, but it's the best moment for female empowerment in the franchise.

An SW movie that has a female protagonist and didn't treat her like crap. Who woulda guessed?!
Yeah, better than that.

I've seen the movie three times. Not only is it so badass, but it's the best moment for female empowerment in the franchise.

An SW movie that has a female protagonist and didn't treat her like crap. Who woulda guessed?!

Scene is great but it was a bit too obvious that it was going to happen
Maybe if they didn't show her waking up/seeing Finn fight Ren it would have been a bit less obvious. Dunno.
wait, but that doesn't make sense, we all agree that he is probably strong in force and he didn't join dark side right away, I'm not talking about now, I'm talking when he was a kid or in Luke's school.

I don't think we know enough about Force Ghost "rules" to know for sure. Maybe Force Ghost Anakin didn't think he needed to step in until it was too late. Maybe Snoke's Dark Side presence made it impossible. Maybe he did show up but Ben ignored any advice Anakin would have given since the Dark Side considers Dark Side identities to be totally separate from anything that came before and presumably after.


You don't get to bring friends.
Oh yeah, I would have loved that too.

Even after the screening of Episode 1 George Lucas said something like "...I think we tried to put too much in there"

Lucas still released it as is but he's the bloody director of the movie. :p

I'm pointing out that Episode 1 isn't "better" after a fan edit because it's not offcial and 100% of edits are terribly done with hard cuts and no sense of thinking of the overall story.

It's just "oh I'll just remove the bad bits"


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Err... Wow @ anyone putting RotS above any of the original trilogy, let alone at the top. It's one of the worst, IMO, due to the fact it wasted so much potential and it ruined not one, but two villains by the time the credits were rolling.


Vader's reveal @ the end of the movie was great, and Hayden did a good job with the "I hate you" line, he was a lot better all around in ROTS than he was in AOTC. Palpatine was AMAZING. Once he was found out and disfigured by Windu, he was such a fun, menacing villain. Plus the film had General Grievous who was fantastic, loved his fight with Obi-Wan. TFA on the other hand had Andy Samberg in a mask and a hologram of Azog from the Hobbit, so the film suffers a bit for not having an iconic villain like past films. Also, Ewan did an amazing job as Obi Wan.

ROTS is still my favorite film in the series because it has the best lightsaber fights, some of the best CG, and unliike TFA it actually has battles set in space (the intro) and the movie's plot makes sense. The Force Awakens, as much as I loved it, falls apart if you think about it too much. The Starkiller base firing across the galaxy and being visible from the surface made no sense and is one of the problems with the film.

Also, the music in ROTS was better than TFA.

The Chef

Lucas still released it as is but he's the bloody director of the movie. :p

I'm pointing out that Episode 1 isn't "better" after a fan edit because it's not offcial and 100% of edits are terribly done with hard cuts and no sense of thinking of the overall story.

It's just "oh I'll just remove the bad bits"

Let me just be clear. Im with you 100% on this.
I loved the statement from Lucas on "Well we cant take anything else out because they are all tied together!". Such a disaster of a movie.


You don't get to bring friends.
Let me just be clear. Im with you 100% on this.
I loved the statement from Lucas on "Well we cant take anything else out because they are all tied together!". Such a disaster of a movie.

Ooooh my bad, thought you were defending fan edits.
Same can be said about ROTS but hey opinions what are they?

ROTS falls apart for one since Lucas didn't get an older Anakin for Ep3. Anakin turned into a young man to a senior citizen in a 23-26 year span. Don't believe it. Anyone know the exact time between Ep3 and Ep6?


ROTS falls apart for one since Lucas didn't get an older Anakin for Ep3. Anakin turned into a young man to a senior citizen in a 23-26 year span. Don't believe it. Anyone know the exact time between Ep3 and Ep6?

~ 23 years I think

Between 3 and 4: 19 years
Between 4 and 5: 3 years
Between 5 and 6: 1 year

Could be off by a year or two somewhere.
It didn't ruin it but it would have been better if it was unexpected imo
It was unexpected in that moment. When that lightsaber was pulled and went flying through the air, I thought it was going to Kylo.

Then it went right past him and landed in Rey's hands.

I cheer. Movie crowd cheers.
It was unexpected in that moment. When that lightsaber was pulled and went flying through the air, I thought it was going to Kylo.

Then it went right past him and landed in Rey's hands.

I cheer. Movie crowd cheers.

It was unexpected? It was telegraphed from a mile away. That doesn't detract from the moment, but it was obviously going to happen.
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