The LA Times article was well written and argued though.
Incredible article.
The prequels were rightly criticized for their annoying characters, creaky dialogue and enslavement to CGI technology. But Lucas made his biggest mistake in overestimating his audience's appetite for moral complexity and novelistic depth.
From the article:
"27 Reasons Why The Force Awakens is a Major Disappointment. #14 Had Us Nodding in Agreement!!!"I'm all for debate and pointing out the flaws of this movie, plenty of which has gone on here and had merit, but when the title of your article has "Admit It..." in the title, you've already lost me.
Look, I liked TFA, but honestly it lacks any sense of creativity even compared to the prequels. The prequels were full of some critically bad things, yes, but creatively... TFA was kind of bankrupt.
That was the point. Kylo is an immature and conflicted Vader cosplayer, not some hardened badass.
That's the point.
Creativity doesn't mean good though but you do make a point there on TFA on somewhat being bankrupt
We didn't like the prequels not due the fact that they were complete shit but because we didn't want something "intellectual and complex." It's our fault.
It was almost the same reaction you would get when Dark Helmet reveals he is Rick Moranis.
Yes, amazing article. lol
I'm hoping Rian Johnson and the writers back away from borrowing so much from the OT and they give this new trilogy its own identity and personality in Episode 8.Look, I liked TFA, but honestly it lacks any sense of creativity even compared to the prequels. The prequels were full of some critically bad things, yes, but creatively... TFA was kind of bankrupt.
The sooner people realize that Empire Strikes Back is the only really fully good Star Wars movie out there, the better off they will be.
TFA is the third best and that's just fine with me. Yeah, it's pretty silly at times, and has plenty of issues, but those aren't issues that are foreign to the series, and it happens to have a lot of smart craft behind it as well. It's not even that far removed in quality from A New Hope tbh, and it even does a lot of things better than it. But most importantly of all, it feels like Star Wars. And I think feeling like Star Wars is really the most important part to these movies, because that feeling is what people love about them.
I really don't understand why this role wasn't taken up by Captain Phasma...
Look, I liked TFA, but honestly it lacks any sense of creativity even compared to the prequels. The prequels were full of some critically bad things, yes, but creatively... TFA was kind of bankrupt.
That's all well and good but how does that address the prequels being "intellectually ambitious"? What grand ideas were presented in the prequels that so elevate it to a status worthy of lauding over The Force Awakens? The best film in the prequel trilogy presents the central character as a conflicted Jedi one minute who wants Palpatine to stand trial and two scenes later is a child murdering Sith Lord...The fall of Anakin Skywalker - the central theme of the prequels was handled with the depth and sure handedness of a 15 year old writing fan fiction. "Moral complexity"? The prequels have the moral complexity of an fucking 80's episode of GI-JOE. Gimme a break.Look, I liked TFA, but honestly it lacks any sense of creativity even compared to the prequels. The prequels were full of some critically bad things, yes, but creatively... TFA was kind of bankrupt.
TFA treats its female characters better than Empire, and Empire's main romance primarily consists of a man harassing a woman.The sooner people realize that Empire Strikes Back is the only really fully good Star Wars movie out there, the better off they will be.
Yeah, y'know. Having a series carry over a consistent theme is just being a direct clone. Redemption arcs? Fuck that! Literary and age-old themes be damned.
I feel like a lot of people forget that basically all of the philosophical and even technical sci-fi "depth" came from fans freaking out. Lucas literally is on record saying, "I dunno, this looks cool!!!!"
Plus the movie is still a movie. It's not a television series or book or game where you have a ton of time for depth. If it had been a 3-4 hour long affair that went super indepth with every bit of anime-esque exposition that people want, they'd be complaining that the movie is too long. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Basically, the prequels were shit, but at least they tried something new. They tried and failed where TFA plays it safe.
I thought about it too and realized it was because the trooper in question pretty much HAD to die. That or she would have been captured and then the whole end of the movie would be borked.
She is being saved for a big role in VIII I believe.
If that's an opinion people have, then it's their absolute right. I personally prefer safe and actually entertaining over supposedly "new" and utterly cringe worthy and painful to sit through. I can't speak for anyone else obviously but there you go.Basically, the prequels were shit, but at least they tried something new. They tried and failed where TFA plays it safe.
Nothing is without flaws, just look at TFA.
TFA treats its female characters better than Empire, and Empire's main romance primarily consists of a man harassing a woman.
That makes TFA the superior film in my eyes.
Look, I liked TFA, but honestly it lacks any sense of creativity even compared to the prequels. The prequels were full of some critically bad things, yes, but creatively... TFA was kind of bankrupt.
If that's an opinion people have, then it's their absolute right. I personally prefer safe and actually entertaining over supposedly "new" and utterly cringe worthy and painful to sit through. I can't speak for anyone else obviously but there you go.
I'm hoping Rian Johnson and the writers back away from borrowing so much from the OT and they give this new trilogy its own identity and personality in Episode 8.
While I personally didn't like it I can, at least, understand the reasoning for borrowing so much from ANH for Episode 7.
If that's an opinion people have, then it's their absolute right. I personally prefer safe and actually entertaining over supposedly "new" and utterly cringe worthy and painful to sit through. I can't speak for anyone else obviously but there you go.
Same with a lot of these articles. Stop telling me what's wrong with the audiences and tell me what issues you have with what's in the movie. We can have a conversation about that; I can't really have a conversation about how the audience probably gets a boner every time the name "Vader" is mentioned.
He was chosen because he's a badass and most people enjoyed Looper quite a bit.Agree with this.
But yeah im really not that much excited for Rian Johnson...
This Looper film was uhm.. yeah.
Why was he chosen to make EP8?
I hope EP8 turns out great too.
That's all well and good but how does that address the prequels being "intellectually ambitious"? What grand ideas were presented in the prequels that so elevate it to a status worthy of lauding over The Force Awakens? The best film in the prequel trilogy presents the central character as a conflicted Jedi one minute who wants Palpatine to stand trial and two scenes later is a child murdering Sith Lord...The fall of Anakin Skywalker - the central theme of the prequels was handled with the depth and sure handedness of a 15 year old writing an fiction. "Moral complexity"? The prequels have the moral complexity of an fucking 80's episode of GI-JOE. Gimme a break.
As a woman, it's reeeeeaallly hard in some ways to enjoy the OT.TFA is undoubtably the best Star Wars movie in terms of gender politics and racial diversity, and is awesome for it.
The fact that Rian is in charge of it combined with this article gives me hope
Star Wars 8 is going to be ‘weird’, promises screenwriter. 'It's not going be like anything that's ever been in Star Wars.'
The pandering and rehashes are over and done with for good hopefully, it's time to get new shit.
Admit it: 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' stinks -- and here's why[/URL]
But yeah im really not that much excited for Rian Johnson...
This Looper film was uhm.. yeah.
Why was he chosen to make EP8?
I hope EP8 turns out great too and has all the humor etc from EP7.
Seems pretty obvious the formula they have for Episode 7, 8 and 9.
7 = Re-establish Star Wars into the mainstream with what made it popular to begin with (done)
8 = Get a writer/director to really switch things up and bring new ideas into what's going to be a dark, middle chapter.
9 = Going off those same, new ideas end with a bombastic, big-budget finish
The sooner people realize that Empire Strikes Back is the only really fully good Star Wars movie out there, the better off they will be.
TFA is the third best and that's just fine with me. Yeah, it's pretty silly at times, and has plenty of issues, but those aren't issues that are foreign to the series, and it happens to have a lot of smart craft behind it as well. It's not even that far removed in quality from A New Hope tbh, and it even does a lot of things better than it. But most importantly of all, it feels like Star Wars. And I think feeling like Star Wars is really the most important part to these movies, because that feeling is what people love about them.
Brothers Bloom is actually probably my least favorite of his three (still love it), but it actually probably is the best to see how he might handle Star Wars. I think some people have only seen Looper and think he may take the humor out of it, but dude can set up a joke.Looper is not the only movie Rian Johnson's ever made. It's the least of his three, in fact. The least of his three is still very ambitious, interesting looking, and contains very good performances within it. Judging him solely off Looper (likely because it's the only one with Bruce Willis in it) isn't the greatest of calls, anymore than it would be to judge Abrams solely off Super 8.
Watch The Brothers Bloom. Especially if you're wondering how Johnson handles adventure/humor/emotion.
Yeah, it's definitely a good formula if it works that way. I'm still honestly worried about the Jurassic World director doing the end cap on the series though....
Is this movie really that safe though? Granted the moment before han's death we saw coming from miles away but I wouldn't put that as a "safe" move.
2. I don't see myself going a third unless my aquarium imax plays it.Curious to know how many times have you guys watched it?
I'm on 3 times now
Did I say they built Skywalker base to stop Luke? No I said they fired it both times in TFA to try and stop Leia from getting to Luke
Everything Snoke did in TFA was about Luke and Luke specifically.
Why do I know this? Because Snoke and Hux said so...twice . Plus it is established from the opening scrawl on.
Going to quote myself from the other thread with some revisions
Like I'm not making this shit up or reaching. It's in the movie. It's literally laid out to you in direct words: it's all about stopping Luke from coming back. Everything they do in TFA is with that in mind.
The Resistance lives and they're going to get to Luke and the First Order lost their super weapon.
Again the movie couldnt make it more clear that their primary goal was stoping the Resistance from finding Luke.