Curious to know how many times have you guys watched it?
I'm on 3 times now
4. Thinking #5 will be DC Smithsonian in 70mm IMAX film.
Curious to know how many times have you guys watched it?
I'm on 3 times now
Yeah same... but I think Jurassic World's issues were more writing than directing. At least Rian is still writing episode 9.
As a woman, it's reeeeeaallly hard in some ways to enjoy the OT.
Seems pretty obvious the formula they have for Episode 7, 8 and 9.
This is what's funny about art. I left the theater thinking it didn't feel like Star Wars at all. The most lacking thing for me was the planets. There was no creativity.
A lot of articles lose me when they tell me to forgive all of the lack of creativity because Star Wars.
I don't think it's all that obvious, myself. It seems like it could be that way because we can't help ourselves (and this new movie doesn't dissuade us) from trying to 1:1 line up what might be coming with things we're already familiar with. Even after the film has shown those predilections to be incorrect predictions (Rey = blank, Finn = blank, Poe = blank, so on and so forth) we still remain convinced this boat can only sail in the one direction.
There can be swerves.
Curious to know how many times have you guys watched it?
I'm on 3 times now
Basically, the prequels were shit, but at least they tried something new. They tried and failed where TFA plays it safe.
Curious to know how many times have you guys watched it?
I'm on 3 times now
In the first week I saw a wall of "loved it" and now I see pages of people debating it's flaws and posting articles that debate it's flaws...People still pulling out the "When the hype is gone" argument. The hype was waiting for 3 years for this movie. The movie is out.
It is just as silly as me telling them that they will love this movie in due time.
Twice. And I never see movies twice in theaters. The second time was actually better as my 30+ years of expectations were spent on the first viewing.
Basically, the prequels were shit, but at least they tried something new. They tried and failed where TFA plays it safe.
Yeah same... but I think Jurassic World's issues were more writing than directing. At least Rian is still writing episode 9.
I agree that Empire is better in terms of editing, definitely, and in some ways directing and writing. Not in every way, because I think TFA has the best lightsaber duel, and when Rey grabs the lightsaber is the best moment in any SW film for me. Set pieces are overall better in Empire, but TFA does have some that beat them, I think. Like the snowy woods setting for the lightsaber duel.I can definitely appreciate and understand that, since to really get into Star Wars you kind of have to empathize with the heroes.
That being said, I think Empire is still the best film in series by a wide margin. Its writing, directing, editing, structure, pacing, dramatic heft, character arcs, set and costume design, soundtrack, setpieces, cinematography (although TFA is really good in this regard as well), just put it way above all the others. TFA is a solid movie, Empire is a great movie.
But if you can't get into the story of Empire because Leia is the only female character and is frequently the butt of sexist comments, that's an entirely valid reason to like TFA more.
In the first week I saw a wall of "loved it" and now I see pages of people debating it's flaws and posting articles that debate it's flaws...
The hype is receding and TFA is a typically flawed production. I still hope people can enjoy the good in it if they are want to do so.
It's a good film. Get over it.
The best thing about the new trilogy is the new age of prequel apologists. We've had a taste for a bit now, but I expect their numbers to really grow in 2016.
Curious to know how many times have you guys watched it?
I'm on 3 times now
The best thing about the new trilogy is the new age of prequel apologists. We've had a taste for a bit now, but I expect their numbers to really grow in 2016.
Curious to know how many times have you guys watched it?
I'm on 3 times now
Are we comparing 3 movies to one?
Lets stick with comparing TFA to TPM when it comes to originality in trilogy intros
The best thing about the new trilogy is the new age of prequel apologists. We've had a taste for a bit now, but I expect their numbers to really grow in 2016.
Come on dude. Look at this. Poe is thirsty for that Chocolate.
Curious to know how many times have you guys watched it?
I'm on 3 times now
I'll listen to well-reasoned arguments as to why those movies are good and/or better than TFA. I just have yet to see any.
It's usually the same people just reposting the same problems they had with it repeatedly though. A lot of people posted their initial reactions in the first threads but many of the same people have carried on posting in these threads.
The hype has receded simply by fact that it's out, we've all seen it, and we've had time to let it set in. Whether or not what remains is a classic film, a merely good film, or a bad film, is up to you.Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm just not sure it's a good way to judge how hype is 'receding'.
All these weird articles trying to tell us to not like the film, wtf?
My metric:
I walked out of TFA with a smile on my face: Win.
I walked out of The Phantom Menace feeling confused and disappointed: Fail.
Thats all that matters to me. The fact I've been getting hyped up for TFA for over a year and it still left me with a a smile on my face? Mega-ultra- WIN.
Curious to know how many times have you guys watched it?
I'm on 3 times now
This article encapsulates my feelings about TFA:
Admit it: 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' stinks -- and here's why
It's fine for people to enjoy this film (it's not a horrible film by any stretch). But for people to ignore its many flaws and shortcomings just because it feels more like an OT film than the prequels is just intellectually dishonest.
"ohhhh dissssssssssss"
Are we in the elementary school playground now? lol
Isn't this Brandonh's avatar?2. I don't see myself going a third unless my aquarium imax plays it.
Curious to know how many times have you guys watched it?
I'm on 3 times now
Isn't this Brandonh's avatar?
How fucking convenient he posted above me. Same but zoomed in.
I feel like Johnson and Trevorrow now have so much elbow room story wise and creatively. JJ got the ball rolling successfully so let's see where it goes. I too hope VIII and on gets more experimental but I do think VII was "right." It's pretty much how I thought things would be when it came to the look and where the Empire/Republic would be at this point.
Also they did an amazing job making these new characters, they're just as fun for me as the original gang and that's kind of a big deal. Like how Finn is a big deal lol.
If he absolutely has to die, it should be to Kylo because, like with Vader, he refuses to kill a family member.
Oh man now you got me all excited for a Finn x Rey bait and switch that leads to some sweet Poe x Finn action.
You see a lot more negativity in these threads because this is where the nitpicking takes place. A lot of people who liked/loved it are either put off by the negativity and don't take part, or just post their initial thoughts and move on because they have nothing further to add (like me).
The Force Priestess(well, there's 5 of them but they all used to be one person according to Filoni) who taught Yoda and Qui-Gon became a force spirit a long time back, so it seems one stays a force spirit forever, leaving room for Anakin, Obi Wan and Yoda to show up again, though whether they will is up to LucasFilm.
The vast majority of Jedi's don't become Force Spirits, Qui-Qon was the first Jedi to somewhat achieve it as far as we're aware. The trials one has to face are too much for your average Jedi to pass, even Yoda struggled.
I dunno, it's not like the OT really had crazy alien landscapes. You had desert planets, snowy planets, forest planets, swamp planets, etc. Only the prequels really got a little weirder with it.
Empire was the only OG one to really get more out there with Cloud City and the asteroid. TFA feels pretty in-line with the OG movies aesthetically, which is definitely why the played it like they did.
Reminds me of the people complaining about Mad Max: Fury Road because it "didn't have a story" or "was pointless" or "had no plot or meaning behind it"
just facepalms all around
How did Anakin become a force ghost then if there are trials involved?
Black AND gay.
You dont want disney to break every genre convention do you?
Yeah but Fury Road didn't have any of that.